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  1. I didn't want to start another "slicing ruined the economy..." " This is what you get and I will not buy your mats..." argument. I just wanted to state a level headed analogy to try to calm the masses down in regards to the nerf. My main reason for the post was to ensure BW does not do this again to Biochem (OP in my opinion) or other crafting abliities that are borked right now.
  2. This Slicing debate since the nerf shows a lot of passion for the game, which is great. I would say the debate is like going to college or getting a job right out of High School. The person getting the job out of H. S. will make immediate money, drive a little better car, wear nicer clothes, will have a bit more money to spend. His EP (earning potential) is limited. He cannot make more than a certain amount, but he can work more hours to earn more money (I.E. Slicers grinding chests and maxing it at a certain # of credits) The person going to college will have less in the beginning, eat Ramen, and be on a budget. While she is working to get a better career and job and have higher EP. This is the crafter. They do not have enough $$ in the beginning, but after they work their way up (not unlike graduating from college) they will have the epic schematics and build epic items that the slicers and everyone else will be buying from them. Not unlike the poor doctor graduating from 8 years of college in debt, and then making over $350k/year. Eventually, the slicers will be bagging the crafter's grocery bags or taking their kids to see them when they are sick...(you get the analogy) The problem with the recent nerf is that it basically limited the the EP for the "H.S. graduatets" looking to make money now. Everyone is a "college student" now until the economy evens out, and unfortunately, BW made a rash decision in borking the game so quickly. I hope it's a lesson to them to think things through in the future, rather than a knee jerk reaction to the posts in the forums. just my 2 credits...
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