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  1. A space duel between a Sith Lord and a Jedi Master's Battle cruisers. The actual fight is on each cruiser. It is a control point oriented map that has two simultaneous tug of wars. The end goal is the assassination of the enemy leader while still protecting your own leader. To progress you must take and hold a position for a certain amount of time. Each battle cruiser has three major positions: The docking bay, the main floor, and the command center. Each floor has a major area to hold, you need the position to advance to the next position, and a minor position that strengthens your battle conditions if won before winning the major position. Each side of the fight has a limited number of reinforcement respawns. 200 Offensive respawns are enabled and 75 defensive. To help defensive positions out, they get access to buffs, turrets, and special items they can use to fortify their position better. To prevent turtling where both sides stay entirely defensive, if there is no offensive pressure against a ship, that ship will be able to spend more effort firing shots at the other side disabling systems and lowering the defensive respawn pool. If one team loses 100% of both of their respawns that team automatically forfeits the match. Every defensive player gets a choice of three buffs when respawning: A specialty item for the area, command authorization to use turrets and summon defensive droids, or a generic buff of 100% stats and the ability to ignore the enemy's expertise while on your own ship. The docking bay floor is a fight for a breech point into the enemy ship. The primary goal is the destruction of the security station preventing access to the next floor. The secondary goal is disabling the docking bay shields to allow the offensive team an extra 100 respawns. To aid the defensive team they have access to turret placements at each objective, security droids, and a set of proximity mines that automatically kill any opponent within its blast radius. The next major floor is houses ship engineering and security. The security station allows access into the next floor, and is guarded with turrets and droids. The engineering section disables the extra defenses in the command center, disabling all droids and turrets, and dropping the enemy captain's health by 50%. The specialty weapon on the mid floor is a sniper rifle with 5 charges that automatically kills whoever it hits. The last floor has the armory and the boss. If you take the armory before taking the boss you disable the enemy's buffs and you destroy their weapon for the floor. The boss gets a buff that reflects damage back at the attacking enemies. Disabling the armory removes this buff from the boss. The special weapon on this floor is an offensive field that dampens the enemy's effectiveness. Ideally this would be a 16v16 team, maybe 24v24. The goal would be a longer match, probably 25-35 minutes long, and should give rewards based on the increased amount of effort expended going in (like twice the valor, experience, and commendations).
  2. For each month there could be an additional subscriber perk: a unique cosmetic item only available during that month if you're a subscriber. This item could be made available later to people for a higher price. For example the January item could be available in July for ~2500 Cartel Coins. This would promote consistent subscribing as well as allow people that start subscribing late to be able to claim the benefit after the fact, at a higher cost. A good start would be an armor set that's unique and unavailable anywhere else. Something with some flair/history behind it. Some examples would be a complete Stormtrooper adaptive armor set including the E11 Blaster Rifle. When the entire set is equipped, it could allow for an emote where the Stormtrooper fires at a target and misses wildly. This set could be restricted to Republic Troopers. Other armor sets could be like Han Solo's iconic outfit, Vader's outfit, Both Fett's outfits, etc. Other things that could be obtained through this method could be like landspeeders or swoops for mounts, alternate space ship skins, etc.
  3. Dac - The planet of the Mon Calamari (Without swimming, yes this would be tough to do.) Rodia - The planet home to Rodians. Varl - The original Hutt Homeworld. Columus - Homeworld of the Columi, it's low gravity! Naboo (just the planet's surface) - Theed is beautiful. Ryloth - Twi'lek Homeworld. Of course the mainstays yet forgotten like Kashyyyk, Dantooine, Yavin 4, Mustafar, Geonosis, Kamino.
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