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Catalyst Mission-Taris Help


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Been having some trouble with this with one character myself.

Do the rakghoul have to be infected rakghoul, or will any (in the "hot" area) do?

I reset the mission, and now there aren't any showing up that have the tag "infected" as I've seen before elsewhere.


Getting tired of Taris for this guy.

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I personally found getting infected in the quest circle for the map works. On my beta character I tried outside the circle for like 10 min and got nothing. Then I tried going in the circle and it works. On my live character I tried it once and got it instantly. Also I think only stron Rakghouls can give you the disease so make sure you are fighting those.
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I think it's only certain rakghouls in a certain area that can infect you, I tried once just killing all except one of them and then just had him hit me over and over while my companion healed me. stood there for 3-4 minutes before some idiot wandered by and killed it...

Then I moved to another area and got the infection right before I got killed by one of the big ones. Still, it got the job done.

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