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10 Good
  1. I use max settings and notice this as well. It's not too overly annoying but the game would look a lot better if you could increase it more (assuming you have a good enough computer to handle the extra distance).
  2. It's pretty incorrect to say this isn't an issue at all. It IS an issue. It's just simply not a game breaking issue.
  3. In the hopes that a Bioware employee actually does read this (I know, not likely) I just want to say... Started 1100 in Iron Citadel queue, been waiting for an hour so far and still only 469. Unless these queues are fixed or you allow me to transfer (hell I'd even pay for it), I'll probably be one of the ones who doesn't stick around past my free 30 days.
  4. While I agree they do need to do something about the problem, claiming that 2/3 of their players will just up and leave is kind of retarded. Most of those people would, if anything, just take the time loss and reroll on another server. I think the number of people who would actually outright quit is far lower than you think. Just my 2 cents.
  5. Why you would want or need a trackpad and extra buttons on the RIGHT side of the keyboard is beyond me. In my opinion they would have sold a ton more of these if they had left out the unnecessary trackpad and just added those fancy LCD buttons to the LEFT side. I'd say just go with the mouse and save your money on the keyboard.
  6. Perhaps you misunderstood. In beta anti aliasing was disabled and you could not turn it on. I am curious now what it looks like compared to before, since I assume you can actually enable it now.
  7. Still waiting on my early access to start but I'm curious, how much better does the game look now that (I assume) Anti Aliasing and high resolution textures are on? Or are they still disabled?
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