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Posts posted by Akam

  1. I applied to Provectus way before NAM G1 was legit and my applying to Provectus was before Kal left you for HY? However at the end of the day you were rather flattering when you took the time to move your crew for a boss no one cares about besides you :-)


    Maybe Beau should poll all the other guilds you applied to and got rejected



    All of them


  2. As co-founder of <Not Another Meme>, I can say that no one in this guild cares about world first and/or server first. This guild cares about having fun and they do so while clearing Nightmare content, which includes completing the time runs. This guild was founded this year and some of the people in this guild have never seen Nightmare content until they started doing it. Some of them have never been around pre-5.0. To "poke fun" at them because they didn't clear NiM content [as a group/guild] when it was first introduced to the game is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard of. They clear it now and who really cares about it? I am happy to see these guys enjoy playing the game, whether it be clearing PvE content, PvP or just socializing with each other, they are having fun. If people in <Provectus> are having fun by coming to Shadowlands to claim server first on a second boss of a HM, that's great. I personally don't care how others enjoy playing this game. Just to let you all know, I am the world first and server first Nightmare mode Stronghold Decorator. You can view one of my SHs in my amazing album I made or you can come view it on Shadowlands in person:




    Yo I just checked. Strongholds don't have a NiM difficulty xD I didn't bother reading the rest of the post...not worth it

  3. I don't remember NAM ever trolling Provectus. I'm pretty sure 70% of NAM doesn't even know you guys, and those that do don't give a damn about you. We all know Kytera was the target and it was done to troll her and no one else. Or else you wouldn't have created a guild with Akam clones only, because honestly no one except Kytera cared for Akam lol.




    Of course no one gives a damn about hard mode bosses but you still decided to transfer to SL to race NAM to server first because it's so funny to troll us :D But as Kytera already offered, you guys should come race us for NiM server first, and without PTS practice this time. I know you need it to keep the edge over the others but let's make it fair this time. ;)


    who are you? honestly though...it wasn't even a race

  4. I'm just pointing out how amazing AKAM must be when they haven't killed brontes nim this tier, and will hold on to their relic of the past when they killed it on tier, but feel it's memeworthy that they killed a boss before another guild that had no prior practice on the boss friend :)


    I think you're confusing testing with practice. We didn't practice anything friend =)

  5. Was referring to the server first (It's Lit got it I believe), for that matter you can only compete on NA server, maybe if you let the Europeans play your accounts you could "claim" a world first on something that matters.


    Since you brought it up...maybe the euros should play your accounts. It's the only way NAM is ever gunna set records xD

  6. Eh, main attraction of this game was always the heavy story focus..


    I'm assuming you mean't to say "For me...the main attraction was the heavy story focus". Otherwise, I would not say the "main attraction" was the heavy story focus. Especially considering Jeff just got done saying they're redirecting focus on story...


    And this is a good deal, even if it doesnt appeal to your particular tastes.


    Not saying it's not a good deal. But this game launched as an MMO. Subscribers have been paying for an MMO for years now. It's a hard pill to swallow to find out after 4+ years it was all just to fund a single player RPG.


    I heard FF14 has really good gameplay in terms of the "MMO" experience, why not give that a try


    At my core, I'm a progression raider and while FFXIV has good graphics, the raids did not look entirely interesting. Maybe Heavensward will change my mind on that. Thanks for the suggestion!


    And if nothing else there is always WoW.. Despite the people playing it claiming that its been dying for the past decade.


    I played WoW from Vanilla-MOP and briefly checked out WoD. For me, WoW died shortly after the release of LFR.


    Not saying "go away!", just that nobody is forcing you to pay for something you dont want, and there might be better options out there that caters more to what you want. :p

    I mean, this game does have a f2p model so if you dont wanna pay untill there is content you wanna play, you're totally free to not do that.


    Don't get me wrong. I was sufficiently hyped about the story and the trailer was probably the best I've ever seen. I fully intend to check out the story, which honestly shouldn't take more than a week or two. But beyond that, I don't see the subscription cost worth it to keep me in the game for longer than a month. That's where Flashpoints, Raids, Warzones and Arenas are supposed to come in =)

  7. As opposed to the 60 for a weeks worth of content you normally pay for a single player RPG?

    Seems alright to me.


    As a sidenote, what is up with THE EMPIRE never getting to be the aggressor anymore? Whole society, culture, and overall purpose of THE EMPIRE is to be conquerors.

    Not saying it should win, but this backpeddling passive damage control behavior kinda takes away the whole point of being Sith.

    Its like if Mordor kept being invaded by a third power and Sauron and the orcs got too busy fighting for survival that he didnt have any time to be Sauron anymore...


    But then, the expansion IS called Knights of the Fallen Empire.


    I play MMOs so I don't have to go out every week and spend $60 on a new RPG

  8. I still see reasonable queue times for HM lvl 60 FPs on my server. The FPs are useful for people who have bad luck with loot drops in operations or people who lack the time to complete an op. The purple 192 loot drops in FPs actually give optimized enhancements for DPS/healers (better than 198 comm gear).


    Like I said. New players will benefit from the HM flashpoints up to a certain point. Once they've outgrown the HM flashpoints, there is no reason to queue other than possibly looting the walker mount for personal use or to sell. Same thing for top tier players. I personally don't queue for HM Flashpoints as comm gear is inferior and I could grab 198 token gear much easier through a guild run

  9. If anything, there needs to be a tier below storymode. Call it, tactical operations or whatever. This would be the tier where no matter what you do, you're going to win. Would that be acceptable, OP? Contrary to popular belief, there are guilds out there who enjoy the story mode difficulty and it's progression for them. By nerfing story mode, you are indeed taking something away from those players...
  10. Furthermore, not that the boss needs a nerf, but you definitely sound more intelligent and worth looking into if you provide actionable feedback on why the boss needs nerfed. For example;


    SM Underlurker 8-man


    • Boss has too much HP
    • Adds have too much HP
    • Boss does too much damage
    • Adds do too much damage
    • Not enough time to position in cross
    • Cross does too much damage
    • "Role Icons" are not exactly clear / hard to see
    • Collapse channel is too short
    • Rocks are too spread out / too close together


    Just a few possibilities one might consider about boss tuning in general as opposed to saying "nerf boss. too stronk"

  11. The funny thing is I don't think this thread was ever meant to serve as a world progression thread. I could very well be wrong here, but I believe Milas intention was to give Bioware and the progression scene a way of knowing if the increase in HM difficulty was benefiting the game. I believe Bioware has their own metrics to track this sort of progression but I digress.


    That being said, clearly the new kills being posted are confused with what this thread was meant to accomplish. This is not a thread to self promote, seek acceptance or recognition. Furthermore, even if it were, the progression race was over the instant HM Revan was nerfed + 204 MH. Not saying the new kills are invalid or unworthy as it's still a hard fight, but it's definitely not on the level it once was. I like to think of it as Nightmare DF/DP with Nightmare Power. It's still a hard fight for some guilds, but it's definitely not the same achievement as killing it with the buff. Saying things like "bring the player, not the class" after 6 months + nerf + 204 is just dumb and you have no right to say that here and now. I understand the need to defend your guild in some misguided attempt, but you really do not have a leg to stand on and probably should refrain from doing so in the future.

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