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Everything posted by Lewisgil

  1. Revan was/is a force prodigy and arguably the best of that entire era (is why their is so much debate) :> as far as being a jedi goes.. does anyone even care I mean jedi are just the god squad, narrow minded, and arrogant. There are also so many examples of the jedi doing evil things too, look what they first did to revan (against their preachy ways much) bah don't mean to get side tracked :> point is, by jedi standards the council fail and contradict itself. so you can't really say he was a bad jedi when their are no good jedi really as it's all just ideals but when it comes to acting they do nothing. (if they stuck by their code) anyways revan was more powerful then all of them (is what I meant) and is the most powerful jedi (between kotor1,2 and TOR) or I guess the prime aim of the jedi is to protect the republic.. did revan not save the republic a few times... so I guess he would be a great jedi then (in some ways) I think you might need to rethink your word choice. Was Revan powerful? Yes. Was he a prodigy? Not in the least. Bastila might be, very loosely, considered a prodigy, as might Jaesa Wilsam. Revan did not display any unusual or marvellous talents. He had an exceptional command of the Force and was a brilliant strategist. I definitely wouldn't say he was the most powerful Jedi of the Old Republic.One, there is not enough evidence pointing to that fact, nor do you see him compared or contrasted to any of the other exceptional Jedi of the Era. As my friend Rayla pointed out, there are other Jedi such as Nomi Sunrider, Exar Kun, and Ulic Qel Droma who were also counted as exceptionally powerful Jedi in their time. Revan's greatest advantage over any opponent he faced after his redemption was the fact he drew from both the Dark Side and the Light Side of the Force. He didn't limit himself to one or the other. This afforded him a wider array of abilities and the ability to use his full potential.
  2. If you could post a link, that would be helpful.
  3. Developer, Electronic Arts Inc. Not Bioware. Try again. EA handles the logins, Bioware handles the development.
  4. Read the novel deceived.
  5. He didn't fall to the Dark Side until he was under the mind control of the Emperor. Yeah, he was treading a fine line but, he hadn't fallen. He made sound military decisions that won the war. If he had waited for the Jedi Council to decide to act, the Mandalorians would have gained possibly too much ground for the Republic to have won as much of a decisive victory as Revan gained. Those acts, while looked down upon by the Jedi Council were necessary. War is horrible for both sides. Sacrifices have to be made in order to win. If you let the Jedi have their way, they would have tried to negotiate peace with the Mandalorians, something they will never do.Taking that route, the Galaxy would be speaking Mando'a. Pacifists don't always lose wars but, they don't win them either. You say Revan fell to the Dark Side again, I say he had an insane madman in his mind for three centuries. Given those circumstances, I'd say it's understandable why you would want to eliminate any and all threat of another like him rising to power by exterminating the lot of them. Light Side and Dark Side are just another way of saying black and white. The Star Wars Universe too is full of shades of gray. Just because his plan, if followed through to completion, would have been a very dark choice, it would have been, in his mind, for the greater good.
  6. Your Sarcasm Radar needs a bit of fine tuning.
  7. There's actually something to be said about Vader's mask. They have tried numerous times to capture the same effect it had, Revan, Nihilus, and now Jadus, Baras, and Kallig. You didn't have to see the hate and anger in his expression to be intimidated, the fact that you couldn't see the expression on his face as he Force Choked you to death was far more intimidating. It's almost like looking into the face of a sociopath as they repeatedly stick a knife in you, you kind of wish there was some sort of emotion there. At least then you could put some rhyme or reason to it.
  8. @Spartanik: Rayla and I go far enough back that I am well aware of her love for the Exile's character. Which is why, once she entered the debate, I made certain to emphasize the fact I was not trying to attack Meetra's character at all. And I would hope she remembers that I hold no special adoration for Revan either. She and I were having a simple debate, both of us were debating based upon our interpretations of the same data. Her interpretation was modified by her beliefs of the facts surrounding the Exile. My interpretation was modified by my detachment from the characters. @Rayla: Thank you for the good debate. I can always count on you to not make things personal.
