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Posts posted by Aluvi

  1. Bonk bye Aluvien hope you find something that keeps you truly happy you were always one of those people that loved to pvp for the sake of pvp along with being a god tier mara and always striving to get better don't lose that drive..


    <3 Donna. Pick up Battlefront and come be a REAL republic commando!

  2. Sad to see another PVPer leave, but best of luck to you. May I inquire as to what other game you have thrown your passion on?


    Thanks for the kind wishes. As for what I'll be playing, I haven't decided 100% yet. I just upgraded my gaming rig last night and I am currently enjoying Fallout 4 on ultra settings @ 120 fps / 1440p :rak_03:. Absolutely love that game. I have Star Wars: Battlefront pre ordered as well. I put in 50 hours over 3 days during the beta weekend. I know a lot of people are iffy or even flat out don't like Battlefront, but I absolutely loved it. It definitely fulfills my "Star Wars PvP" need. Overwatch is on the horizon and has the potential to be an amazing shooter, and given Blizzards track record, the streams I have seen, and the amount of hype that it has generated so far... I think it's going to be big.


    I might pick up Legacy of the Void as well, although I know at this point that I will never be good enough at SC2 to get to Masters league. That game puts every other game to shame in terms of skill ceiling.


    When Battlefront comes out, I will definitely be streaming it. The new monster rig demands it.

  3. Most of my posts here have been complaining about something or giving advice to Marauders for PvP. This one is simply a thank you to BioWare for making a game that has entertained me so much over the past few years. I'm moving on to other games now, and I don't anticipate coming back. This game will always be special to me, because it marked my transition from being a "PvE player first" to being a "PvP player first". PvE content no longer holds much interest to me, and unfortunately that is the direction that SWTOR is going in - primarily by telling an ongoing story. Lots of people like that, and that's cool, but it's not what I want out of a game. I have no doubt that this game will continue to be massively successful in the PvE / story / casual MMO crowd.


    This was also the first time that I have actually gotten pretty decent at PvP in a game. PvP just never gets old to me. It's always a thrill pitting my skills and my teams against another team of players. Meeting much better players (especially T-elos, who always pushed me to be a better player), learning from them, and honing my own skills through this game has been a lot of fun, and has fundamentally changed how I approach new games. I've made a lot of great friends through SWTOR, some of which have come and gone, but some of whom I am still friends with and will continue to game with on other titles.


    To BioWare studios, old friends long gone, and unknown Imps and Pubs alike: I wish you nothing but the best.


    May the force be with you.

  4. I know what the veteran players will say. These /signed petitions won't work because bioware ignores them. You know what they won't ignore? 100... 200.... 500... canceled subs. If you love pvp right now go ahead and cancel your sub right now then post your /signed and the date in which your sub will run out!


    If you have objections to the previous paragraph please read the bottom statement where I address the community.




    Bioware & EA, you have ignored pvp for far too long. Instead you created an expansion with limited content (story). The fact is Bioware, story content expires. We do love bioware story and the story was interesting... once... maybe twice. What SWTOR lacks is sustained content. You copy and pasted star fortress flashpoints, and waisted time on great cinematics that people will spacebar through after the first.... let's be generous and say 5 times, but in actuality, it's really 1 or 2. At the same time, you refused to put in any other new content that was not single player. (You can solo every heroic 2 even level appropriate things with your OP god companions) You have absolutely refused to touch pvp as you reskinned/recolored existing armor sets for cynosure gear and copied current exarch gear for ranked gear.




    We demand a sincere answer to our concerns. We do not want a "We are working on it." response. We want a full fledged plan on exactly what Bioware's and EA's join plan to implement fresh sustainable level 65 content that hasn't been recycled. We also want a formal letter of apology signed by the development and publishing liason team to all the player who have stood loyally by this game for almost 4 years while the game has gotten progressively worse, and the team started ignoring the community's opinions. We want these two things and we want them NOW.




