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Posts posted by caliaviator

  1. To get some general numbers out there, in our raid last night in HM EC, I was parsing about 75% of the healing that our Operative was putting out. (We are both in full rakata.)


    Yeah Operatives are the way to go if you wanna go healspec.

  2. Being able to Heal in a full game WZ, is much much different then during a raid boss. Where in WZ you get breaks in combat, breaks in which you don't even need to heal people for small periods of time. You don't get this privilege during a raid boss.


    Don't be so naive to think that someone shelling out overall healing means jack-all in the healing community. You're just acting like a filthy DPS who posts his big numbers but is the baddie taking the most damage in a fight.


    What's a raid boss?

  3. From the PvE perspective, healing for me was pretty easy running the hard mode KPs and EVs; then again I'm 5/5 Columi gear with Rakata implants, earpiece, belt, and bracers. But the truth of the matter is that while you heals are less potent the real battle is the heat mitigation. Once you figure that out the rest falls into place and you can start being a good healer; and you don't need gear to be one.


    Before 1.2 there were very few good merc healspecs. All 1.2 did was make those good players stand out more and separated the Non-Useful Bodies (NUBs) from the rock stars who adapt, change their rotation, and come out on top despite the increased heal build up by using the three skills we have that specifically addresses these problems.

    To those people who say healing is too hard now and we want buffs without changing their game play style, please stay here and don't ruin Guild Wars2/Diablo 3 when it comes out.


    I love my bounty hunter healer changes in 1.2!!! I actually have a challenge now! I'm doing fine. Seriously give it a chance...Change your play style a little bit...It's so much more fun healing now.


    Calm down, no need to get overemotional; healing is as much fun then as it is now.

  4. This is just my opinion of course, but making a forum as specific as Black Talon would probably decrease the likelyhood that questions would get answered.


    For example, my main is Level 50 -- as such, I would very rarely go to the Black Talon sub-sub-forum you propose, because I've already been there beat that many times. If I did venture in that forum, it would be just to answer other peoples questions. I don't mind answering questions for newer players, but I'm honestly not going out of my way to seek those questions out.


    With things arranged as they are now, I'm more likely to actually see these questions and answer them...Because as new content is added, I may have a need to go to the flashpoint/ops/heroics forum to look for info for myself. While in that forum, I might see a thread about Black Talon and pop in to answer the question because it's right there.


    PS -- I agree with you that making super specific forums might make the answers to questions easier to find, but they would decrease the chance of new questions getting answered. You also have to remember that for a significant percentage of forum users, it seems that no matter how many sub-forums you have they will ask their questions in general discussion because then, "More people will see it."


    I'm also not going out of my way to seek these questions out. I'm at the point where I have my Rakata/Columi gear. I also don't mind doing some sleuthing on the forums. But then again even though I might not have a problem with it I always believe that something can be improved on or streamlined.


    Now would questions not be answered? I don't really see that as a possibility since anyone who has a question about a particular instance would have the freedom to post whatever they need to know. This allows the person (or anyone else who might have the same question) to search for it with ease. Let's say you're doing a HM KP and you need to figure out how to beat a boss. You could probably google it, or maybe just go onto the forums and see what strategies might be used for such a fight. This kind of stuff might even bring a community closer together by the sheer fact that 1. people would go on this site to get advice and 2. It would streamline information gathering when you need it quickly.


    If people want to go hunt all over the forums and not necessary find what they want it's their business. But maybe, just maybe, this forum can be something more than just unorganized bull**** being flung all over without any constructive purpose behind it.


    I challenge anyone here to find a comprehensive strategy on how to complete a HM KP run or ET run on this server with ease. If you haven't, I think it would be a good idea to reorganize the forum.


    So, basically hand holding is what this guy wants.


    Is reading comprehension still a part of the curriculum in our public schools? You're evidence that it is not.

  5. I see, so instead you want a massive number of sub forms... which is equally bad if not worse. Having a whole subform devoted to the Black Talon is a massive waste of time and resources, because there simply isn't enough to talk about for that one FP.


    Now they could I suppose break the FP, OP and Heroic quests into 3, but that's about as far as it should go.


    All you're really saying is that they should make one form, and then put the rest of the forms into that PvE header. Which will not actually accomplish a thing and would actually make things worse.


    The class forms is for discussing the classes, in both PvE and PvP. There's no reason to separate them into PvP forms and PvE forms. There is zero reason to have a form devoted to gear, because gear is part of your class.


    Your idea now that you actually explain what you want is still a bad one. Instead of having everything mashed into one form, you'd have stuff separated into so many sub forms that very little actual discussion would take place, because people would be so busy trying to figure out what form they want, that they'd have little time to actually post.


    Now we are off to a good start. Though what you're saying regarding making a great deal of sub forums is somewhat moot.


    For example, to get from classes to Jedi Knight you click 3x to access what you need. But with the system I proposed you go through just as many clicks. The only difference is that instead of seeing a crap load of subjects in one click like you do now under the FP/Ops/heroic tabs you get exactly what you just said.


