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Posts posted by WaliceDrel

  1. This is some pretty basic stuff. I cant believe wz have made it past beta with this kind of uneven pvp. You would think wz basics 101 would be 2 even team vs each other.
  2. Fix uneven wz teams! The match should not star unless both teams have 8 players. I don't know how it is on other servers but on my the imps outnumber us 10 to 1. I am sick and tired of 4 v8 , 6 v 8 , 5 v 8 and so on. Fix this s$%^!
  3. 1) Bioware doesn't allow petitions so you're likely to see a yellow dimwit saying that soon. 2) There was a thread on this already saying that they are working on new sets and were looking for feedback as apparently the artists have never seen any of the films or are not familiar with what you would typically expect to see in the Star Wars universe and need people to spell it out for them.


    I thought the smuggler with a cape stripper boots and a cowboy hat was bad until i seen the new shark boy smuggler gear...lol I hope they don't drop the ball again.

  4. Petition to change the look of the UGLY pvp armor.


    All of the pvp war hero armor is HIDEOUS. I have not met anyone who likes it. It looks line it should be in Flash Gordon or buck rogers not star wars. The purpos of this post is to let the devs know our dissatisfaction and hopefully get armor that looks good.



    Hate the look of the new armor: /Hate it


    Like the look of the new armor: /like it

  5. I can not gain social points on any of my toons. Even my level 50 70 valor gs who has done tons of fp and groups is still level one social. I submitted 2 tickets and the only answer i can get is look for a fix in future patches. Is anyone else having this problem??
  6. This build actually provides low DPS (damage per second) but moderate overall damage, good for keeping imps off doors in voidstar but little more.

    It is a bit on the medium side for single target damage. But in wz or illum considering there are multiple grouped targets its a ton of damage. But with the added damage from bleeds even on single targets I hardly ever get killed 1v1. Also you don't have to rely on defense screen attacks to pound the enemy. It also gives you a lot more mobility not always relying on deference screen to cause damage. Flash grenade reduces their accuracy by 20% then you reduce their armor by 20% gimp and bleed them. Then you can go into defence screen and pick them all off. All the while being able to keep mobile and not be stuck in one spot. try this build and then look at your damage in a wz. you will find your always in the top 3 spots for damage. Not low dps by a long shot.

  7. I found that filling any 1 tree in gunslinger is not worth it. But If you use a split tree maximized for area and bleed dps you would be surprised at the amount of dps you can pull in pvp. Here is a screen shot of my skill tree. This may or may not work for your style of play. But for pvp this seems like the best setup for maneuverability mobility and dps.



    Screen shot



    I have had nothing but sucess with this setup after trying 10-12 build this seems to be the best one. (for my style of play.)

  8. You get the a-300 from your class quest and there is a pvp one on the champion vendor on the space station. You can also craft one called the 2 fingered something or other. Those are currently the only old west looking guns in the game.
  9. Here are a few ideas that I think look a bit more gunfighter..ish.



    top hat

    bowler hat

    different styles of cowboy hats.





    trench coat

    bolero jacket

    animal skin jacket

    fringe jacket

    dress coat with tails

    han solo vest




    plain black or brown gloves would be fine








    The best solution would be to give us the equip appearance ability, like in everquest or swg. That way anything we see that we like we could equip. The stats would not matter we could equip appearance with it and that would also eliminate the problem of all 50's looking the same and give us more customization.


  10. This is a thread just for us to let the devs know what we think of the clothes for smuggler. The BM gear looks like a hillbilly vampire in stripper boots , not very appealing. And the 1.2 gear looks like a shark boy with fins on your arms and a hammer head helmet. DEVS WOULD IT BE TOO MUCH TO ASK FOR A DUSTER OR PONCHO!!!
  11. Koan Under Siege drops two as well if I am not mistaken.


    Or was that just Coulmi tokens...?

    That is imp side republic can not access. That is the problem. They are falling out of the sky for my imp toon but impossible for republic toons to get. I have done tons of hard mode fp and I have never seen it drop on the republic side.

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