    We must stand united as not only players but consumers as well. Bioware and EA has thrived on the community telling people to stop complaining and just quit because they aren't wanted there... but ask yourselves in your heart, are you truly satisfied with your experience? Is the game's content something you are proud to play? Are you just using this game to hold you over for a time until another one releases? Have you just gotten used to the substandard gameplay? I'm not saying my vision for the game is perfect and I know what every player wants, but I know that we as a community... MUST STAND UP AND REFUSE TO BE IGNORED ANY LONGER! WE MUST STAND AS ONE! I personally want to see this game either die with refusal or succeed as a game the players love to play. I do not want it to die a slow and painful death as the developers and publishers force feed us hype and excitement instead of quality game play.



    ^That's what BioWare thinks about PvP. I'm sorry that you took all that time to write up this post. They don't care.

  5. I don't think DPS sorcs are going to be that highly represented this season. DPS is relatively low on madness, and lightening is terrible. Sorc healers are going to be all over the leaderboards though, and will probably have the highest aggregate ratings in solo and ranked (with the possible exception of good AP PT's and good tank PT's).


    Are we playing the same game? Because even my terribly geared lowbie sorc is getting 3K+ dps in midbies. We've already seen 5K screenshots. Spread dots, kite, and heal your team. Do that well and you should win most arenas as a madness sorc. Considering sorcs now have more "get away" abilities than any other class in the game I can't see how that will be hard.


    PTs are more fun for killing people. Even my midbie PT is already hittting 2K single target dps, and I know that 3-4K is probably possible. THey don't have the heals and survivability of a sorc though. Excellent glass cannon.


    I don't know why people think that this season will be so different. Not much has changed since the 3.X era, except for some unwarranted nerfs and some buffs to the already OP classes. Doesn't make much sense.

  6. I still love Carnage. It's more fun to me. I just don't love the warzones comprised of 100% sorcs/sniper/PT that demolish me. The best PTs regularly do about 25-50% more dps than I do in warzones now. That's even when we're winning and I am able to kill and farm dps without discretion.


    If BioWare would undo the surge nerf that they did for absolutely no reason, and without telling us, I feel like Carnage would be borderline good.


    You can still shred bads and mediocre players all day in the spec though, and it's really fun.

  7. Leaderboard top 100 will be 45-50% sorcs, 30-35% PT, then everyone else with 3-7% each. Not much has changed, but Marauders received nerfs for no good reason, PT burst was actually increased, and sorcs got arguably one of the best new abilities.


    Sorcs are by far the best class in the game for PvP right now overall. PTs do much better burst, and have very good sustained single target. They're also the best tanks.


    You'd be a fool to play anything but a PT or a sorc this season in ranked. Actually, you'd be a fool to play in ranked at all, because the balance is so atrociously bad that it doesn't really matter, and Solo Q never did. Most of the top 4s teams have stopped caring, since they have to arrange times to play between the teams, and there isn't much interest in new / less than godskill players because they just get farmed. So it's all Solo Q, which is inherently biased towards classes like Sorcs and PTs that have the best toolset and highest dps.

  8. I take it you play Melee? If you are a marauder, pop predation and we can't root or knock you back. Jug gets physics immunity/stun immunity after leap. Also, guarded by the force to nullify damage while you run in and/or wail on the sniper. Jug enraged defense to h2f. Jug saber reflect to not only nullify incoming damage but reflect it back in their face, at the full 35m range. Next complainer?


    Predation does not prevent knockback / roots. It breaks them, but there's no immunity during it. Granted, predation does help massively with staying on a sniper.


    Snipers really aren't OP. THey were critting for 16k before 4.0, and abilities have inflated significantly.