    So it would be PvE > Flashpoint > Black Talon.

  6. The problem with your ranting is that you are failing to propose any system that is more organized than how the forums currently are set up. Your complaint is that there needs to be one more link to click before you are sent to the separate PVE forums. In addition you want the Class forum to be broken down even more than it already is, as if splitting it up by class and advanced class is not enough. Everything you have been asking for in your posts does not create more organization, it creates only more confusion. If you cannot find what you are looking for now, making people click even more links is not going to help one bit.


    You obviously didn't see my response to Vanor. That was a rough example of how the new system would work. It not only proposes splits, but also merges as well. So what exactly are you confused about? Maybe I can make things easier to understand.

  7. If you want your hand held, you shouldn't be using internet forums anyway.


    Apparently you confuse better organization and improving the current system with "having your hand held". If you want to settle for mediocrity that's fine. You seem the type that would in all aspects of your life. Just don't criticize others who don't fall into that category.


    Daily, I have ask again if you bothered doing anything other then a quick glance. Because the class form is quite well organized, if you'd bother looking for it.


    What I find interesting is your complaint about both the Op, FP, Heroic form and the Class form would be exactly what happens, only worse if there was a generic PvE form, because then everything would be jumbled together.


    Just to make it clear what I'm saying...


    If they were to do what you wanted, a general PvE form, it would be about as useful as the General Discussion form is.


    I did bother looking for it. And how would it be jumbled up? Use your analytical skills and ask yourself "How would this proposed solution work?" rather than just assuming it would all be bunched up. If what I proposed was in the PvE tab there would naturally be other tabs associated with the subject. So it would go" PvE > flashpoints > Black Talon > Strategies" for example, or "PvE > Gear > Merc > Armor (or weapons).


    You're gonna have to explain to me why you think it's going to be bunched up.

  8. Just went to Ops/flashpoints and there is nothing separating the flashpoints. Very neat.


    Just went to the classes tab and everything is jam packed with useless junk with everything from Mako to complaints about nerfs. Yep, organized.


    ...How often do you go on these forums?

  9. Because... They already have a form devoted to Operations, Flashpoints and Heroics.


    Not really sure what it is that you don't understand.


    They have a whole form devoted to the very things you say they should have a form devoted to. The only thing different is it's not called the PvE thread. Calling it the PvE form would not change the function of the form in anyway.


    Because Operations, Flashpoints and Heroics are the only things related to PvE and nothing else.


    Not even Builds, Gear, and so on. You may find that stuff in the class forums but it's clearly a mess.


    I'm suggesting a way to ORGANIZE the mess rather than go to 23653475437548.4 different places to find the info you need.

  10. I keep roaming these forums and I find nothing but people complaining about how they don't like the game, or give constructive and well founded reasons as to why they are leaving. I say if you don't like the game, leave. We don't need any of you to list reasons as to why you are going so that Bioware might read them and change the way they apply fixes to bugs and unbalanced classes.


    I find it offensive that you are playing a game that you clearly hate and giving your input on the forums, and that you voice your opinions; which are very different from my own. I have no constructive response to your criticisms except that I like the game. What do I like about it? Everything. Bioware, a company that makes nothing but great games made it so it automatically makes it a great game that works as intended. To the naysayers, I present the following questions to you:


    1. If you hate the game so much, why are you still playing it?


    Seriously, folks. Either play it and like it, or hate it and not play it THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND.


    2. If this game is so bad, why don't you make your own MMO?


    Unless you are proficient in video game design and have a degree or you currently hold a job in the industry, you have no reason to complain. Your comments hold no water because you lack the expertise to criticize a game. Not only should you be able to point out the problem, but you should also explain the code, algorithms, and so on in order for them to fix it. If you cannot do this don't bother complaining.


    3. WoW clearly spoiled you.


    300% of the players who leave do so because they wanted everything on a silver platter. It's fact. It's science. It doesn't matter that you left WoW for unspecified reasons, or never played it, you automatically fit into this category.


    4. You refused to give this new MMO a chance.


    This game is nearly 5 months old and you still criticize this game? Never mind that this game is pumping out new content, and ignore the fact that bugs have existed for months and were never addressed, the fact of the matter is you refused to give Bioware a chance to fix the bugs. You might say that they had plenty of chances to fix the "bugs" during beta and they had years to develop this game. You are ignorant for suggesting they had over 4 years to work out the "bugs" in the game.


    5. There are no bugs, you're just bad.


    For those of you who complain about how the boss in Directive 7 keeps spawning unlimited clones, or HK-47 glitches; wiping the team with his invisible wall this is not Bioware's fault, it's yours. You clearly did something wrong, and there are no patches to fix your horrible skill, I'm sorry.


