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Everything posted by Tiraldric

  1. I'd rather have reasonable queue times then let you get to know the 15 people on your server that pvp.
  2. Game over. You lose. Thar be a Yoda, in-game, and playable. Not a mod. So apparently Lucas will do anything for enough money (because we didn't know that already...)
  3. Think I will go with one of the 570/580's rather then two 480's actually. Should've mentioned I'm keeping my Raptors from this rig raided in the new one, so 2X 10,000 rpm's. Sticking with the PSU I picked purely for the fact that it's modular. After doing some more research I probably wont bother with SLI. Thanks for the heads up. Unlocked processor just means overclocking is an option, correct? No other significant differences?
  4. Never ventured down that road before, how viable is it to set up a rig with two different videocards like that?
  5. Bump. Anyone have any experience with the SandyBridge processors and SWTOR? Heard some bad, some good.
  6. Hey guys, Putting together a new rig to play SWTOR, and do some of the various other things I tend to do on this... Workstation/Gamerig kinda deal. Do quite a bit of 3D rendering, animation, ect. Any suggestions would be great, looking to stick to a budget of around $1500 CAD. Here's what I've got currently. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqZTt-56Y8XRdC1yWTEzWjk2MHU0SExQOEhwdy1rMGc Or click the spoiler.
  7. Drew was the only good writer they had... bummer. The other ones mess up their own books so badly that BW has to apologize and watch fans burn the books.
  8. 1 - Possible, expensive and time consuming. Sometimes you can't salvage certain things without extremely extensive rewrites. 2 - Impossible. Not cost effective, would require a boatload more development time. The assets would all be done, but everything from textures/materials, cubemaps, placement of the assets, lighting, scripting, particle effects... would all need to be redone.
  9. Hero engine is heavy, and the renderer is crap - but it's easy as can be to program in. Unreal Kismet and UScript are easy as hell too. You might claim that other people don't have a valid opinion about it, but that's sheer ignorance. I work in UDK all day at work, and am working on a side project in H.E. and it's a nice change of pace. It's not as polished as UDK, but it certainly has it's advantages.
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