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Everything posted by Citnes

  1. why do you post some nonsense specc... no 2% dmg reduce? UMAD!?! I mean, why do you take the "more railshotdmg" over dmg reduction as a TANK? This is rly the 95% specc, 95% of missing your class specc. I have 23k HP and playing 31/8/2 Specc, and im a baws either in PvP or PvE.
  2. Tank him the way as he's facing allready. Rest of your grp is behind him, more left or right on the stairs, but still in melee range. Destroy the buttons and kill the adds asap and u win. I clear d7 within 20mins... Fastest and easiest T2 HM...-.- I've rly NEVER wiped to Bulwark...^^
  3. Ihr rpler habt doch echt probleme...
  4. hättest du nur EINMAL geraidet in einem MMO, würdest du nicht so nen scheiss labern:)
  5. Das ist ein MMO spiel. Wenn du RP spielen willst, have fun auf RP servern, aber bitte lasse dich nicht auf PvE/PvP servern blicken:D Es gibt leute die interessiert die story um Star Wars genau NULL. Wenn dir solche spielinhalte nicht gefallen, kannst du auch ein Singleplayer game zocken.
  6. naja ich wir haben den geone shotted, wusste nichtmal von dem bug!:ppppp
  7. er hittet mich für 9k und ich hab 19.5k buffed bei 82% avoidance:)
  8. krieg ich auch 1mio credits wenn ich ihn lege? Ich tanke den blitz einfach durch, np für mich:)
  9. You'r guys arent even able to reset a quest step, so i can FINISH MY QUESTLINE!! Can't belive this... ALL guys playing BH on darkside are so damn angry now. For me personally, i want 30days gametime back, and i guess many others would agree on that! START FIX THIS gosh darnIT.
  10. Tank should grab the middle one, and kite him in the room behind. 2x dps + heal should stay in boss room, killing the medic and rupting everything. Massey can walk around if he want to, dont care about him at the beginning. After killing medic, kill Massey. They should be enrage allready, but Massey doesnt 1hit anyone:) After killing Massey, go to your tank, and dps him slowly down, dont try to follow the boss during the kiting, just stay on distance and kill him slowly! GG Killing him in 1st try now with this
  11. There was a BONUS wave, another wave incoming soon! NO WORRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All july orders will be in hopefully:D
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