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Everything posted by scrynen

  1. They stopped doing that on WoW a long time ago because it's dumb.
  2. This post is such fail. We should be spoilt to wow's features. This is 2011 not 2003.
  3. In WoW, it's that most of the horde races just look better/more interesting than the alliance. In this game it's because the sith/empire just seem to have more depth than the jedi/republic. This game is about story right?
  4. This is why anyone with half a brain didn't care about queues at the start.
  5. scrynen

    lvl 50 pvp gear

    Beats me, it is kind of a weird system.
  6. Yeah those are gonna need improvements. For outlaws den to be epic its gonna need a big reward. And I don't know what they're thinking with Ilum. You can trade in 30 of the marks you get from warfronts for 10 mercenary commendations. I already have a purple badge bag and I haven't even done any world pvp other than the 3 battles I had while leveling.
  7. Make the armoring chest only if it's from a pvp chest, same for the rest, not that hard.
  8. Dude, come on. I could sympathize with you complaining that there's not many solo things to do at 50, but at this point this is just dumb. And I'm all for powerleveling too, I don't care how you play. But how can you complain about a level 50 pvp zone being empty when there are barely any lvl 50's and act like it's a problem with the game.
  9. Yeah, people who think that Bioware wouldn't put in a combat log just because parsers would be made from it are crazy.
  10. I've rarely ever had some cocky guy linking damage meters. And even so, who cares? You really want to deny a useful tool just because some people might annoy you with it.
  11. As an operative concealment spec I can say that gunslingers are way harder to kill than mercs.
  12. That's really dumb, I have no idea why they locked it, makes no sense. I've been having so much fun with moddable gear, especially the medium armor meant for sith warrior
  13. Is there pvp armoring?. Doesn't armoring just have the stats cunning and endurance on it? Or any base stat + endurance?
  14. Healing whenever an enemy player hits you is 30% less effective
  15. Huttball favors ranged immensely. So much fun to have a ranged start attacking me three stories above me. Oh and I'm an operative so I can't charge to them
  16. I'm lvl 40, I can literally almost kill all lvl 10-15 in under 10 seconds because they have no defensive skills to get me off of them.
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