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@BW, returning companions


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I have what I hope is a small request.


Can you make it so that companions completion of mission window not open while in combat. Basically putting it in the pending tab til out of combat.


I have faced many a situation where I am fighting and 2 or three companions return and i get spammed with windows and can not see my group frames or covering important buttons or whatever.


Thank you for the consideration


Moridin nae'blis

Jedi Covenant

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I agree with this, and also do the same when we already have two windows open on our screen. I can't tell you how annoying it is to be checking out an item from a vendor just to have it shut off while hearing C2-N2 talking to me about purses.
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I think a lot of us would like this; just stick it in the "pending" list you can get to from the top right corner of the screen if I'm in combat. It sits there and pulses at you when you have unaccepted completed missions anyway.


I don't even mind the on screen fly text and audio coming up, it's just the dialog I don't want.

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Yes, it's super annoying.


Another thing that annoys me is when a companion comes back while I'm browsing the market. It closes the market window. My annoyance is magnified by the fact that the market is such a pain in the *** to browse through in the first place.

Edited by belialle
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I think a lot of us would like this; just stick it in the "pending" list you can get to from the top right corner of the screen if I'm in combat. It sits there and pulses at you when you have unaccepted completed missions anyway.


I don't even mind the on screen fly text and audio coming up, it's just the dialog I don't want.


Exactly. I would actually want the text and the text and the audio but the window should only appear if it doesn't close anything you are currently looking at, and as long as you're out of combat.

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I am sure they look at the post, or at least they say they do :p


I will make sure this is up here during business hours so that they see it.:D


I think they do; I've seen at least one BW response that said "this is a reasonable request, we'll look in to it" on a thread.

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Oh add me to this! About trashed my group last night because the stupid companion popped up with my goods in the middle of a few elites kicking my hiney. I had my area radial up, about to Kolto Missle, and the area I was targeting was..... behind the window. It's interesting trying to click "ok" with that radial up.


While we're at it, targeting through the chat box would be nice too. =)

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This may apply to space fights too as I have found it can jump frames and lag on rendering things, then a note at the top (in yellow like the mission acheivements occuring) tells of the returning character.


A simple preferences tick box that makes them show in the pending only area would resolve this.

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A simple preferences tick box that makes them show in the pending only area would resolve this.


Yeah, that's exactly the way to do it. If you're crafting, not doing much else, and want them popping up as soon as they're done, you can switch it off. Otherwise, go right to pending.

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