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10 Good
  1. http://imgur.com/eF7Ah basically, my guild killed SOA on 16 man just now, it was a very tight finish, the boss enraged on 1% while shielded, but we managed to kill it with half the raid dead. after the boss had died, we mopped up the mind traps and lightning balls. However, now, we had the problem where people were stuck in combat, so couldn't revive all the dead due to having an invisible DoT on 1 player in the raid, which didn't stop doing damage until they died.. So we got the person with it to die, but it then got passed onto someone else every time the person with it died. so, eventually, everyone had died to the dot even after all the mobs and boss were dead. after this, noone could get back down, no matter how much we tried, and the boss despawned with all the loot in him.. I don't understand why you'd make there be no way down to the boss incase you couldn't be revived or something... so stupid thanks bioware!
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