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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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Good. Keep cancelling guys, would love if you guys keep filtering yourself out so that all the bad awful unskilled whiners are gone ;) "waah 50s kill me icant level in bgs" ever tried wow before cataclysm? There was no bolster buff there, u literally got 1shot by twinks and you didn't even get XP. Took WoW 6 years to fix that. If you've waited 2weeks and already wanna quit because of a minor issue that only occurs while you're leveling, go quit. You're the kind of person that shouldn't be in the game to begin with.


You ever stop to think if enough people quit there wont be anyone for you to harass? Or heck a game for you to play?


If there isn't enough money coming in guess what champ...no funding for new content either...


You should think before you post.

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God you guys complain so much, freaking spoiled by all the other MMO's out there. The PvP is great, the story is great and the game is good. Why don't you guys just take all your crying and go play another game. Cancelling your subscription for one reason is a waste of your money. Good job spending the 60 or 160 for collectors just to end up cancelling it a few weeks into launch. Big ole babies over here.
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You ever stop to think if enough people quit there wont be anyone for you to harass? Or heck a game for you to play?


If there isn't enough money coming in guess what champ...no funding for new content either...


You should think before you post.

Calm down, I'm not harassing anybody. If you think this is harassing then you're pretty out of touch with reality. "I'm constantly whining about how im going to quit this game and this boy called me a whiner, I feel harassed". Nobody's harassing you so calm down.


~a few hundreads quitting won't make any difference. There's equal threads on the WoW forums aswell. "If you don't nerf this class I quit ;(" - but in reality; 99% of the people saying they're quitting aren't. Reality is it's less than 0,01% of the total playerbase that's quitting. You only hear the whining stinking nerds who's angry they got killed screaming. Only a loud minority. If you're having fun with the game and isn't bad enough to get farmed in warzones, you won't be on these forums whining about how you hate to get killed, right? Trust me, you 20 who says you cancelled your subscription, you accomplished nothing and you will not be missed. Nor by any player, nor by BioWare


So yeah, perhaps you should think before you post, kid ;)

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I agree with everything you said, but its too early and yes I know they should not have released the game in this state. But I won't cancel till 2-3 patches.




Yeah im going to cancel has well.... play this month and pay for one month.


see how they patch this game up..

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Cancelled the day I bought the game. They pissed me off at the start automatically requiring me to sub despite having a free month of game time.


I won't be re-subbing until PvP concerns are seriously addressed and if they're not in due time I likely won't be re-subbing ever. Simply put, the engine is clunky and painful to play with. This is a huge disappointment for me as this is a Sith/Jedi Star Wars game and I was seriously looking forward to some quality PvP.

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I should have learned my lesson with warcraft and signed up for a PvE server. World PvP always just annoys me, its always 2 or 3 vs 1 and they are all 5 levels higher. I'm not going to cancel since I still enjoy the PvE but I think this game would have been just as good and maybe better if it was a single player game like the first 2.
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Cancelled the day I bought the game. They pissed me off at the start automatically requiring me to sub despite having a free month of game time.


I won't be re-subbing until PvP concerns are seriously addressed and if they're not in due time I likely won't be re-subbing ever. Simply put, the engine is clunky and painful to play with. This is a huge disappointment for me as this is a Sith/Jedi Star Wars game and I was seriously looking forward to some quality PvP.


I am very dissapointed also, since this was a concern in beta and still not addressed. This is one reason WAR also failed and go figure, its the SAME EXACT group of people working on the PVP here. Pretty sad and I guess they didn't learn.

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Lets see how many of you actually stick to your guns on "cancelling"


As for those that are going on about "we complained about it in beta" I highly doubt it, most beta testers keep broken classes hush hush so they can use and abuse them in live.


As for the brackets, they are coming.


Nobody kept anything "Hush hush". This was a great group of beta players. He's right, people did come to BW about their concerns, but it wasn't the majority. Most of the Beta people felt Bolster was fine. However with more people, there are now more 50s.

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I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaught houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


I cancelled today I think you should too.


As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.