  9. That Rage/fury has by far the worst single target dps of all 18 dps speccs, can we have back decent smash dmg please?


    Meta has changed a lot since the old days, it became a lot more difficult to hit multiple targets and as of today there are speccs with far more AOE dmg capabilitie as smash ever had. Vigilance does more aoe than smash ever did, not to mention hatred or madness.



    Rank - DPS - vs Average (6630) DPS --- Imperial || Republic

    01 - 6917 - +4.34% --- Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

    02 - 6909 - +4.22% --- Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

    03 - 6808 - +2.69% --- Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

    04 - 6785 - +2.35% --- Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

    05 - 6728 - +1.48% --- Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

    06 - 6705 - +1.15% --- Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

    07 - 6700 - +1.06% --- Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

    08 - 6619 - -0.16% --- Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

    09 - 6603 - -0.41% --- Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

    10 - 6597 - -0.49% --- Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

    11 - 6587 - -0.64% --- Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

    12 - 6581 - -0.73% --- Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

    13 - 6559 - -1.06% --- Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

    14 - 6504 - -1.89% --- Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

    15 - 6498 - -1.98% --- Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics

    16 - 6463 - -2.51% --- Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

    17 - 6409 - -3.33% --- Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

    18 - 6359 - -4.09% --- Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration




    I'd love to have a real, non neutered smash spec again, but a +/- 5% dummy parse dps gap is not the way to justify it. Dummy performance =/= WZ performance. Sorry, but you're asking for changes using the wrong metrics. It's unfortunate that you took the time to put all of this data together when it's based on such flawed ideology.

  10. I feel like my mara in fury spec is considerably more durable than my jug in rage spec unless ED is available. Cloak of pain is a big deal. Jug definitely has some advantages, but it can still be stunned immediately after leap. the 6 second immunity on force crush is huge, and I don't find myself using viscious slash often at all. Between Force Scream, Obliterate, Ravage and Force Crush, you should only need to use viscious slash if you are on target continuously for more than 2 full rotations and that rarely happens.


    That said, jugs are generally stronger than marauders right now and have been since 3.0 hit. It's just not an overwhelming difference so if you are a better player you can still take a rage jug as a fury mara. Just don't expect to win against a good player.


    ^Pretty much this.


    You only should need to use Vicious Slash once in the whole Fury rotation IIRC, and it's rare that you actually get the opportunity to have enough time on target without stuns to actually do the full rotation. Usually you're just picking out the heavy hitting parts of the rotation to use.


    That said, in general Rage hits a lot harder. A big part of this is the Pooled Hatred utility. Used correctly, this can turn into 25K Raging Bursts or Furious Strikes, and it's up fairly often. On say a sorc, it's possible to get a 25K Burst, 18K Furious Strike, and 16K+ Vicious Throw (used at any hp due to charge proc utility). Throw in the dots from a Force Crush right after the Raging burst as well and you have a sizable amount of damage done in a short window.


    In general, Juggs feel stronger overall, but especially in Rage vs Fury right now. Taunt and Force Push are also huge. People don't realize how amazing a well timed force push to separate a guarded healer and their tank can be. You can go from facing an unstoppable tank + heals combo to just beating on a healer for a few seconds, and with 2 or 3 people jumping on the healer, they die pretty quick. Taunts of course are always a big deal, and used correctly can effectively neuter the best DPSers on the opposite team.


    Juggs also just feel more fun to me, although I will admit, I miss Force Camo so damn much, and I need to get better at using my taunt correctly.

  11. Fury is, in my opinion, the best spec for (regs, at least) PvP. I tried Carnage but it's just not as good.

    Fury deals great burst damage, has a secondary leap to close small gaps, and with the auto crit from Dual Saber Throw, Furious Strike can crit for pretty high amounts. Of course, PT's and snipers deal better burst damage, but Fury burst can be repeated far more frequently. It's a fine spec.


    I actually prefer Carnage, even though I know Fury is better. It's just a play style thing. Carnage feels much more "frenetic" to me. It feels faster, even if it isn't better burst.