  9. It's a lot simpler than that. One of two unlikely scenarios would have to happen. One, Bioware would have to enter into the App Development Arena to create it. Two, Bioware would have to entrust someone with their source coding to be able to write the App. Which one of those do you see happening? Bioware stretching out it's staff even further or Bioware letting someone see their Source Code. EDIT: It's not as simple as someone writing a Third Party UI or a Patch for different skins, the files that contain those lines of code are present on your computer. The coding for game mechanics are a closely guarded secret.
  10. That was understood a long time ago, at least for myself. Pre-launch there used to be so many "Which class would X Character be" that point could not have been made any more clear. However, I believe the OP is trying to understand why people say that Darth Maul was the inspiration for the Assassin Advanced Class when to him, he seems to have more in common with the Marauder Advanced Class. There is really nothing more to understand than that is what the Devs decided was their inspiration for said Advanced Class.
  11. The only one of the the original three that he wrote entirely was A New Hope. The other two were collaborations.
  12. That is not the point of the debate. What is being debated is why Maul is the inspiration of the Sith Assassin as opposed to the Sith Marauder. Which if you were here pre-launch, you would know the Devs, by their own admission, were inspired heavily by Darth Maul when designing the Sith Assassin Advanced Class. The Sith Inquisitor Class was inspired by Palpatine and Darth Maul. The Sith Warrior Class was inspired by Darth Vader and Asajj Ventress. The Bounty Hunter Class was inspired by both of the Fetts, Boba and Jango. The Imperial Agent was inspired by the Imperial Military as a whole as there were no individuals that stood out as such a character in the movies. There are obviously more than just the two characters that inspired each of the classes that I mentioned but, those are the major sources of inspiration.
  13. That's not entirely true. He wrote the screenplays, but for the original three, he did not write the entire stories by himself.
  14. As I said, nothing is stopping you from stating anything is your belief, just because you believe it does not make it true for anyone other than yourself. You are fighting against the fact that someone can hold said belief and getting hung up on that point. Nobody has stated that the person that chooses to believe the EU is not part of canon is correct for everybody, just that he is free to believe whatever he wishes to believe. For himself, the EU is not canon, for those that choose to believe it is, it is. With how hard you seem to be fighting against this, you are bordering on being thought police.
  15. I fail to see where or how you could have possibly come to that conclusion. Nothing of what he said states that opinion dictates anything other than one's beliefs. I mean, you could say that is your opinion, nothing is stopping you. Nothing he said would imply that you would be correct for anyone other than yourself.
  16. Not the kind of immortality he had. His immortality was due to the fact he drained the Force and life out of millions if not billions of inhabitants, the flora and fauna, not to mention the entire planet itself of Nathema. This not only indefinitely lengthened his lifespan, it also increased his power in the Force. He most definitely could still be killed by somehting so mundane as being stabbed. Dying was actually his greatest fear. It is the thought that drove him insane. It is what drove him to his ambition of draining, as he did the planet Nathem, the entire Galaxy as a whole. His ambition was to remain the immortal ruler of an entirely empty Galaxy, devoid of any who would threaten his life.
  17. I'm well aware of the mechanics behind it. I'm also aware of how easy it is to initiate the process. I worked in the Customer Billing/Tech Support department of an Online Gaming Company. I saw firsthand the process through which Server Transfers took place. I also saw the havoc Server Transfers played, whether it be filling servers to capacity while leaving others nearly empty or compromised accounts having characters moved around to other servers or other accounts. Being a player who has been on the other side of the game, I completely agree with there being systems in place that limit the player's ability to transfer servers. Whether those sysytems be associated fees, having to petition through the GMs for transfers, or simply restricting the frequency with which transfers can be completed. I would rather the inconvenience be in having to jump through hoops to get what I want as opposed to having to deal with the hassle of getting my character back or dealing with server closures due to everybody jumping ship or inflated queue times for being on the server to which everyone decided to jump.
  18. That is the exact reason why most MMOs have a fee for Server Transfers, it forces the player to one, really think about where they want to move and two, actually mean it when they move. Not to mention, as I stated previously, it cuts down on the risk of characters being moved around without the account owner's knowledge. Working Tech Support for an Online Gaming company, I have seen more times than I care to count characters being transferred to other servers or even other accounts after the account had been compromised. Having transfer be free, even on a monthly basis only cuts down on the frequency, not the potential for characters being moved around either fraudulently or without a real reason to do so.
