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[VIDEO] Let me explain how SORCS/SAGES actually work for you.


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well lets say 4 sorcs want to hold a cap or just 2 sorcs and range dps, they can avoid death while kiting for a long long time, meaning giving reinforcements time to get there to defend for a long time. I didnt say get rid of all CC but it does seem like everyone has a little to much, my class also. Not to mention in in BGs without a full team no ones going to play to the faults, and a 30% healing debuff is nothing. To me sorcs are killable but also extremely viable, in this video hes talking about mostly how his own damage is and not really about the team aspect of the sorc, they have good CC good heals and good DPS. no one class should have all this.


Uh, no. YOU DON'T HAVE GOOD HEALS AS DPS SPEC. You have to be specifically healing spec for your heals to be worth using aside from every now and again when you manage to force sprint out of LoS and heal yourself once or twice (for 2100 by the way, in 2.5 seconds - it's NOTHING as DPS spec.)


You'll see that I didn't even mention healing in this video - because it's so situational and reliant on your opponents being bad to be effective as DPS spec.


As I explained in the video, relative to other classes, damage is BAD.

Edited by CHRISGG
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Statements were definitely accurate, and the video evidence was very good. Thanks for the informative message.


Some criticism though: Your attitude is horrible, and really made me almost stop watching the move completely. Why do you feel the need to act in such a way that everyone is either irredeemably retarded or to pretentious to see your points?



^ That.


Learned some things; but the attitude is piss poor.


Consider: Pro in a video game shouldn't come with such hubris.



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I stopped watching this retarded sounding dudes video when he mentions force sweep/smash hitting for 4k+ while watching all the steady consistent and retarded amounts of dps he was putting out lol.


"The thing is, bad players refuse to acknowledge that this spec is good because in their minds they've been doing things right all along and it's just the games fault"

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I see you use a balance spec. What's your opinion on TK for PvP?


I have tried it many times and always been unimpressed, it's a spec that requires as much casting as a Mercenary but only does 50-60% of the damage. Disturbance is a terrible spell and turbulence doesn't do enough damage is mostly the problem with the spec.

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"they do so much damage!!"

"they tank better than tanks!!"





all addressed in this video from a lvl 50 sage. Watch yourself, look at the damage I do and the way I play and see that your complaints are wrong. You can also just run it in the background and listen and become informed. Thanks.


Problem is that there is so many of them, which is why people are whining.

If you are a melee and you have more then one inquisitor on you, you're completely ****ed because of slows and constant and good damage.


Also ontop of this with Force Speed and knockback its just way over the top, you really can not deny this.


Edit: Personally do not mind inquisitors since I **** on them 1v1 easily, its just the fact that as soon as you put them into a teamfight they shine so incredibly much because of all the utility along with the damage they put out.

Edited by Ghingis
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as a shadow tank sorcs seem awful. i am suprised ppl whine about them rly like seriously i have killed good geared 50 ones without ever feeling in danger. there are bigger problems in pvp right now tbh.
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"The thing is, bad players refuse to acknowledge that this spec is good because in their minds they've been doing things right all along and it's just the games fault"


In reference to me possibly being a bad player I've got more than plenty of proof from other games that prove otherwise, in reference to doing things right you just can't in this game when you're a warrior going up against everyone else its mechanically impossible to stay on top of anyone with half a brain and put out similar numbers unless they are an "S" key warzone hero. Stay terrible at explaining mechanics.

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In reference to me possibly being a bad player I've got more than plenty of proof from other games that prove otherwise, in reference to doing things right you just can't in this game when you're a warrior going up against everyone else its mechanically impossible to stay on top of anyone with half a brain and put out similar numbers unless they are an "S" key warzone hero. Stay terrible at explaining mechanics.


It sure is hard to stay on people who you have slowed with your 100% uptime 0 cost slow which hits people out of melee and 15s cd charge, oh gee. Nevermind the fact that you have the best survivability in the game, are guarding someone, that slow is also hitting everyone around you, you're throwing out 4.5k+ 5 target aoes every 12 seconds...


Yep. Because you get kited by superior players, the class sucks. What spec are you exactly? If you're not 31 focus/rage then you're exactly who this video is for, and your responses are exactly what i'd expect.

Edited by CHRISGG
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I understand how people could have thought this in the beginning where there wasn't a lot of information but come on people. They really arent op. Coming from a focus guardian, if they don't do their best at kiting it's almost always a kill for me. The burst coupled with the survivability is insane. The only reason they have the cc is because they have to kite because they die quickly. Methinks there are a lot of lowbies complaining on these forums. As a side note, great vid faction, keep it up.
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"they do so much damage!!"

"they tank better than tanks!!"





all addressed in this video from a lvl 50 sage. Watch yourself, look at the damage I do and the way I play and see that your complaints are wrong. You can also just run it in the background and listen and become informed. Thanks.


Guy making this video is a complete moron lol.................


Yes Juggs can get high crits but its melee. I wouldnt mind getting a crit for 3.6k at 30 yards away. you guys have it rough'


**** already


Sorc damage is fine its the other part of the class


Bubbles / sprints / heals / CC / yada yada yada

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It sure is hard to stay on people who you have slowed with your 100% uptime 0 cost slow which hits people out of melee and 15s cd charge, oh gee. Nevermind the fact that you have the best survivability in the game, are guarding someone, that slow is also hitting everyone around you, you're throwing out 4.5k+ 5 target aoes every 12 seconds...


Yep. Because you get kited by superior players, the class sucks. What spec are you exactly? If you're not 31 focus/rage then you're exactly who this video is for, and your responses are exactly what i'd expect.



