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Everything posted by Volki

  1. How it should be according to you. Not according to me.
  2. You dare to doubt my claim that I need gold farmers now While your understanding of economics does you well in the real world, this is a game and I was able to afford buying mats, gear and skills before (not all mats I wanted, but enough). I'm now much, much more careful with my credits and that makes for a dull game for me. I have to delay having fun. Others may like delaying fun, I don't know The question would be: How many people playing the game actually like the nerf? Let Bioware send an email to every player.
  3. Enter the "gold" farmers due to the "fix". You are beating a dead horse and refuse to acknowledge it, it seems. Have you tried slicing before? You have to remember that this is a game that most people play for fun. Having little money ingame means delaying skill/gear purchases and so forth. That's not fun.
  4. And now that they have no money they won't? I had no need for gold farmers before. I have a need for them now. Comprehend?
  5. I strongly disagree. Why would I need to buy credits from gold farmers if I have enough to fix my items, buy gear/skills, etc?
  6. Or just return slicing to what it was and 99.99% of players will be happy (hopefully you too).
  7. Thanks for providing more room for this discussion. Much appreciated. Slicing should be "unNerfed". It will make the game more fun (casual players and others will buy more from the auctions, and it will stop gold farmers). The current nerf goes way too far and makes it a useless profession.
  8. Excellent point. Aside from being fun, making the game fun for casual players, Slicing "nerfed" the gold sellers.
  9. Here's my message informing Bioware/EA why I quit: "Slicing was nerfed and I'm cancelling. Return slicing to what it was and I'll resubscribe. EA failed to realize that having credits to buy crafted items was fun for me. Now that slicing is "nerfed" I don't have credits to buy items from other players and the game is not fun anymore. Now, it's hard "work" to mindlessly "farm" mobs to gain credits for spending. I paid for the game to play, not to work." The game doesn't revolve around hardcore nose to the grindstone masochists. It revolves around casual players. And to preempt those who love mindless grinding because, you know, they feel like they earned something by doing mind numbing repetitive tasks, I didn't rage quit. This is how you address an issue, by taking money away from Bioware/EA. They know exactly where I stand now. If they want my money, they know what they have to do: Make the game fun--"unNerf" slicing.
  10. Here's my message informing Bioware/EA why I quit: "Slicing was nerfed and I'm cancelling. Return slicing to what it was and I'll resubscribe. EA failed to realize that having credits to buy crafted items was fun for me. Now that slicing is "nerfed" I don't have credits to buy items from other players and the game is not fun anymore. Now, it's hard "work" to mindlessly "farm" mobs to gain credits for spending. I paid for the game to play, not to work." The game doesn't revolve around hardcore nose to the grindstone masochists. It revolves around casual players. And to preempt those who love grinding, I didn't rage quit. This is how you address an issue, by taking money away from Bioware/EA. They know exactly where I stand now. If they want my money, they know what they have to do: Make the game fun.
  11. Sheer stupidity. To take slicing I had to give up Diplomacy (I started another toon to get that). Now, slicing is worthless. Just plain stupidity. I hope the idiots who cried for a nerf are happy I don't have credits to buy what they craft, lol... morons shot themselves in the foot. Return slicing to what it was... I foresee many accounts canceling.
  12. I sacrificed "Diplomacy" for Slicing. Now I'm making an alt to get Diplomacy as I need it to get bioanalysis drops. There is give and take. OP, I have a bridge I can sell you.
  13. Quite possible they actually meant that "you" take half damage. They may have misworded it. Still trying to figure it out. You actually saw yourself doing les damage using the battle triage adrenal?
  14. Do it for longer to make significant money. Do it to 50, make a ton of money, then do it some more. When you have millions for crafting switch, lol. Or make a "diplomacy" alt and send him money to run diplomacy/underworld missions for materials.
  15. Battle Triage Adrenal. However, it says "reduces damage dealt by 50%". That sounds like "my" damage will be reduced, otherwise they would have worded it to read "reduces damage taken by 50%". Please correct me if I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. Thanks!
  16. Isn't there one on the Republic Fleet Station (or whatever the space port is called)?
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