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Everything posted by RadricTycho

  1. Most are spread out enough that their threat cannot be entirely controlled. I suppose that is why we have so many hybrids, eh? Let everyone fend for themselves? I just think that it makes sense that Shien Form should at least hit the mobs when the bolts are deflected back. What we are talking about is just deflecting bolts. The ones that get through your defenses and hit you would of course not generate threat back at the opponent.
  2. Its not a bad idea, but it also makes it a bit too WoW like. I like having to use more of my abilities due to that one being on CD, and then using it and getting 2 for the price of one. But I can see your point. You just want more threat generation, there is no reason to change a CC ability like this for that purpose alone. I like this one. Hmm that hasn't been my experience. There are plenty of places it is useful for catching 3 or more, though maybe not all of the mobs. Personally I think this doesn't have to change. Yeah I agree, these are too tough to use and are too situational. All classes seem to have this same issue with a channeled ability, I don't see this as a class problem. Great suggestion.
  3. Occasional? .... this is Star Wars, most are ranged and most worth tanking are silver.
  4. All juggernauts learn very quickly that tanking multiple ranged mobs is ugly. You pretty much have to stick to the toughest one or two and let the rest of your group sort out the easier ones. However, I think there is an easy solution. Shien Form is supposed to be used to deflect blaster bolts BACK at the opponent. Why not give juggernauts that bonus on threat. The redirected bolts could be low damage but high threat in order to keep the damage we deal balanced.
  5. I just finished it at level 46! It felt hard at 46, but definitely doable if you stack enough accuracy and defense.
  6. Funny I came to this forum to see if others had the same experience that I had, namely that they could solo content higher level as an immortal juggernaut. Yes, I even mean elites. Currently I am level 46 and already I have completed my class quest, solo. I won't discuss what that is so that there is no need for the spoiler alert, but let's just say it requires beating quite a few level 50 elite NPCs. I got to this point because I have been been beating higher level elites since about level 30. Somewhere along the line I stopped doing all the quests on a planet and just moved on. Here are some tips based on my experience: Spec into the Immortal tree and take all that sounds "tankly". Avoid talents that sound like they are primarily for PVP (like Unleashed). Use Jaesa up until Corellia and then switch to Quinn for survivability (or switch now if you are having trouble staying alive). Jaesa is great until the mobs really start hitting you. Make sure to fully equip Quinn with some good healing gear at that transition. Keep all of your equipment, including armoring, mod, hilt, and enhancement modifications, up to date. Using commendations from the planets, you can do this just about every level. Do some PVP to get the easy commendations and use it to buy the level 40 gear, it works just fine for PVE. Be sure to buy whatever gear your companion is missing. (ear, implant, HELMET!, etc.) Stack your stats in this order: Endurance, Strength, Defense, Accuracy. So when choosing which enhancement or mod to buy, let that guide you. USE your cooldowns on elites. Use your crowd control abilities often. My favorite combo is: Push, Throw, Charge, Backhand, Choke. I sprinkle a few damage abilities in there betwen the CC abilities. Always have highest level Stims in your pocket. Usually you get these just from looting stuff anyway. Occaisionally you will need to buy them. Use them as needed when blowing cooldowns on elites or other hard encounters after having used your "free" cooldowns first. Make sure ALL of your companions abilities are enabled. When they first get them, they may not be enabled, especially the AOE ones. These are just a few tips. Obviously knowing which skills to prioritize, when to use them, when to blow cooldowns, etc. is something you have to master as well and honestly plays even more of a role than the above. My experience is that immortal juggernauts can solo just about any content that is less than 5 levels higher. Having soloed my class quest at level 46 is pretty much proof of that.
  7. Yeah that is one good thing about her, she loves it when I am an *****hole.
  8. You and me both. I was hoping that Jaesa would be better single target DPS and a good off-tank, with Vette being good AOE dps. So far I haven't really seen this, but then I just got her.
  9. You make a good point, however the fact is that min/maxing is a very big part of every game. It is going to happen whether casual players like it or not. What has always happened in the past (or at least the WoW formula) is to allow the casuals to face the same exact content on an easier mode. And then allow the hard-core gamers to min/max and explore the content on a harder mode. This keeps both kinds of players happy. I am pretty sure we will eventually see the same thing here.
  10. I am guessing that these combat log haters and people ragging on the OP have never tanked or healed very tough content when they had gear that could just barely do it or gear that had not yet been optimized for the kind of damage that was being dealt by a tough boss. Just for the haters. A combat log isn't easy-mode. It is the way to tell how to beat very hard content which otherwise might take ages to beat through trial and error. I am not sure if such content exists yet in this game, but it seems lame to hate a combat log just the same. Besides, a combat log also keeps the game designers honest. Sometimes they design buggy combat mechanics and these mechanics make beating the boss a random thing rather than a game of skill.
