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10 Good
  1. With it being a 31 point talent I would hope it would be powerful to some degree. It has virtually no cd so why not make it a toggle?
  2. Ok, so I've been toying with many classes and coming to the end of my Swtor experience, but that's another topic. I started leveling a scoundrel and love the class story and the game play. I went into the scrapper tree and have been learning to PvP after inspiration from "Lion" and having fun doing it, but... I don't understand why when you spec into the 31 point talent Flechette round why it's not just a passive buff. I mean it's a pain in the arse to me to keep it up when in the heat of battle. Call me bad or w/e you like but it's a needed skill for abilities to work, but why not make it like sprint or a stance and make it toggle on? My 2c anyone for flames or otherwise lemme hear it.
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