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  1. Yesterday evening while i was in a Hutta Ball pvp game i discovered a glitch and a possible exploit by chance. I'm not going to describe what i did in great detail openly so people cant easily replicate this, but it involves the 'jump pads' in the center of the map and using certain class skills while in the air. By using the jump pad and a specific skill you can fall through some of the terrain and get stuck inside it, once you are inside it you are stuck unless you manage to die or use the stuck command. People cannot really target you, they can see you popping out of the terrain if you are trying to get out. I say they cannot really target you because it seems that they can, but skills wont work on you since you aren't technically 'in sight' being inside the terrain. However you can target other people and if you are a ranged class you can blast away at them happily until they move out of range. Overall the glitch does restrict your ability to move very far, but it is definitely unfair. Is the forum the best place to report a glitch or exploit? Or should i make a support ticket in game and report it that way?
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