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Suggestion: Sentinel Changes


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Hey everyone this is Joel from the Ebon Hawk Server,


I've been playing Sentinel for about 30 levels now and came up with a few suggestions I would like to pass on.



First off I feel Pacify should have its range increased. I've noticed several times in pvp that targets are just too far away to utilize a 4m range ability. On the tooltip it also shuts down Range accuracy but if we are being kited we can't exactly utilize this. I'm thinking 20m should fix the problem.


Master Strike

This is my opinion is the most visual pleasing ability the Jedi Knight has. Its looks great and does great damage. However, it seems we should get a little more bang for our buck. In PvE or PvP it seems we should get a little bonus for completing a full duration Master Strike. I'm thinking if you complete it's duration you should gain an additional 5 Centering at the end.


Leg Slash

Cauterize and Legs Slash should be combined into one ability to more properly manage cooldowns.

Suggestion provided by: StyxzieWaterz


Well thats just some things off the top of my head I think could help the Sentinel along. See everyone in game!

Edited by Enderlin
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I'd rather them roll the snare into Cauterize and do away with leg slash. They can roll Dispatch and crip throw together too while they're at it.


If anything they could make the final MS hit for even more than it does, though I'm happy with it now.


In general I feel like we only really need qol changes and some abilities merged since there is a bit of unnecessary overlap.

Edited by StyxzieWaterz
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If combat has a 12 second rotation, and by that I mean 12 seconds before our major focus builder (zealous) is up again, then we spend half of it being stupidly bored, spamming strike.


Zealous strike is the key to us having fun. We press it and all of the sudden we have enough focus to have fun again. Right now my rotation looks a bit like this:


Charge > Zealous > Precision strike > blade rush > storm > strike > blade rush > strike > strike > zealous.


I basically see a rotation as the time from one zealous to another. Since precision strike has a 15 sec CD and does not really fit neatly into a "rotation", and neither does storm (9 sec CD), it's more like a priority system that ALWAYS has zealous as its no. 1 ability.


Now, looking at the "rotation", there are 3 strikes within 12 seconds. Strike is a boring and not fun ability, but a necessity because we have no focus at the point in our rotation. Having to use it more than once in a row is not very engaging, let alone 3 times in 12 seconds.


Why not change zealous to have a 7 or 8 sec CD (with talents)? That way we basically cut some of the bad stuff (the strikes) out of the rotation. I feel strike should be something we use on occasion, not all the time. After zealous, we have 3 main abilities in our priority system. However have 2 often used filler abilities in Riposte and kick that use up more focus than our "Zealous" budget allow. With an 8 sec CD, strike will still probably be used once before zealous is back up. I'm guessing the gcd is 1.5 seconds or so since we have 7 abilities for every zealous strike.


With an 8 second zealous it would look like


charge > zealous > precision > blade rush > storm > strike > blade rush > zealous


One strike per rotation means it's essential, but not something you need to spam.



Obviously all of this is omitting our other abilities with longer CDs (master strike, stasis). But more times than not, those abilities will be unavailable.



Edited by Wazooty
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I'd rather them roll the snare into Cauterize and do away with leg slash. They can roll Dispatch and crip throw together too while their at it.


If anything they could make the final MS hit for even more than it does, though I'm happy with it now.


In general I feel like we only really need qol changes and some abilities merged since there is a bit of unnecessary overlap.


I support this. I personally without Macros have way too many abilities floating around to properly use them all. I think Combining Cauterize and Legs Slash is a fair change.

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Not to rain on any parades, but...



First off I feel Pacify should have its range increased. I've noticed several times in pvp that targets are just too far away to utilize a 4m range ability. On the tooltip it also shuts down Range accuracy but if we are being kited we can't exactly utilize this. I'm thinking 20m should fix the problem.

This already exists in the form of the Combat talent Displacement, which increases Pacify range by 3/6.


I'd rather them roll the snare into Cauterize and do away with leg slash. They can roll Dispatch and crip throw together too while their at it.
This too already exists in the talent trees. This time as Inflammation, a 2-point talent in the Watchman tree.


Regarding Dispatch and Crippling Throw... I rather like them on separate cooldowns. Especially with the aforementioned talent called Displacement, which provides a short duration root for CT.






Now for some contribution...


Vibroswords: Make them show up! Okay, so some do.. but all the "cool" ones don't... and none, as an offhand, do at all, so far as I can tell. We can have two sabers dangling from our belt, so why can't we have two vibroswords on our back? Honestly, this is one of my biggest gripes about the class thus far.

Edited by Fascion
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