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Posts posted by QiBao

  1. Guide UPDATE:


    It has come to my attention thanks to VenusFallen on Dulfy that StarParse has a function that lets you do a Ops Frame overlay to help track HoTs. I tested this myself and it works great! I really suggest all Operative Healers to use this in PvP. It will let you know how many HoTs are stacked on each target in your frame as well as a timer when they are about to drop.


    StarParse Website: http://ixparse.com/


    My Ops Frame when overlayed: http://imgur.com/zVMjg7w





    This might be the greatest QOL change for operative healers ever. When the game launched, I was torn between PT (tank) and Op (healer). I went with the PT because 1) UI for healers was garbage, and 2) no gap closer. Still pretty sad that Bioware cannot give better/more UI options, and maybe even things like mouseover (ie don't have to click raid frame) ability, but yee-haw for a HOT tracker.

  2. The arguments against mouse over healing are stupid. I suppose these same players are okay with key binds? Because you can make the same (dumb) arguments about key binds. Mouse over healing is a quality of life improvement, like key binds. It does not reduce the choices a player makes.


    Of course, the company behind a $200 million MMO with such terrible UI options cannot be expected to rectify this. 4 debuffs? No way to stand out/differentiate any? The difficulty of healing should be the choices the player makes. Right now, it feels like the UI is the hardest fight.


    FYI - this game launched without a target of target option! That's, just, mind-boggling.

  3. to actually earn the armour peice and it not being a hand out essentially to those that already had full bm gear pre 1.2, the only problem i have with war hero gear is the cost of it and lengh of time it takes. ie chest peice 1.5k odd warzone comms for the bm peice plus 3.2k rank warzone comms and the bm chest thats nearly if not over 10k warzones commendations just for the chest peice alone when ranked comms are converted and a price of 30 warzone commenations for 10 ranked. but thats a different subject. this aint bout gear its about the use of guard in warzones


    You were free to get your BM gear as any set; you did not have to have the champion piece to purchase it. So you could go from tank to dps set, or dps to heal, or dps to other dps, etc... If I've gotten a piece of BM and want to use a different war hero set (different role/spec), I have to start completely over. No such restrictions are in place for PVE gear or any other level of PVP gear.

  4. Also... the requirement to have "Battlemaster Force-Mystic Vestments" to buy "War Hero Force-Mystics Vestments" is dumb. If you want to change specs it will take forever to regear. Why not make the requirement be "Battlemaster Headgear" to buy "War Hero Headgear" .


    This. Why do I have to build a specific set to get the war hero set?

  5. I think my biggest problem with Powertechs and Vanguards is Rail shot being 30M



    Consider this if you claim I'm QQing.


    Sage can cast TKT and Project from 30M.


    Shadow can cast them from 10M or use Force Potency to get TKT to 30M.


    Commando can cast HiB from 30M


    Vanguard can cast HiB freely from 30M including buffing it to obscene proportions on supposed Tank/MDPS 10M range class.



    Also I don't know a lot about the Powertech or Vanguard but if Pyro or Assault is supposed to be the DoT Spec?!?!?!


    What DoTs does this class have lol? Seems the build is centered around 30M ranged Rail Shot.


    Yet they also have a Pull AND Storm?


    I personally feel if any class needed a slight tone down with the new Expertise system it's this one.


    Spec has one dot (costs 25 heat, which is a lot) and 100% chance to proc the cylinder from a 10m ability. That plus RS resets the cylinder dot. RS requires dot or incapacitate first.


    Pyro does not have Storm/Jet Charge. That's 21 points into the tank tree. The pull is on a 45 seconds CD (2nd tier in middle tree to lower by 10 seconds).

  6. So, I'm a sucker for playing around with the target dummies.


    Good stuff. Does the taunt spam thing still work to jump your own threat? I haven't seen any patch notes fixing it. If that's still viable, this build may be good for some situations. Otherwise my DPSers will easily pull. I have a hard enough time with threat as it is.

  7. I like this discussion, and the spec is certainly interesting. I won't use it because I have to have jet charge (yes, it's a core tanking talent and tankassins have their sprint instead).


    However, i don't see the point of most of these anecdotes. Anecdotes for things like this are about how it feels, how you managed heat, etc... Saying that you took less damage (or more) is purely speculation.

  8. annnnnd this statements just undermined everything you have ever said or will ever say in the future. It shows you are short sighted, ignorant, your feedback is based on emotions rather than logic conclusion.






