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Posts posted by Neltharek

  1. my lvl 50 helmet is da bees knees. It looks totally retarded I lvoe it so much. basically it's a full flat covered frontal mask with no mouthpiece. The eyeslot is a black bar across the eyes, and there's this wonky point top with feathers in the back.


    Looks too funny. helmets are sort of up and down as you gain levels. I kept my quest line mask till I got this new one because I liked the look and sound of my voice in it.

  2. I pretty much snored through most of the games quests with little difficulty at all. Never died once on a class quest in fact I found them incredibly easy overall.


    For my teens and 20s I went Deception spec and used Khem cause you're stuck with him till you get Andronikus. He'd die a lot but keeping myself in the level range of elites didn't make it too stressful. Mobs would die shortly after taking down Khem. Something to remember is that you have a CC to make your life easier. Take khems AOE off for the initial pull or leave him on passive until the mobs get near you then have him attack. He's got an AOE taunt so aggro to you won't be a problem.


    When I got to tatoine and rushed my class quest for Andro I immediately swapped to darkness spec and started gearing for tank. Dark Charge makes you incredibly durable and with Andro properly geared, he murders mobs. You can still CC harder packs and leave his AOE off so he doens't break the CCs. As I climbed to the high 30s I started using Ashara instead of Andro because she had slightly better AOE and was better geared at that point. I kind of regret it since Andro is a better dps and doesn't die to sorceror elites who aoe like mad.


    Once you hit Hoth the game becomes ezmode for a tank specced Sin. You get Talos and you literally NEVER DIE. Yes mobs take slightly longer since you're the only one doing damage, but you no longer to CC and your AOE grinds mobs down. The hardest packs to fight are literally 2x Strong with 1 or 2 weak enemies with them. For some reason strongs hit harder than elites making me need to pop the occasional cooldown.


    Zash was literally harder than Thanaton (what a joke boss) due to the fact I had to use an under geared Khem to face her... and she was still easy. you just interrupt her heals and step out of her AOE.


    To beat Thanaton, the trick is to know what to interrupt and what not to. His list of spells is exactly what you'd expect from a sorc:


    1) Force lightning (just take it)

    2) Creeping death (it's a ground targeted AOE that applies a stacking dot. don't stand in the bloody thing)

    3) Death field (targeted ground AOE again. wait to 75% charge bar and then run to a different spot. it'll miss completely)

    4) Thundering strikes (single target damage at any range. hits hard, but manageable with talos

    5) revivication (must be interrupted at all times as it's a bloody heal.



    The reason storyline bosses are soo easy is because you can use all your CCs on them. Spike, electrocute, and jolt can be decently cycled to stop the really dangerous skills from connecting with you.




    My only experience with Xalek is as double tank and sadly Talos just outperforms him when you're also tank specced. I'd assume in a madness AOE or a deception single target you'd brutalize mobs so quickly that it wouldn't matter if he died. You will however have to CC occasionally if you're DPS. that's just the way it is.


    I run






    and yes I had the reusable fort stim and reusable medpacks that were level apropriate giving me an additional 90 sec CD oh**** button to press. If you've got any questions feel free to respond here and I'll answer what I can.

  3. Level 31 deception assassin here with Andronikus as my companion


    Having little issues with questing so far. Aside from having to micromanage my pulls slightly it's been a blast. For elites I tend to let Andronikus dps the boss and take aggro till he's at around half health while minimising my threat, then just taunt the mob and burst it to hell and back. No real trouble so far.


    I tend to seethe every 3 pulls, or 2 if there's a particularly strong pack to deal with. May swap into darkness soon as I plan on tanking at 50 anyway.

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