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Having a great time, wish you were here


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CSB tiems.


I got TOR on preorder to play with my guildmates, many of whom are friends of mine from SWG days. For Christmas, my son got his own copy of TOR so he could play also. I had gotten to level 25 on my Consular by then so we decided to start characters on another server and play those together.


I set up a local Vent server so we could talk to each other, being in different rooms in the house, and we both rolled level 1 characters- he went Jedi Knight, I went Smuggler. We finally made it to Coruscant and can actually share most missions now, and it's more fun than should be legal to play the game this way. We're both laughing our heads off half the time. The dialog choices are great, and we've been having a huge amount of fun with the RP aspects, him going all light side and me doing things a little more fast and loose. We even hit up the Esseles and blasted our way through it in true hero fashion.


Despite some bugs (my son's character getting trapped inside a pylon on the Esseles was very irritating, but amazingly I killed the droid on my own), and some irritation (I'm not eligible for that conversation? Why?) it has been amazingly fun to play.


We just made it through the Heroic "Enemies of the Republic" mission and it was a real nail-biter; we had to really work hard to make it happen and it was a hell of a lot of fun. Now that we're able to do joint missions while leveling our class quests makes it even more so.


What's the point of this? Nothing, really- just wanted to share something cool that I think this game really did well. The experience has been a lot of fun, even with the bugs.


You did a good job, BioWare. Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to more. Happy New Year.

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I don't have any friends from SWG that enjoy my company so I play alone.




I missed this yesterday- I have friends from a couple of SWG guilds, but they ended up on different servers. Check the Community Check-Ins forum for your old SWG server and see if there's a server most have gone to here on TOR.

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