    Everything you have ever said or will every say in the future? I love forums.


    Logical conclusion.

  9. I literally kill people in less than 2 seconds. Not fresh 85's but tanks, healers, and other dps in full bm sets.


    Open with incendiary missile thermal det railshot rocket punch railshot.






    follwup railshot 1.7k-3k



    Assuming the first 2 are crits


    Even if none crit it's still doing about 7k dmg.


    I don't think you know what literally means.

  10. Found this build more usefull for me, good tank & decent DPS (for a tank spec of course) and really nice rail shot crits http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GMGrdoroGRZMsZb.1


    You skip 2% damage mitigation, which is a terrible choice. Prototype Cylinders sucks for Ion. RS is only going to be around 15% or so of your damage, so 2 points for 15*0.06 = 0.9% increased damage. I'd say 2% mitigation in a pve tank spec is very valuable.


    I'd use something like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301G0GrdoroGRZMcdZb.1


    The point in Steely Resolve, Hot Iron can easily be moved for more PVP type talents or for flavor without a huge loss.

  11. I would go with a variation of IronFist from Taurgrim or something kinda like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#301GoGbkRroGRZMcoMZb.1


    You'll want shield vents. Some of those points are personal choice. I would recommend the Supercommando PVP gear with dps mods/enhancements. The 4 piece is 5% damage buff when guarding someone, and the reduced CD on Heat Blast is nice for the 31 pt ST builds. But for IronFist I believe he recommends Combat Tech iirc.

  12. We know, but what mainly irks us is that you can't even use it indoors...


    This. ***? If I don't get a refund from CS I'm just done. Can't take this crap much more. There is no indication, none whatsoever, that this is considered a vehicle. Hell, the tooltip does not even indicate that it cannot be used in combat or pvp (although I feel that is obvious, others might not).


    Rocket Boost


    "Unlocks use of personal rocket boosters on all characters. The rocket boosts provide a brief, intense burst of speed for a short duration"


    I bought it because I have the credits and I wanted the boost for areas I cannot use a vehicle. Why would I pay more than 50k credits for a worse vehicle feature? This is utter crap.

  13. Seriously, Hizoka, you make it very tough for anyone to take you seriously at all. Do you have this need to pick fights with everyone no matter what they say? Is it your intention to offend everyone to such a degree, that no one ever will take you seriously?


    I created this thread with the understanding that keeping this type of non-sense out would better help the cause of the Advanced Prototype. Instead you get on here and rip and attack anyone who doesnt' agree 100 percent with you.


    It has nothing to do with being lazy. Currently Pyro can do more with less than AP can. It takes 3 times the amount of work to do what I can do with Pyro. It's not lazy it's intelligent, why run 15 miles to work, when I can drive there in half the time, and use the remainder of the time to do something constructive.


    Seriously, please calm the heck down, and start talking constructively. Your negative attitude does more to hurt the AP cause than help it. Your comments drip of elitism, but you give absolutely no records or accounts of your skills. My guess is you get on here looking to attack people because you are constantly getting ridiculed.


    90 percent of the people on this thread have attempted to stay constructive and study and test the Advanced Prototype tree. Which is what you have been harping on for about 3 months now. So calm down, talk rationally, and take your anger management issues out on someone else.


    I am not sure what else we can do. I have spent hours trying to understand your obsession with a difficult tree simply because I felt like it would do me a world of good to see things from your point of view. Not only did I do it, I went out of my way to apologize to you, and open a thread explaining my experiences, and work on some ground-breaking AP thoughts, talents, and conversations.


    Are you upset because people are listening and discussing but no one is thanking you for your contributions? The reason is because you rip on people who help you, and when that happens no one wants to give credit to a mean spirited person. In fact, I have yet to find one constructive post you have made. You have made many posts that includes name-calling derisive comments about our skills, and absolutely rude and inappropriate behavior. You have refused to acknowledge any thoughts outside of your own as valid, and then claim that others are willfully ignorant for not acknowledging pve in their arguments. You are guilty of the same thing.


    Please for goodness sake, the one time you delved into something constructive it was about Rail Shot, and how often it's used. That was the most instructive and constructive conversation you have ever posted, and it led to the testing of a non-RS build. When you are constructive you can be insightful. Please bring that side back, and stop this anger bashing of others.


    100% agree with this.


    Nice thread, OP, enjoyed reading it. Hopefully the 1.2 AP changes will work out well in pvp.

