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Everything posted by Mendur

  1. how do you want to keep them on distance when they have snare root they ether jump to you or throw you to them?? We are just ****ed what ever we do thats what we are build for...
  2. Troopers are only there to fill the grp with with food for the imps we dont have any avange against melees at all they do more dmg then us and have it all on instant they can interrupt and keep us cc'ed to the death. If they dont fix it soon you will only see melee classes out there like on our server we nealy only fight against melees now...
  3. Mendur

    Ranged VS Melee

    Another post i guess. I do play a Commando i have like 3 realy CC and a snare that goes off becource i'm Assault spec. My stun is 4 sec i can get 2 cast spells of in that time and it is not realy a high dmg out put. I have a knockback for all but what can i use it for then to get them alittle away from me when i have to stand still to do "high" dmg. The next thing is Melee dmg seems to be alot higher then ranged dmg they also have some CC that can keep you at them like they can grab you jump to you or just root ya. The next thing is their dmg is instant dmg so why can a dmg be higher when it does not have any cast timer at all. My option is remove the cast class from the game they are useless as long the melee class do more dmg and have better cc.
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