It's really nice to see you think warriors don't get cc'd, los'd, knockedbacked and we always have 5 targets to hit to make up for the fact that everything else never really hits for more than 2k. I'm not stating its not to be expected that I be controlled and kited to some extent but not to the point where i'm dead and the sorc is at 40% backpedaling to victory. The nerfs are coming regardless of what your flawed logic is.

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It's really nice to see you think warriors don't get cc'd, los'd, knockedbacked and we always have 5 targets to hit to make up for the fact that everything else never really hits for more than 2k. I'm not stating its not to be expected that I be controlled and kited to some extent but not to the point where i'm dead and the sorc is at 40% backpedaling to victory. The nerfs are coming regardless of what your flawed logic is.


It's literally impossible to die to a "backpedalling" sorc unless you're also bad yourself. The aura of superiorty emanating from your posts tells me that i'm dealing with a tryhard who thinks he's far better than he actually is, so no point.


Also rofled hard at LoSing a juggernaut.

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It's literally impossible to die to a "backpedalling" sorc unless you're also bad yourself. The aura of superiorty emanating from your posts tells me that i'm dealing with a tryhard who thinks he's far better than he actually is, so no point.


Also rofled hard at LoSing a juggernaut.


I'm not trying to start a fight or anything man but every forums I see you post in all you do is call everyone else bad and put people down.


It gets a little old after a while and people stop taking you seriously...just something to think about.

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The issue isn't the sage...are alot of classes do way more damage then a sage can, people do not like sages because we can heal...and we can do so for a lot longer then a BH, or OP and we can sustain it a long time. On top of this we have a barrior ability which can be used to soften blows of attacks but this i BY design! we are amazing single target healers, and one heal crit can heal a massive chunk of hp.


so basic complaints are...


1: Deal so much damage!: yea because damage done at end of a warzone means something... as a former warlock in WoW i can tell you how i easily top damage as both a sorc and a warlock...called dot spam...i can spam dots on several people and padd my damage done easily. Sorry doesn't make us OP at all...


2: We have to much survivability: yes that is true we can easily escape bad situations, heal damage back up given a moment of time, and have a barrior ability to negate, and soften damage done. However are a few things people need to remmeber and that is first! all of our major heals require a 1.5-3 second cast time... 2.5 second if talented 1.5 when we use our hot. learn to interupt i've faced great sentinels can lock me down whole fight! secondly we have lowest mitigation of any class and die quickest of anyone once our shield and cooldowns are gone we die...simple as that! we don't even have a viable focus fire defense tool either...


3: Shield makes you immune to everything!: very much false, does stop cast interuptions but not actual interupts, most it does is padd some bonus life on in a way. On top of this shield cant be spammed despite what people say it has a 20 second cooldown do to debuff.


If want my honest opinion issues in pvp are not class related are related to mechanics in actual pvp game, are not working as intended. biggest being resolve, lack of diminishing returns, fact that healers have no way to avoid focus fire, and lack of ability to make premades.


Really when comes down to it... all ranged dps classes are very similar and share many ailities are the same. Example... merc/commando and Sorc/Sage all have almost SAME CC's! Cryo Genade has same effect, and cooldown as electricute they are same move with a differant animation. Overload is same as pulse wave(think is right name) which is an aoe knock back, the commandos of course has a same, SPEC'D the SI's has a root. So are slight variations... but classes differ only slight in way they deal damage and armor they can wear...


PvP first needs to do a few things before any kind of real nerf crying can really happen.


1: premades need to happen


2: Rating/competitive warzones need to happen


3: Diminishing returns need to happen or fixing resolve... personally like to see resolve become a cooldown ability, everyone gets builds up and makes immune to CC for so long and maybe a small buff, takes awhile to build along with DR's would probably fix alot of QQ.


Real problem right now is 2-3 guys CCing you back to back which is where CC locks come in because NO one class can CC lock you down... just do not have stuns/CCs maybe stealth classes do but that is there thing.


Sage/Sorc is fine... if one thing i think may be skewing things...is absorbtion rating effecting static barrior...its a tanking stat i dont think suppose to do that but it may well be i am unsure.


Edit: also lawl at people who think sorc has more CC then other ranged classes... we don't i have both a Trooper and a Sorc and i have same CC's on my heavy armored trooper as i do my sorc...

Edited by Lokai
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I feel sad how there is none good melee in your video. Not enough to show how squishy Sage/Sorcerer is.


There's only 1 good melee on my server, an Operative, he gets me to 30% in the opener but if I have stun/cc cooldowns up I still win.


In group fights though, I spend 90% of the time desperately kiting 2-3 melee while just tabbing dots on people so they can't cap. If the melee aren't too bad they will eventually all connect onto me with force sprint/cc break down and then i'm 100% screwed.

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It's literally impossible to die to a "backpedalling" sorc unless you're also bad yourself. The aura of superiorty emanating from your posts tells me that i'm dealing with a tryhard who thinks he's far better than he actually is, so no point.


Also rofled hard at LoSing a juggernaut.


Because Force Charge can't be line of sighted right, why do I even bother replying to someone who is this ignorant and bad.

Edited by Zeppz
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Because Force Charge can't be line of sighted right, why do I even bother replying to someone who is this ignorant and bad.


You brought up a bunch of stuff that effects every class including the Overpowered As Heck Sages and Sorcerors. LoS effects them so much more so than you it's not even funny, too. "I have to deal with the same stuff that everyone else deals with, damn it."

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