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It's time for Bioware to step up. Communicate on PvP


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To start: I am asking you politely to not post here if you do not PvP. Thanks.


I decided to post this due to this fact http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php Not one post in the PvP forums, it has been completely and utterly ignored. It is quite blatant a vast majority of PvPers are unhappy with the current system. I, myself, am miserable PvPing in this game.


Here is a list I gathered of my current observations in PvP/Warzones:


-No reward for open world PvP. And/Or open World PvP is non-existent, dead.

-Unresponsive combat, abilities failing, GCD's not working correctly, etc. Already a similar thread focused on this issue. Unacceptable in PvP, interrupts barely work.

-Bad optimization around high number of players (FPS drops)

-Server-side issues: Couple examples, Voidstar, stunning a player before they plant the bomb, and the bomb goes off anyway. Again in Voidstar, players knocked off/walk off bridges, miraculously, they appear again.

-Double warzone bug. Sometimes able to have a disadvantage, more than 8 players on a team.

-Resolve system: Is a joke. It does not work. You can have a full resolve bar and still be stunned, rooted, knocked back, snared. Need a real diminishing returns system.

-Classes unbalanced, favored to range (Agent/BH/Trooper/Smuggler)

-Far too many knockbacks, snares, stuns, and roots. There's no reason every class should have all of them. Most MMO's with common sense limit a couple classes for these abilities.

-Line of sighting is painful. Refer to server-side issues.

-Raid frames don't work more than half the time. Whether some players don't show up or their health bars do not update. It is a major issue for healers especially.

-UI freezing up constantly. Ctrl+U twice with 2-3 bursters on you is an instant death.

-Gear system, RNG, is just absurd. Level 10 valor player has full epics, Level 40 valor player has 4 epics. Implement getting more centurion marks if you do not receive a champion token. Getting duplicates is even more irritating though - implement ability to trade tokens for another piece (Legs for Helm) Or - revamp it totally.

-Get rid of auto facing in PvP. Refer to Ranged classes.


This is just the things I can point out. Feel free to add more, I will update the list. I figured this would be a pleasant start for this company to start speaking with the PvPers of the community. This needs attention ASAP.

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