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  1. Could be great to have some bunker assault kind of thing, mixing some very basic PvE and team strategy. Here's roughly what I have in mind: Map: ---------BE--------- |_____________| E_____ X_____R |_____________| ---------BR--------- With E and R being the spawn of Empire and Republic and BE and BR standing for Bunker Empire and Bunker Republic. X marks a canon or any attacking machine (AT-AT ?). Objective: The first team to capture the enemy bunker wins. A time limit (12 min?) will have to be set in case of equilibrated teams. How to capture: The bunkers will be protected by one reinforced door. The door will have a considerable amount of health points and players will have to DPS it in order to break/open it. To help them, players can capture the canon in the middle (just like capturing a node in Alderaan for instance) and it will deal damage to the apporpriate door every 10 (?) seconds. Once the door is open there will be a clearly defined zone inside the bunker where players will have to stand (unstealthed) for 30 (?) continuous seconds. If during that lap no attacking players is left in the zone (because killed, bumped or stealthed), the timer is reset and they will have to start the 30 (?) seconds again. Strategy: From the spawn, players will thus have 3 options: - Attack the enemy door or seize the enemy bunker - Defend their own door or wipe enemies from their own bunker - Caputre/hold the canon to support their attack Winning: As said, the ultimate aim is to capture the enemy bunker. But if the time is elapsed, the team that has the most health left on it's door wins the game. That way a team could focus only on holding the cannon and defending it's door. Because the cannon will have damaged the enemy door, and their own door will be in good shape (because well defended), they will win. On the opposite, holding the canon and attacking will provide high DPS and will make the enemy door fall quickly allowing either to seize the enemy bunker or eventually fall back to a full defense strategy. You've understood, a winning strategy implies to be present on at least 2 of the 3 points of interest (bunkers and canon). But what makes this warzone different from Alderaan or Novare Coast is that the points of interest all have different gameplay. Interface: The warzone information panel would look something like ------------------------------------------------------------ |______EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE__[ 30s ]__| |_12m00s_______________________c=____| |____>_AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA__[ 30s ]__| ------------------------------------------------------------ On the left, the time remaining. The EEEEE and AAAAA bars will represent the health remaining for each door (Enemy and Allied). Once the door down, the seizing timer will appear in the [ 30s ], showing which bunker is currently being under capture and how many time is left. The c= represent the cannon. It will turn and get colored depending the door it's shooting at (Alderaan's style). And finally, the > will be the "Your team" indication. Context: Wrap that up in a forest environement (Kashyyyk or Endor) with plenty of trees to play with and that would be a great warzone of a new kind in addition of a warzone that will make players remember of the fights of Episode III (on Kashyyyk) and Episode VI (Endor). I hope this idea will catch your attention and that my ascii drawings haven't scared you too much
  2. Oui justement, c'est en se souvenant de ça qu'on a pensé avec un ami à en réintroduire un pour palier au problème du Coup de Pouce. Pas faux. J'aurais envie de dire qu'à ce moment la c'est leur problème s'ils veulent se faire démonter, mais ça pénalise toute l'équipe du coup. Peut-être le rendre invendable? Mais ça n'enlèvera pas le problème que si le stuff n'est pas équipé (car jeté ou stocké au fond du coffre) on est de retour à la case départ.
  3. Yeah spaceship use could definately be more present in the game. Yes, missions as they exist today don't have that much variability. But creating new mission related to stories would allow to do new kind of mission. I haven't thought about the potential raise of demand for spaceship parts / cybertech crafts, but this would also be a good thing! Now as you say, if it gets too difficult/expensive to have you ship properly equipped, players will be frustrated and whine. In the same way as on the existing space missions, an indication on what upgrade you need can easily be made. The basic idea really was to use already existing tools in a simple way to enhance players' experience. However, I agree that many extention could be made. The one I think would be most kickass would be using the GS system for PvE, for instance as a part of an operation or for a boss fight. But this is a more complex thing.
  4. The reflection I've made myself as I went through the different classes' stories is that at some point, it would nice to have a space mission as part of the story. I won't spoil any story (especially as I don't remember all of them in detail) but when a player has to board an enemy ship or space station (as it's the case at end of chapters for instance), it could be fun and immersive to make the player actually raid and board it, fighting its way through enemies in a space mission. I'm sure the integration could be very simple: in addition of creating a new mission, the only changes are the end of mission animation (no jump to light speed) and to make the player spawn in the boarded ship instead of his onw ship's cockpit. Missions can be made simple enough not to ask to much out of players that haven't upgraded their ship, or better, adapt to the level of the player's ship. Space battles are a core part of the Star Wars universe and this could definately enhance the story experience. What do you think?
  5. Problème: Coup de Pouce en bg lvl 55 qui fausse les choses Solution proposée: Introduction d'un stuff PvP facile d'accès pour niveau 55 J'ai vu et entendu bon nombre de choses sur ce Coup de Pouce qui malgré être sensé (et je cite) rapprocher les stats du joueur à celui d'un personnage de niveau ~55, est toujours présent sur les joueurs de niveau 55. Je ne vais pas m'étendre sur les raisons de pourquoi je pense qu'il faudrait enlever ce buff mais je vais plutôt proposer une solution pour le remplacer élégamment, ajouter à la progression des joueurs en PvP et améliorer le plaisir de jeu. A mon gout, le seul réel avantage qu'il apporte est que les joueurs fraîchement 55, équipés de stuff de quête tout droit sortit de makeb, voient leur expertise boostée ce qui diminue leur écart face à des ennemis full expertise. Et pourtant, ils restent des proies faciles. L'idée serait donc d'introduire une set PvP facile d'accès (faible coût en distinctions de zone de guerre, possibilité d'achat avec des distinctions planétaires, coût en crédits classique, les possibilités sont nombreuses) qui apportera suffisamment de stats (expertise et autres confondues) pour que ces nouveaux 55 aillent une résistance acceptable. Attention, ce stuff devrait quand même être bien en dessous du stuff PvP que l'on connait déjà pour qu'il y aille une réelle progression. On pourrait imaginer qu'il ne soit composé que de 5 pièces et/ou qu'il n'apporterait qu'un faible bonus aux dégâts/soins et principalement de l'endurance et de l'expertise pour tenir le choc des premiers bgs niveau 55. Au final on aurait: Set PvP palier 0 - (Très) facile d'accès, apporte le minimum vital pour apprécier le PvP Set PvP palier 1 - achetable contre distinctions de zone de guerre, apporte des stats moyennes Set PvP palier 2 - achetable contre distinctions de zone de guerre cotée, apporte de très bonnes stats
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