  12. I would just like to point out that my 65 Concealment Operative feels EXACALLY the same as it did 60, I put out the same pressure (maybe even a bit less) while gaining a bit of survivability through Kolto Fortification. I am fine with this but i can see the allure of other DPS classes being FoTM.


    That's because barely anything changed. Classes got one new utility ability, they changed how crit works, and nerfed several classes to make sure that the crit changes didn't make them overpowered. This entire expansion is 100% story, with a little bit of new raid content. In terms of PvP, we might as well still be in 3.x.

  13. Another college thesis level post with plenty of great feedback.


    Unfortunately, BioWare won't read it, or, at best, won't care. Even if they did care, they are not competent enough to balance PvP in this game.


    Roll a FOTM toon or quit. Those are your choices for SWTOR PvP. It's been unbalanced as hell from 3.0 to 4.0. If they couldn't get some level of balance over the course of an entire expansion, they never will.

  14. The blue player icons on minimap and the huttball pass change are two of the most egregiously unnecessary and unwanted changes.


    I just cannot for the life of me understand the thought process of someone who would think that either of these things would be a good idea. It's more confusing for new players, and it's profoundly confusing for old players that are used to having huttball on a keybind. And the icons on the minimap actually makes it hard or impossible for some colorblind people to see them.


    These new "features"... they actually spent resources on those that they could have spent developing class balance and implementing it.

  15. Yep, instead of balancing classes, we get temporary huttball hotbars that are clunky and cumbersome to use.


    "You know, I really wish there was a temporary hotbar so that I could CLICK on the pass huttball button rather than using a keybind for faster activation"


    -Said no one.


    Never once was this a requested idea. I just.. I have to wonder how competent these designers are. I have to wonder if they even play the same game that we do. They MUST all be clickers for them to think that this is a good idea.


    I just don't understand. BioWare, hire ONE decent pvper for your staff. Hell, you can pay them peanuts compared to what most of the devs and community management probably makes. I'd do it for $35,000 a year. I'll put in 40 hours per week thinking of design choices that will benefit players... and avoid making spectacularly unneeded mistakes like removing the huttball from the spell book and making it impossible to bind to your bar permanently.

  16. Lmao I play a balance sage..... In full 208

    I don't touch the dps of a jug or sent with that new jump...


    Do you even 65 bro?


    Why do you think the new jump is so good dude? It does 1-2k damage. It's barely anything, and it can't be used while rooted unless you give up other vital utilities for it.

  17. Lmao I play a balance sage..... In full 208

    I don't touch the dps of a jug or sent with that new jump...


    Do you even 65 bro?


    Youre bad, thats all there is to it. This is my first game as a level 65 sage, wasnt even ideal at all:




    I'm not even good at playing my sage. And yes, those numbers will do nothing but go UP at 65. They certainly did for my Mara - by about 30% or so.

  18. ...... Jugs are top... Followed by sents...

    As I said I played 46 games and this is what I seen....

    You're a fool if you think otherwise.

    I've seen no other class come close to 1.8 mill than those two.

    And it's because of their op jump.


    You think 1.8 million damage done in a warzone is good? You're just playing against terrible players. Sorc can easily push 5K dps as madness with an additional 1k of healing.


    You're going to be in for a rude awakening when you see what a madness sorc is capable of.

  19. Jugs and sents are top dps now in 65s (2 mill dps!!!)

    Followed by snipers





    Ops are dependant on play style.... But ranks around mid dps but kinda weak like sorcs


    Source- 46 games of 65 in full augmented exemplar.


    Youre a fool if you believe sent is top dps


    Also, DPS =/= damage done. 2 Million damage done, who the hell cares? People hit 4 and 5 mill in the 3.x era. I've done 3 mill damage (2.5-3K dps) already in a few games as a sent. Doesn't mean they are good. When you consider that a good sorc is capable of pushing 6K dps along with 1K healing? Yeah no.

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