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Posts posted by Neltharek

  1. With the current changes on the PTR you clearly have decided that gutting an entire spec to cater to baddies in pvp is your way to go so here's to you and the awesome game you've made and are managing to run into the ground like the last game to carry the star wars name


    Subs cancelled till 1.2.


    No you can't have my stuff


    Guess I'll actually have a look at GW2 after all. Originally had no interest at all.

  2. with supercharge gas, we could easily spam heals for 13 seconds without a significant increase in heat. Since it only takes 15 seconds to get ready to use supercharge again, that was a lot of healing, apparently more than intended. Combine the effects of kolto missile during supercharge gas (+10% healing done, +5 healing received for 15 seconds, +10% damage absorption for 15 seconds, hits three targets), our own heavy armor, kolto shell, our energy shield specced to cause us to be un-inturrutptable, and we could tank 4 players in PVP for over 15 seconds. I would do it regularly on Alderan, tying up 2-3 people on a node solo while my team caps a point. In void star, if someone guarded you, you pretty much will not die due to the above.


    We are currently rather overpowered. I group with an inquis who is squishy as a cooked bean. Sure, they can do a lot of healing, but 1 class can lock them down and destroy an inquis within a short period of time. 1 guy beating on a merc healer, unless it is a maurader we don't care.


    PVE is different though. We could solo heal hardmode OP's and even some nightmare encounters, but every healing class might be able to if the OP does stuff right- i dont know that for sure.



    So the real question here is why in gods name would you give a class with this much burst healing the ability to be un-interruptable. Maybe reducing the time SCG is active and removing energy shields immunity to interrupts would have been a better fix since you'd still be susceptible to being shut out from healing.


    But hey it's easier to murder a spec for PVE claiming PVP balance right?

  3. Consider yourselves lucky. At least you'll get to see drawn out battles. With how completely gutted mercs are well be lucky to last the first minute before we're either heat capped for the rest of the fight, or our tank is already dead.
  4. Are there any specifics as to "how" reliance on the tracer missile will be reduced? Is the tm being removed? The number of stacks required reduced?


    10% damage reduction. that's how it's being handled. Ohh and power shot is being nerfed to equal lvls so guess what... tracer spam is still going to be there as there's nothing else to work into the rotation unless you like to rapid shots.

  5. You want to know how you balance kolto missile if it's aoe healing is too strong? you increase it's cooldown to make it more on par with sorcs aoe. You don't massacre everything about it then say you're getting +1 person so you should be happy.


    Both my ops and Sorcs in my guild feel that Kolto is a little weak if you look at just the healing numbers. It's only redeeming quality was that it had a short cooldown, and made everyones heals better.


    Kolto residue doesn't make merc heals any more op than any other healer because it buffs ALL HEALING not just the mercs. The fact it has soo many abilities tied to it tells you that murdering the skill is a bad idea. Just take a look at how important kolto missile is in our rotation, despite being a worse overall heal numbers wise.


    1) 3 person heal for a low amount. With massive crit it's semi respectful

    2) applies kolto residue increasing all healing by 5% (everyone heals the target better)

    3) with SCG active, applies a 10% damage reduction to each target hit

    4) the cost and cooldown are respectful considering it's a key part of our rotation.



    So if you start going overboard with the nerfs to such a key skill, you screw everything about the class that makes us useful in a group. I'm not even counting the fact Bioware has decided crit has got to go meaning we're even more sub par healers.


    I get that Bioware feels that merc healers in PvP are op (they really aren't if you focus them) but completely crushing any chance of being viable PVE healers is just bad balance design.

  6. Want to nerf TM spam? revert the changes to power shot so we can either choose to build up procs via tacer lock, or simply fire off a TM once in a while to keep heat signature at 5 stacks while spamming power shot. after 5 tracer missiles we'd still be using a rail shot. We'd simply be using power shot more for the sustained DPS rather than spamming TM nonstop.