Lol you cant beat a group with 3 50's in it and your complaining? Jeez I've had medium level groups beat groups with 4-5 50's. Stop complaining because your butthurt from losing so bad, 90 percent of the other people complaining on this thread just dont play with skilled people, are aren't good enough to overcome 50's with superior teamplay in warzones. Sure, they apply an advantage for the other team, but usually theres a couple 50's on yours too, and you wont find a single game with competitive multiplayer where there arent advantages.

Edited by Chrisbox
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Lol you cant beat a group with 3 50's in it and your complaining? Jeez I've had medium level groups beat groups with 4-5 50's. Stop complaining because your butthurt from losing so bad, 90 percent of the other people complaining on this thread just dont play with skilled people, are aren't good enough to overcome 50's with superior teamplay in warzones. Sure, they apply an advantage for the other team, but usually theres a couple 50's on yours too, and you wont find a single game with competitive multiplayer where there arent advantages.


Or how about YOU deal with the problem, since not everyone can / do have a group of guildies and friends to PvP with constantly? Not that I believe your balogney, as you can't queue up with more than 4 people currently.


If you can't see how giving lvl 10's the option to PvP, only to put them up against lvl 50s is a problem then you fail at using your brain. It is a very obvious issue. And the 'don't PvP til you hit 50' crap is not a solution either, unless they only open up PvP at lvl 50. They are giving options, but punishing us for using them.


Bolster or not, gear scale or not, the single thing 50's have above everyone else is abilities. More of them, and much higher levels. Then of course there is the 50 PvP gear with all those extra PvP stats.

Edited by Maniacal
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I think people need to just learn to play. I'm only level 24 or so and have very little trouble with 50s. Most of the time I'm in the top third for damage and kills.


So seriously, it's not that they're level 50, its either that A) You don't give yourself enough credit and just rage when a 50 kills you or B) You just suck.

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Whatever leave. i know my server is to full as it is . I am gut sick of people who think that any mmorpg is only about pvp and if the game dose not center around it then it is a waste of time.


First of all they have said many times over that pvp was NOT the main part of the game. it was something else to do when you want to step away from the STORY that was the real part of the game. And that you should not just power level your toons only in pvp.


Also if you are doing pvp the game allready has it set up so if there is some lv 50 and you are not the match will make everyones base starts the same and only the specials and skill trees points would be the only thing that would make someone better than you.


And last damm that game has not been our for a month yet!!! So sick of you people that demand that a game be perfect when it comes out. and then compair it to games taht have been out for years and still dont work right.


So leave or stay and play the pve store and enjoy all the hard work that bioware has done and have some damm faith in that they will not let this fail.


IF not the get the hell out and go back to your old last gen games where you can be a tool there and stay away.

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I think people need to just learn to play. I'm only level 24 or so and have very little trouble with 50s. Most of the time I'm in the top third for damage and kills.


So seriously, it's not that they're level 50, its either that A) You don't give yourself enough credit and just rage when a 50 kills you or B) You just suck.


Gonna call shenanigans on this. Getting the final hit on a fleeing lvl 50 that just got gang-***** by half your team does not mean you have very little trouble with 50s. It is not a bragging right, and no, nobody believes you.

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warning rabid fanboi alert. PVP is a major component of this game the BW quote is plastered all over these forums. Sorry it upsets you and yes if they do not majorly address PVP they will lose millions of dollars. Plain and simple.


Judging from the pvp forums I dont think this crew is going to wait patiently either. They will simply go and spread around the news of BW's utter failure to design PVP and that can't be good for new subs bears or otherwise.

Edited by lolsaber
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I am not going to cancel over this. It will get fixed at some point. Eventually everyone is going to hit 50 so it isn't going to be too big of a deal for warzone pvp. I guess to everyone who is unsubbing and jumping on the band wagon have fun with your panda.
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Gonna call shenanigans on this. Getting the final hit on a fleeing lvl 50 that just got gang-***** by half your team does not mean you have very little trouble with 50s. It is not a bragging right, and no, nobody believes you.


In a one-on-one fight against a level 50 at full health, no. I'm not talking about that. It's possible, but highly unlikely. Having another person with you while you fight a 50, sure.


It's not like you have to fight a 50 by yourself. These Warzones have TEAMS for a reason. If a low level tries to be all "Lone Wolf" than of course they are going to die. It's retarded to then rage about it since it would be the person's own fault.

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