  11. I Reverse Engineered the ugly POS. I hate it. It reminds me of a level 1 training saber.
  12. Yeah I agree about Dromund Kass, it was a great place to farm for Arch. I have hit about 120 in artifice and while the enhancements I can make are higher level than I am now, the cool thing is that all that "Orange" gear (you know with no stats and all sockets) this profession is GREAT for gear like that. So for leveling up to 50, I think artifice is going to be very valuable personally as well as profitable. So, early game this is a great crew skill, and late game, it might taper off in usefulness. It really depends on how socketed the higher end stuff is and how important the sockets are.
  13. I didn't get in this wave so either the cutoff was 11/6 or 11/7. Below is a list of valid Star Wars: The Old Republic codes that have been redeemed under this account. 11.18.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Early Game Access: Ready to patch 11.18.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Standard Edition Pre-Order
  14. And you are on this forum, reading this thread because you don't care about when the invite happens at all? Right...
  15. Look my criticism isn't that BW gave us EGA in waves, but rather that they have 4 meaningless waves per day since there is really only one wave at night. Dragging out the invites just makes us all glued to our email waiting for it to come. Just send out one large wave per day and I think people will be happier.
  16. Don't get me wrong, I can fully appreciate what is gained by staggering the access to the game when you have so many players clamoring to play. However, I do feel that the players have been dealt a bit of a harsh hand in how this was done. First, I have been watching the servers and they go empty or light most of the day (except for Europe) and then at night the populations on these servers surge dramatically. The reason of course is that most players are still at work or school during the working hours in which BW grants access. Then at night they all log on. What this really means is that even though BW created four "waves" of invites today, they are really just going to get one wave of users joining their servers. They realize this and so even though the populations are still light as of 3 PM today, there will be no more waves. They need to wait and see how this last round of waves went. Well fine, but let's look at this honestly. If there is really only one wave of users logging in, then why have four waves? All having four waves does is string all of us along as we wonder whether our invite might come today. If instead BW had sent all of the invites at 7 AM this morning, we would know we didn't get in and could stop checking throughout the day. Instead BW is holding us captive as we wonder "Did I get in yet?" ... "nope". I think this wasn't a good way of handling it.
  17. Here's a question: If the reason for not inviting more today is because people are at work and the servers are expected to get hit hard this evening, then why do we need 4 waves per day? I mean if the real hard hit on the servers is not until the night and at that point you get all 4 waves of players at once, then what the hell is the point of having 4 waves? Why not just have one massive wave? Why string people along all freaking day?
  18. There's really no evidence that there would be non-stop crashes. And yes, I'd rather get a chance to play, quite honestly, even if there were crashes.
  19. Yeah, I'd like to know this too. Why would I want to romance a computer generated woman? Seems lame to me.
  20. I played SWG on Eclipse server. I started shortly after the game went live and played until the NGE, which I hated. I was one of the early players to unlock the Jedi slot and leveled up to Jedi Knight. I was working on Guardian when the Jedi system changed to be more mix and match like the other professions. I have to say I miss the old days of trying to stay off the BH mission terminals and fighting for my life when a BH finally did find me. I loved hiding the fact that I was a Jedi so that I wouldn't get TEF'd by someone. I also liked the real power Jedi had as they finished out their profession. What I didn't like was: Grinding and mastering professions randomly to unlock Holocron camping Hunting Rancors on dark and dreary Dantooine for literally countless hours Having to hunt Krayts for their pearls on my regular character The crazy "Fight Clubs" of Dark and Light Jedi in order to gain rank The lack of a real Galactic Civil War in which I could fight The heavy focus on Mind pool attacks since these couldn't be healed The imbalance of Combat Medic DOTs .... The list goes on. There was a lot to not like about how SOE handled Jedi in that game. The worst thing they did though was when everyone could roll a Jedi and those who had spent literally a year worth of online time to become and level a Jedi now had a character that anyone could with little effort. People put forward all kinds of ideas about other End-Game classes which could be mastered and put players on equal footing by requiring the same effort, etc. But instead Jedi just became another combat class which had no real advantage to show for the intense effort it had required. That's when most left. If there are two things MMOs can learn from SWG, they are: Always reward your players who have a heavy time investment. A more sophisticated crafting and resource system is a big draw.
  21. Servers that don't crash and leave no one playing. Reduced lag. Reduced camping of low-level spawns. A server by server allocation to conserve resources and improve availability as needed. A few children who didn't get their way and screamed bloody hell about it. All in a day's work, I say... Good show, BW.
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