    I hope I have illuminated you as to why this game is perfect in every single way, and how you are projecting your personal flaws onto this finely tuned and polished game. Perhaps you will all re-evaluate what you think about this game and give it another chance. Just because you believe it's wrong doesn't mean it is, and that you should speak up about it.


    When faced with the urge to speak out and voice your opinions about the game remember what Thumper would say: If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all.

  11. The Good:

    The storyline of SWTOR is put together pretty well. I was able to complete my Bounty Hunter’s storyline with great interest, and I actually cared about my primary/side quests. I like how the Flashpoints/Ops carry the storyline and integrates it within the mission.


    The crafting in this game is good as well. I like having my companions go out on missions to do things that I wouldn’t bother doing.


    The ship implementation works pretty well, and immerses me deeper into the storyline. Being able to upgrade my ship to improve performance makes me want to go out and do whatever is needed to get whatever component I need.


    The fact that much of this game’s content can be completed solo is a welcome addition to this game, especially when I am an introvert. I like taking a break from people in general and completing the quests that are around. Whenever I don’t want to fly solo I like being able to group up for the flashpoints or ops.


    I Also initially enjoyed the Hard/Nightmare Mode Flashpoints and Ops. It gave me the ability to utilize my skills to complete an objective with the team.


    The Bad:


    I am the type of person who normally likes to stick with one character, and I have one level 50 Healspec Mercenary. I have reached the end game, I have full Columi gear with a few pieces of Rakata to boot. End game for me is extremely boring, as there are only Ops for me to do. Sure, I can do nightmare flashpoints, but I see no incentive for me to do them, as I can get my Rakata set from the hard mode Ops.


    But it has reached a point with me where the ops/flashpoints have become horribly predictable for me; and to an extent, boring. I could PvP, but to be honest I’m not a fan of it, as I will explain in another paragraph. The truth is that the only end game that truly exists for me are flashpoints, ops, and creating an alternative character; which I do not want to do.


    I have stated above that the storyline of SWTOR is one of its strong points, but it is also a weak point as well. Why? Because the game’s storyline has a large degree of inflexibility. Sure each class has its own storyline, but 85% of the game’s core storyline needs to be played again to experience the remaining 15% class exclusive storyline. This has largely been a reason why I have not made an alt.


    The patch fixes that balances classes are for both PvP and PvE. Seriously, this is a huge mistake. I don’t PvP, so why should my class be balanced for it? You might be saying “because if you decide one day that you want to PvP one day you can”, but the fact of the matter is if you tweak something for PvP you’ll end up destroying the class in PvE in an unforeseen way. Take the healspec Mercenary for example, you have it nerfed for PvP by reducing healing power, increasing heat costs, and reducing heat mitigation. This is going to devastate my class for PvE, when I do my nightmare/hard mode Ops. You may say that gear is going to offset the changes, but now you’re making it more of a gear based game than it already is, and in addition to this the devastated classes will have a hard time finding groups to get said gear in order to receive the benefits that will offset the disadvantages.


    You have tons of servers, but the vast majority of them are not very populated; I believe it is time for server merges.


    The lack of customizable character gear and ship interior is a huge let down. This can be fixed by allowing us to skin our armor with another piece of armor; giving our armor a different appearance. And achievements within game should give us some interior trophies or banners or SOMETHING that allows us to bask in our achievements; making each player unique.


    There is a weak market for crew skills such as Cybertech and Armstech. As a former Cybertech, this crew skill was a huge let down. The only useful things I would be able to do is create ship mods, and even then I would be reluctant to place them on a weak Galactic Trade Market. The mods I would create would never be as good as the ones I got from my daily quests or from the tiered PvP/PvE armors, and I wasn’t able to make anything anyone really needed such as a result. I understand you are changing this in 1.2, but the low server populations will create a scenario where there isn't that much diversity in the GTN to actually make a profit.

  12. In case some of you are wondering, no, there is no update coming next week. This is confirmation from them just posted:



    "Just to confirm, we are not going to be deploying Game Update 1.2 on Tuesday. This was a minor text error that has since been corrected. I'll be closing this thread and redirecting you all to this main discussion that is currently underway. Rest assured, that you will know ahead of time when Game Update 1.2 is going to be released."





    The waiting continues.... :(


    Yeah we know. It's coming in May.


    You heard it here folks!

  13. Nope. Ebay is your friend!


    Saves me a huge amount of time and money. No bio-breaks needed when raiding. No need to follow fashion fads when in public.


    [Wedding invitations are a bit problematic though. But a nice tie usually fixes that]


    I use a bucket for that. If I'm feeling more creative I just attach a funnel to a garden hose and place the other end in the toilet. But that's only if I'm doing HM/Nightmare modes.

  14. I am also at a loss to understand why you would participate in a system that you felt was so radically unfair.


    Life is unfair but yet we all participate in it (except those who off themselves). I get what you mean, but the OP needs to realize that life is unfair and you live with your decisions. This is coming from someone who spent a substantial amount of credits changing crew skills in order to craft my Rakata crap.

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