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  1. Ah, thanks. Then it was just me being a noob. Thought the personals came at end of week. I must have gotten them and assumed they were from the content not from the weekly.
  2. I'm a returning player. Last week i leveled 3 characters from 70 to 80 and in the process well exceeded the personal conquest targets with each - they were at 250,000+ / 100,000. None of the 3 characters got any personal conquest rewards on reset today. 1 character is in a guild that meet its objectives and i got a Guild Conquest reward for him (but still no personal conquest reward) I always used to just run ops and pvp, I never did conquests so it is possible i am missing something. I have tried searching online but no site /post I have found explicitly answers my questions. So here are a few questions i need some clarity on: 1) If i exceeded the 100k progress bar for the week, I should have gotten personal conquest rewards for each character when i logged in today, right? 2) That personal reward should have included 200 conquest commendations for each character? 3) There is no place I need to go to pick up the conquest 'quest' at the start of the week, right? 4) I dont need to go anywhere in game to redeem/claim the personal conquest rewards today? Appreciate any info/help!
  3. Take a look at this: Clearly a hack.
  4. I agree - in PVP i see these changes making dot spread OP and FoTM. From a PVE perspective, whether these are the right changes is really a separate topic, I would just like to understand why they set a target and then (seemingly) ignore it.
  5. They set a target and simple math shows they aren't going to hit it. It is completely reasonable to ask what the thinking is.
  6. The Shadow/Sin changes you recently published will not bring them to the +5% target referenced in this link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9333043 I've looked at the top parses, adjusted them up to reflect what the new changes should bring and they are still below Watchman by a few hundred dps. Since Sentinels are not slated for changes this summer, it is not like their DPS will come down to meet the new Shadow numbers. What is you view on this is? Do you think the Serenity changes will buff them to Watchmen levels? If so - can you explain how. If you agree that these change won't bring it up to level, then why aren't you buffing Serenity more? It would be nice to see an explanation for how the proposed changes are/will be consistent with target state you've just defined.
  7. @Eric - Can you get the combat team to explain how these changes will bring Shadow/Sin to the +5% target referenced in this link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9333043 I've looked at the top parses, adjusted them up to reflect what the new changes should bring and they are still below Watchman by a few hundred dps. Since Sentinels are not slated for changes this summer, it is not like their DPS will come down to meet the new Shadow numbers.
  8. You've told us that class balance changes are coming for some classes, can you indicate what problems you are trying to solve. For example: Sorcerer/Sage - DPS currently under performing Powertech / Vanguard - DPS and Tank specs under performing Assassin / Shadow - Serenity under performing, Kinetic Combat over performing etc... Obviously we'd prefer to hear the full details of the changes you have in mind but if you are not ready to share that yet, can you at least give us an idea of the problems you are trying to solve for with class balance.
  9. What seems to be working for me is to wait for the launcher to load and enable the 'play' button. Don't hit Play, instead go to settings and toggle the 'Enable Public Test Server Access' to the opposite of what it is currently set to. Hit Save. Now hit play. The game should actually launch now. Hope that helps.
  10. I had the same problem, here is how I fixed it. I went back to fleet and reset the mission (go to Mission tab - hit reset button). Then I went back into the KOTFE story line. I had to redo the bit about fixing the generator and repairing the fuse boxes then got to the 'shuttle to Zakuul' part. This time when I went down to the hanger, the button was clickable and I was able to proceed.
  11. For an eloquent, executive summary of your concerns, please see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZBYLIUqmIs
  12. Katlanee - Operative - Concealment - 3/36/7 - 4'23.108 http://www.torparse.com/a/598682/time/1393011808/1393012071/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/989353cc-fbbf-4690-b420-f0d29abe95b9
  13. 1 Million HP Dummy: Katlanee <Moriendum Est> Operative - Concealment 3/36/7 - 3810 (4:23) http://www.torparse.com/a/598682/time/1393011808/1393012071/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/989353cc-fbbf-4690-b420-f0d29abe95b9
  14. 1 Million HP Dummy: Katlanee <Moriendum Est> Operative - Concealment 3/36/7 - 3757 (4:26) http://www.torparse.com/a/578331/time/1391573157/1391573423/0/Overview
  15. 1 Million HP Dummy: Katlanee <Moriendum Est> Operative - 3/7/36 - 3595 (4:38) http://www.torparse.com/a/546369/time/1389288520/1389288799/0/Overview
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