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Marauder class suggestion


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I Only really have 1 suggestion for the Marauder class. The ability "Obliterate" is supposed to be the MAIN ability for the rage spec talent tree, basically a second force charge. BUT... it only has a 10m range... 10m's...? in my opinion thats just pointless. even a MINOR buff would suffice. 20m? that seems fair to me considering the Marauder class has not 1 ability past the 10m range.. ( Juggernauts lightsaber throw is 30m ) ours is10m. JUST A SUGGESTION, i think EVERY person who plays marauders would agree


Comments and feedback are more than welcome..

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The issue is "Obliterate" has a 3 rage cost. As opposed to building 3 rage. The skill itself is nice, however only have a total of 3 skills which build rage, there should be 1 skill given to marauders per tree, and for the rage tree, this skill should be it.


10m range is fine, however disappointing that the only way to buff our vicious throw from 10m to 15m is with battlemaster/champion/cent gear. But thats a complaint for another post and another time.

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