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Server population issues.


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Hello, I'm new to MMOs and I was wondering about my current server.

I'm currently level 18 on Ula Vii and when I picked my realm and it said the population was heavy, I deliberately chose this realm because I'd like to play the game with a large amount of others. However over the past few days, there has been a noticible decline in the population, and now it reads ''Light''. People in the chat have told me numerous things, such as the developers are moving people around to make all servers ''Standard'' and another told me that I'd have to pay to change to another server.

Sorry for going on and on, but I was wondering if I really do have to pay to change my server? I can't see why since I choose a heavy server when I began despite the top-of-the-list servers being light, and I really don't want to have to create a new character. Also, is it true that the developers want to make all servers Standard or lower?

Thanks in advance for all your help :)

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The people in chat don't know what they are talking about. The problem with population is a design flaw. Even on the heaviest populated server you will find instances where it is a ghost town upon loading in. The server may be full, but there are 30+ of the same instance housing people, each instance has a set number of people. Just as an assumption I would expect instances are evened out population wise until a certain number is hit.
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