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Everything posted by Zebub

  1. I must be lucky. I solo queu all the time and I've been winning over half of my warzones today. Just hope they don't hit me to hard since I've been staying in Illum to keep refreshing my extra 200 valor/game buff. Now that I think about it, its probably due to all the pre made teams working on camping ilum rather than queuing.
  2. I am down to 2 datacrons... 1. being the bugged ilum datacron, suppose to be fixed next patch. 2. my codex says I am missing one on corellia. As far as I can see the only datacron on corellia I am missing is the one in the blastfield shipyards. Does anyone know the quests locations we need to pick up to unlock the blastfield shipyards? I hear some classes get a class quest to go but agent apparently isn't one of them.
  3. How do you get to it if you are on the empire side? I've looked at videos and quite a few sites but none of them tell me how to get to it. Thought it might be some wierd bonus series taxi unlock but can't find any information on that either.
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