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10 Good
  1. I didnt play LOTRO but Illum is only fun when you have almost equal sides to fight with, that is the only time it becomes a fun experience as there is no real objective to accomplish the way it works just now. My server is Imp dominated for alot of the time lately though the repubs have begun to put up a great fight and I am enjoying the back and forth mass pvp. I would very much like to see SWtor build on the rvr system warhammer had only make it a whole lot better but some things Warhammer got almost right were reason to gain control and hold objectives, the objectives also had NPCs to protect the keep/fort/Objective so in most cases required a party to take the objectives and the bigger the objective the more people you needed. The Objectives on illum need to have a global effect not just on illum when you hold them all, and have some incentive to both gain control of and keep control of individual points in illum only. This worked pretty well in Warhammer for me at least with the RVR basins something similar is needed in SWtor
  2. hmmm agree no compensation needed, but you are getting at the guy for suggesting it. Some of us have been playing since the first day of Early Access when there were no queues what so ever is it my fault that the server I choose has filled up beyond its tolerable capacity No do I enjoy 20+ min queues to login No do I hate even more getting randomly kicked off server with 9000 error code and have to queue again Yes do I deserve compensation as a paying customer for a service Maybe the game market does not conform to regular consumer guidelines when it comes to customer service mainly as its very difficult cumbersome to identify who should and who should not be compensated. Know what i do wish for though.... I want a chestpiece that says I waited in a queue for this and survived!
  3. The OP possibly meant the Jolt spell, which interupts a cast and locks out that ability
  4. only thing needed is a immunity on the break free of say 5 seconds, some classes with alot of stuns can stun you , you break it , and your stunned right after which doesnt make sense. Add a 5 second Immunity to the CC break ability and everyone is happy, would make pvp less frustrating
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