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Power or Critical for Sentinel?


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Pardon me if this has already been answered before, I attempted to search for it without much luck. Im currently leveling up my crafting up par with my character's level and I wanted to know what I should be aiming for as a sentinel, if power or critical.


I was told I should look at what my skills required but I must admit I have not the slightest idea where to locate that information. I would like to build up mainly for pvp combat. If anyone could explain to me the pros and cons of each I would be very thankful



Thank you for your time.

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it depends on spec, and right now without combat logs its hard to say definitively what is better.


For watchman crit and surge is certainly important and you cant go wrong stacking it.


For combat theres probably a lot of ways to do it. Some people say accuracy because your offhand accuracy is naturally quite low, but who knows.

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Hard to say which is better without parsers and/or combat logs.

I've tried stacking both and found them to each "feel" good, as our DPS comes in the form of more consistent attacks than, say, a Shadow, whom might prefer crits for big numbers.


What it may boil down to is your build. Combat builds may favor Crit, as they have access to bonuses for critical damage on key skills. Watchman might prefer power for a steady stream of higher hits.

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I've been stacking power, while picking up surge where I can as watchman.


I feel like the crits from Zen devalue crit rating. At later levels with proper talents you get centering out the wazoo. I pop Zen at least twice a pull, more if I'm being attacked (since I put a pint in def forms for leveling).

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Do not stack power ... stack strength.


5 Str gives you 1 dmg and some crit


4.73 power gives you 1 dmg and no crit.



Str, Surge, Crit, End, Accuracy ... only stats you should look at stacking on a Sent imo (not in that order per say)

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Stacking strength is a no brainer since all of our gear has lots of strength on it, and that will pretty much remain constant no matter what its secondary stats are.


We're more worried about secondary stats.


Hard to say yet, but wouldn't be surprised if it went like


accuracy (to currently unknown %) > crit > surge > power


For combat, at least.


Impossible to say for sure yet.

Edited by Wazooty
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Str is the no brainer one as said always be primary. Power initially seems great and is nice but I find Surge/Crit a lot better, esp as Watchman spec. Accuracy is always good esp in PvP. You'll find it easier to go/get crit over surge early on through early 30s because you well, can't get surge until a certain point/level.
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Ive been then of a few things, I played combat all the way to 50 and did a bunch of number crunching then went watchman as its the superior spec atm imo. But anyhoo, Ive been looking at power/surge (I know this is a rough combo) because power gives more damage so DoTs hit harder and with zen proc surge would give you nice ticks. Just a though Ive had, but currently all my mods and enhancements are for combat 105% accuracy 30% crit 70% surge.
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I'm going to be putting out a Watchman guide soon - as soon as i get software for recording.


it looks like crit and surge have about the same weight. more crit means more dot damage done, and because of the talents, your critical dots restore 2% total health if properly talented. [edit: obviously this healing only helps you out, but it still saves healers a bit of work.)


surge increase critical damage done (we get a 30% critical damage dot buff from talents as well, so it is like free surge rating) so it always benefits regardless of spec - but i find that it helps watchman damage immensely.


power is an iffy stat, and as no one has access to combat logs, I can't really say how beneficial this stat is. however, crit and surge appear to surpass it.



that said, Strength > crit = surge > power > accuracy (when i write that guide i'll explain that part in more detail).

Edited by Shyrshadi
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