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  1. "You have 24 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code." I tried to stick it out BioWare. I have a L20 legacy on one server, a L14 legacy on another server. I have lots of 50's, a bunch of 30's and 40's. I have done all of the operations, I have PvP'ed till my eyes bleed and I loved every minute of it. I am quitting because of the same reason I know a lot of people are quitting. No community. An MMO without the Massive Online part isn't an MMO. Spewing LFG on Fleet at 7pm at night when there are 40 others on fleet gets you know where in flashpoints. Queuing for PvP at the same time and waiting 20 min between matches is unsatisfying. You can only do dailies to rack up credits to buy nothing on a dead GTN to craft items that will be bought by a non-existent population is not fun. You can't even hold a damn conversation on fleet because NO ONE IS THERE. What is the point of a non-populated MMO? I have jumped servers and re-rolled three times. Let me state that again. I have STARTED OVER on a "high pop server" THREE. TIMES. I'm done with it. Every server I have moved too slowly dies. I thought it was me for a while but then realized EVERY server EVERY night is LIGHT population save a VERY few servers that show as standard. I'm sorry BioWare, I loved the game, I truly did. I want to play the game, I really do. But standing in fleet, bored off my mind is not playing a game. At least in WoW I have cross realm PvP, LFG and now apparently even LFRaids (I quit just before that was implemented). Even if I get bored, there are still more people in trade chat to banter with and talk too than the whole 40 people at peak time on SW. Your game is being killed because of your lack of population and the worst part about it, is that its was a small hole in the dike 2 months ago that has become a huge crack that is leaking like mad. The whole snowball effect. As more people get bored because of no population on the servers, more people quit and the cycle continues. The only people you will have left are the die hard Star Wars fans. This I'm sure is like the 1000000's thread about this topic and I'm sure some flaming will ensue and it might even get locked but I guess this is my way of venting some steam and letting at least one community manager or one Dev know why I pushed that cancellation button. Good luck with this game BioWare. I am saying that sincearly as I would have loved to have stuck around but I just can't justify the $15/mo for the game anymore. Good luck players who will stick it out until either the game population is fixed somehow or EA shuts funding down for the game and it goes black. I will be checking in on the game to see if it gets better. I do want to give you my money to play this fun game, but again, its not fun when you feel like you're playing by yourself. Pat Mc-
  2. YEA!! Stop usin them thar fancypants ways of sendin' the communication. That birdy thing and the facebooks be just as bad as them thar damn cellular telephones they keep tryin' ta sell me. My telegraph is still workin just as good as the day I installed it back in nineteen-ot-nine! *grabs cane and shakes it in the general direction of Texas*
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