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    In a mediocre apartment.
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    Women, video games, football
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  1. Sadly I paid $150.00... aside from that, I am one crash to desktop where i just cant take it anymore from going to get D3 and washing my hands of this game. I generally like the game, gameplay, mechanics, but the sound and crash bugs are killing me slowly. Add in dwindling people playing, this games life looks like it will be kinda short. It si not just about selling retail boxes, it is about giving the consumers a reason to keep consuming, not reasons to stop.
  2. Get rid of moddable gear. Give people a reason to craft and a reason to do hard mode flashpoints. I like being able to upgrade my lightsabers, but it gives me no incentive to run flashpoints, let alone hard mode anything. I am apparently a minority who refuses to pvp so my gear is defined by dailies and moddable gear. Dailies get old fast, there is a reason the server populations are shrinking, it is because players get to 50 and after a couple weeks have no reason to log in anymore. Everyone loves opening up a boss and seeing what dropped, fatten up the boss loot. Make it random based on boss level and difficulty. Maybe give all hard mode instance bosses a chance at dropping the exotic crafting material. Spicy is better than plain. As it stands I would rather not spend 2 hours beating my head against a wall for loot drops that are not as good as what everyone in the group already has.
  3. I would suggest/request increasing the range of Zealous Leap to 15m maybe 20m, instead of the 10 it currently is. The reason being that it would just work better, making the combat flow smoother. I have it and use it, but almost every time I would use it I am 2 steps too far away from the NPC I would Zealous Leap to attack. The skill seems to be designed to let you jump from one NPC to another, and it is often defeated by the two or so extra steps required to use it. It just seems the 10m range is defeating the usefulness of the skill. And in my opinion a 5m boost to the range will not create any imbalance, while vastly improving functionality, useability, and enjoyability of the skill.
  4. Yesterday my character got stuck in a chair on a character class quest mission on an enemy space ship. /stuck did not work. I had to use my emergency fleet pass to get loose. I suggest placing an automatically bound, bind point just inside the beginning of all flashpoints, Class quests, instances, etc... like the ones on planets you do not have to click, usually at the spaceport. This would allow people to quick travel out of being stuck, without having to use the extremely long cool down fleet pass.
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