    Does this solve the spam requirement of arsenal as a spec? no. Does it make us more than tracer spammers? yes since we would use power shot much more in the rotation than TM.

  7. but you're doing it wrong if people are viewing you as the worst healers in your ops team. The only thing we don't have is great AoE healing on par with a sorc. Why are you moaning about lack of an in-combat rez anyway, there are two other classes that can do it. Sure it'd be nice, but it's not essential for ops as you should have a decent enough group comp that you have a varied set of healers anyway?



    If you're running an 8 man with 1 merc and one other healer guess what happens if that second healer goes down. You have no battle rex for the rest of the fight. If you're running 16 man it wasn't an issue as you were bringing 2 sorcs, 1 merc, and 1 op most likely but guess what... in 1.2 you mine as well either run 3 sorcs 1 op, or 2 sorcs 2 ops as the benefits of having a bodyguard(better raid healing through residue, damage reduction via supercharge missile) are now much much worse.


    You are also less efficient for high damage phases since supercharge took a hit meaning you aren't even the go-to healer on fights like foreman crusher where fast continuous heals were needed.


    Bodyguards are going to be complete trash now compared to sorcs (no change here right) and were slightly worse than ops (rather than being better) though I'm still not sold on this fact. Yes the 31pt talent is better for them, I still think they are sub par for anything other than topping off a raid.



    At least give us the bloody battle rez to remove that issue. I'm fedup of gimping my raid if anything goes wrong and our second healer goes down.

  8. What I find even more amusing is when they say they changed Arsenal to be less tracer missile spam heavy... then go and nerf power shot as well essentially keeping our rotation exactly the same. So we do less damage with tracer missile, AND less damage with power shot as well. Yea I'm really going to stop using the skill that buffs in favor of doing the exact same damage, and not gaining those buffs.


    Bioware are sniffing glue and it blatantly obvious. I feel bad for every non sorc healer. My bodyguard set is staying in storage till BW gets their heads out of their asses and actually balance the classes properly.

  9. How did they buff SCG? It now vents 8 heat (was 16) and buffs healing/dmg by 5% (was 10%) and the shield is now 5% (was 10%). Nerf all around.


    I was being sarcastic. Should have made it more obvious I suppose. :(



    And to the poster above me. The problem isn't that they buffed kolto missile by adding an extra target (sorcs are still 8 by the way, and ops could always heal 4 targets, and their heal got a buff in this patch) it's that the amount of people we were buffed to is still laughable, especially in the face of them nerfing everything that made kolto missile good.


    They didn't buff kolto missile. they nerfed it and tried to satisfy us by saying: well now it's 4 people so be happy.


    It's now the LEAST effective aoe heal, provides an utterly horrid healing buff (5% was barely noticeable, 3% is insulting) and to top it off they made the damage redux when we pop supercharge worse. We got our teeth kicked in horribly, and Bioware are claiming that they buffed us.

  10. Mercs got completely trolled in 1.2 with these joke patch notes. They've made us universally worse across the board as the only benefit of the class was that our heals were very heat efficient, even though heat was never the issue.


    We're still crap at aoe healing and infact we're even worse off since our kolto residue is now WORSE, meaning we can't even help out other classes in the aoe department such as ops (who actually got buffed decently, though still not as well as sorcs) There is literally no reason to bring a bodyguard spec to a raid now.


    GG bioware re-rolling sorc heals like you all want us to.



    edit: took out minor troll as it was lack of sarcasm detector

  11. So the so called *balance* changes are up and the joke here?


    kolto missile targets healed incresed to 4 from 3 (yea massive)

    kolto residue healing reduced to 3% from 5%


    So lemme get this straight. Your idea for balancing classes to bring us more in line with aoe healing vs sorce (nerfed to 8 targets on aoe yea troll more) is to make our only AOE barely better (5 or 6 targets would have been realistic) and make the only strong part of our abysmal aoe worse.