  14. So much fail in this thread. The six second CD for PPA seems like a knee-jerk response. It's a double hit (damage directly and damage via heat management) and I don't have confidence that BW appreciates it.


    Sucks that PPA requires CGC now. I play Carolina Parakeet now because there is no dual spec and it's very useful for Ops to be able to tank or dps. I know I could probably get away with tanking most stuff in tank gear and dps spec, but frankly this game just needs dual spec already.


    As a tank, CP was a nice compromise. Ops don't require 2 tanks for most fights. In PVP guard and taunt are awesome, but a tank spec only brings guard and a bit more mitigation. Awesome utility, though I suppose.

  15. The sage/sorc class has every utility ability in the game: bubble, stun, insta 8 sec mez, 60 sec mez, knock back, snare, interrupt, force speed, heals, great dmg...... No class compares to that, hence you have imbalance. (and somehow you wonder why the sorc/sage is the most represented class in warzone's? go figure)


    My favorite part of the rant.


    Zomg just read more. If you think Sorcs are OP in any situation that is not Huttball you are a terrible player. My Sorc is level 24, so I'm not defending my own here. They're just not that threatening. Tankasins, Marauders, Merc healers, and good Pyro PTs are beasts, but frankly for such a new game (developers and community) it's more balanced than people give it credit for. Unless you're a dps operative. Poor little guys.


    Resolve is not broken. I've yet to see it have a problem, nor have I ever been stunned AFTER getting a full bar (and the 10 secs after). The roots with full resolve is asinine, and I would like to see resolve changed in a couple subtle ways, but it's working as intended.

  16. This is something I've posted on many times, people didn't seem to be really feeling it though.


    Leave all CC as is, but just have the CC breaker on a 60 sec timer instead of 120 sec.


    The scattered talents classes have to reduce the timer...can reduce it to 55 or 50 seconds or something.


    Far from being overpowering or trivializing CC. It's just a baseline thing you should have available more often. They took the 2 min timer from WoW and put it in a game where you are CC'd more often (which considering how much CC WoW has/had, is pretty amazing as is).


    Not just more often, but easier. It's like everyone's a frost mage. I like this idea. Or the idea that roots cannot be applied to a full resolve player (but not add to the resolve bar in and of itself).

  17. It means people are going to have to be *smart* about CCing and that will reduce the huge CC fest the game currently is now.


    Seriously, CC should be a choice to use at a key moment. The fact that so much CC in this game is ranged, aoe, instant, and/or on a short CD means that you spend most of your time in some kind of CC.


    Either the CC breaker needs to be on a shorter CD or they need to dramatically reduce the mindless CC fest. Resolve is a nice idea but with every class having several easy to execute CCs it's not enough.


    It's not even a balance issue or L2P (I know when to use my breaker), it's about fun. Being CC'd constantly is not fun, and the ability to use your CC breaker once/2mins at a clutch time for 10 secs of immunity does not make up for the other 1:50.

  18. Really, there are only three key issues that I see with Republic right now.. Mortar Strike, Project (more for visual reasons than what people actually believe it does) and Alderaan. Mortar Strike is the biggy as the difference is VERY distinct. Sure you can still move as soon as the bar is done and the third will still fire off, but the fact that it comes a bit late compared to DFA is unacceptable.


    My main is a PT. I got my Trooper up to level 10 and used Mortar Strike and it's laughably delayed. Although the fact that I jump up to use DFA makes it insta-interrupt in PVP, I'd still rather the ability hit when it's supposed to.


    The Project thing... I kinda like it. I get that an instant should be instant, but I've gotten off some serious damage back to back. As a Shadow, a boosted Project with the execute ability (forget the name) and the damage lands almost the same time. But it should be fixed so the classes are mirrors.


    Lol at the conspiracy theories. Seriously, guys, relax. Half the stuff in this thread is made up. I get bugs all the time on all my toons, especially with channeled abilities. Happens to Imps as well.

  19. tank HM FPs is too easy,

    i can tank with pyro spec,

    but in endgame raid we wont allow hybrid spec PT in our guild.


    I run 21/2/18 for HM operations so I can be the second tank where needed and still do decent dps where needed. Reminds me of BC era feral druids, where with a slight bump down in tanking performance (10% block, 2% more damage taken trading off with 2% defense) and a huge increase in CGC stance damage. Plus it's just more fun.


    BW please don't nerf all hybrid builds.

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