  19. Actually, Revan would have died. Sending her lightsaber into the Emperor's chest wouldn't have stopped his lightsaber in time to keep it from striking down Revan. She chose the path that guaranteed Revan's survival at that moment. It's not such a hard concept to grasp if you understand the way Jedi think. Scourge even has an interior monologue about the choice she made. Even Scourge, a Sith whose only experience with Jedi was the three years he had interrogated Revan, understood WHY she chose the path she did. It wasn't hard to see she chose to save the man whom she admired and loved as her mentor rather than killing the man threatening his life, a choice she would have made ten times out of ten. It was the Light Side thing to do which is what she will always do.
  20. Darth Maul was the inspiration for the Sith Assassin because he WAS an assassin. That was what his use to Palpatine was, assassin. The vast majority of his missions were ones of assassination, Siolo'urmanka, Drovian Silus, Alexi Garyn and the entire leadership of Black Sun in the year 33 BBY, Hath Monchar, and others. The advanced class Sith Assassin is one of agile lightsaber combat with the primary weapon being a saberstaff. Darth Maul was a practitioner of agile lightsaber combat with his primary weapon being the saberstaff. There are not any other Sith I can think of that were deployed as assassins. Mostly because none of the Rule of Two sith between Darth Bane and Darth Plagueis have been depicted in novels and Sith during other eras did not need to operate from the shadows.
  21. It's not really exposed? Why are there such devices as jock straps? Why are they one of the first things you see on a dog walking away from you? The only advantage to the placement is it aligns with the female genetalia during copulation. I understand the subject far better than you seem to think. I see you only attempted to address the genetalia point I brought up. What about the organs that are relatively unprotected by our skeletal system? Point is, evolution sometimes goes for streamline rather than protection.
  22. Let me get this straight, you don't want to "go outside the game" to get gear. If I understand you correctly, you don't want to interact with other players to get the gear you want. You should be playing a single player game then. Not an MMO. The fact of the matter is this game is designed for people to be social, not just log in, do their solo quests until they get tired/bored, then log out. You say my last couple of sentences don't make sense, you are further proving my point that you wish to play a single player game. This game is geared towards RPers. RPers interact with one another and tend to believe in having their character look a way that is representative of their character's personality, hence the part about the journey being important. If you can just have whatever you want without putting any effort into it, what's the point in even continuing to play the game? You would be able to just log in, get the gear you want, beat the Emperor, rinse and repeat. Where's the conflict? Where's the challenge?
  23. So evolution only picks the most advantageous traits to carry on to the next generations does it? Then please explain why mammalian male genetalia is so exposed. If it is so essential to breeding and the continuation of the species, why have it so exposed? Also, please explain why some of the organs in the human body that can cause grievous harm if ruptured, liver, intestines, bladder, kidneys,etc, reside in places with little to no protection from the skeletal system. Twi'leks are described as some of the most graceful beings in the Star Wars Universe, hence a great deal of their females being dancers. Lekku seem to serve a similar purpose to tails with this. Many ainmals with tails use their tails as a means to balance themselves, aiding in many animals having far superior grace and agility to humans. Lekku are very sensitive, meaning they probably can aid with one's equilibrium. Housing parts of their brain hints at their brains having portions that human brains do not that require more room than just a normal sized head and instead of evolving with larger craniums, they evolved with lekku.
  24. Never did I say Vader would have no chance against Malgus. The only thing I ever said is that the two would be roughly even without the use of Force Powers and the scales would be tipped in Malgus' favor with the use of them. I'm not saying Malgus would automatically win, I'm only saying the odds would be in his favor. Underdogs win fights all the time. EDIT: Also, the depiction of Malgus of which I spoke did show him dueling while he dispatched the other Jedi with Force Lightning. He killed them as if they were just flies buzzing around him while still dominating the lgihtsaber duel he was in at the same time. Kind of like how Vader choked that Padawan while dueling Cin Dralig at the same time.
  25. Since you are one of the vry few people from these forums that is actually on my Freinds List, then the asnwer is "Yes, just for you."
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