    You also buffed supercharged gas which IMO did not need to be touched at all as it was already very strong. Way to screw the pooch bioware. Sorcs remain the most op aoe healers by far and away making them STILL the only worthwhile raid healer to bring to a raid. When you said you were planning to bring the healing classes more in line with each other, you mine as well have just said we're actually trolling every non-sorc so suck it.


    I was really eager to re-roll to bodyguard when I heard that changes were going in. Guess I'll be staying arsenal and letting my guild sorcs continue to trudge along ezmode healing everything.

  12. She's by far the most frustrating companion in the game. To make matters worse she's the only romanceable option for male inquisitors and is an utter PITA to romance if you're going the darkness route.


    Inquis as a whole felt like it was just thrown together story wise. Add to the fact Ashara has the least interesting story quest line on top of being worse than Andronikus in every way and I seriously wish I had rolled my inquis as a female.

  13. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#200Mc0MZhZfMcRrbkrfz.1


    Highly dependent on procs but the sheer damage you can put out is very impressive. Changed out of deception for PVE and am loving every second of it. The spec will get even better when bioware allows us to use mods to keep track of timers and buffs properly. This spec does allow for a little bit of enjoyment when you can't be inside melee range all the time as you can still apply several attacks at range instead of simply doing no DPS when you're chasing the boss around.


    Highly damaging build designed for raid bosses. Pretty bad on anything with less than 50k hp so don't expect to wreck trash packs


    A few notes:


    1) The spec is very proc dependant and because of this is hard to utilize in a raid situation where you can't focus on your bars to track procs. Also very bad RNG can seriously hurt the numbers since you need raze and duplicity to proc a lot to keep your force and damage up.


    2) You desperately need your 2 piece or you simply force starve yourself.


    3) While I run chain shock for a little added dps do note that shock is actually terrible in this spec outside of keeping your unearthed knowledge buff active. Ideally either just epc out of chain shock entirely or realize you're only going to be hitting shock roughly every 18 seconds.


    4) high ramp up time due to having to apply 3 dots and a shock buff so your initial burst is non existant... ideal for bosses since you don't want to burst and pull off your tank anyway.

  14. After playing my deception assassin for a while and getting Khem Val then starting a juggy and getting Vette; all I have to say is that I want to kiss the person who decided to put her in game.


    Her attitude is hilarious.

    DPS is crazy.

    And she out tanks Khem no sweat.


    I ended up making my SW go LS just to keep Vette happy :)



    bolded and enlarged the important part. Vette has to be the most comical companion you get as far as her reactions to what you are doing. True she may not like outright massacre but considering I play a SW who is mildly fanatical and likes to stick it to authority, we get together wonderfully.


    The mild hits to affection I take with her are nothing to the gains for less sadistic dialogue choices. I don't go all *rawr sith smash* all options but still have plenty of darkside going.

  15. Tier gear covers you completely and unless you're deliberately trying to make your character look like cantina dancer there are tons of moddable and epic options to cover your character up.


    Look around at the commendations vendors and stop complaining. I like my female sorc casting spells in a bikini with a lower robe. What use does armor serve me anyway when a blaster bolt and lightsaber cut right through the toughest armor anyway?

  16. Yeah, I mean why even do the battle at all? You'll win everytime and the story is a waste, so lets just sell the HM gear for creds and you never even have to look for a group. :rolleyes:


    I understand that the being "required" to spacebar the story is a challenge, but nobody is forcing you to get the gear or do the FP. Rotate out your flashpoints if you are getting tired of it.


    So your solution to getting fedup of dialogue in a flashpoint you've run over and over is to do a different flashpoint you've run over and over? And you had the gall to :rolleyes: at the op?



    You're either a troll or in serious need of medication for your condition.


    The point of the OP is that you've seen the story once. You don't need to see it 50 more times when the goal is to gear up. An option to skip all non essential dialogue and allow you to complete the actual instance would be nice.


    It's enough I'm grinding the same mobs over and over. Grinding my spacebar down is just bad for my gaming equipment :p

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