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can u use revel at all


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I just got andronikos revel, I like the dps damge he does but I seem to draw all the agro, is it better to just us Khem or can revel be used at all, it seems he is a great companion for assisins buit not for us, in what ways can I use him to fight with me, Idont wont to waste money on gear for him if I cant use him that much.


Also what is the best stance to have him in snipe or assault.

Edited by Alexcinq
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I just got andronikos revel, I like the dps damge he does but I seem to draw all the agro, is it better to just us Khem or can revel be used at all, it seems he is a great companion for assisins buit not for us, in what ways can I use him to fight with me, Idont wont to waste money on gear for him if I cant use him that much.


Andronikos Revel makes already trivial content more trivial. Once you get some kiting tools he works just plain better on a lot of the harder mobs that would normally hammer the stuffing out of Khem Val or Xalek (when you get him) just by virtue of the above stated fact that you're the one with the aggro, and he just buzzsaws through things if you can fully upgrade his guns. I personally got him two of the level 29 orange cunning pistols from the Specialty Goods droid on Tatooine, and have kept them upgraded religiously through the levels (Now almost 46).


But, that's the thing. He's not meant to hold aggro. You have to know how to kite. Once you're 34 and have Force Storm, on groups of 4-6+ unmedaled mobs, you can just bubble up and storm them into oblivion, with Andronikos babbling constantly about 'BOOM' this and 'Right between the eyes. I love this!' that, and rarely ever even get hit. Against silver mobs, you can juggle Electrocute and your 31 point talent (They both CC IIRC) and have them dead before they even reach you unless they have a leap. Golds take a little more finesse, but are perfectly doable, with the melee ones being much easier than the ranged ones.


You shouldn't let your tank's gear get too far behind though, and there's definitely encounters where you need to slog through it by healing him and taking pokes whenever possible, but Andronikos isn't the companion you'd use for those fights anyways. He's just another weapon you can add to your arsenal if you know how to properly place him in a context where he can blast the tar out of everything in sight.

Edited by Onager
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Andronikos Revel makes already trivial content more trivial. Once you get some kiting tools he works just plain better on a lot of the harder mobs that would normally hammer the stuffing out of Khem Val or Xalek (when you get him) just by virtue of the above stated fact that you're the one with the aggro, and he just buzzsaws through things if you can fully upgrade his guns. I personally got him two of the level 29 orange cunning pistols from the Specialty Goods droid on Tatooine, and have kept them upgraded religiously through the levels (Now almost 46).


But, that's the thing. He's not meant to hold aggro. You have to know how to kite. Once you're 34 and have Force Storm, on groups of 4-6+ unmedaled mobs, you can just bubble up and storm them into oblivion, with Andronikos babbling constantly about 'BOOM' this and 'Right between the eyes. I love this!' that, and rarely ever even get hit. Against silver mobs, you can juggle Electrocute and your 31 point talent (They both CC IIRC) and have them dead before they even reach you unless they have a leap. Golds take a little more finesse, but are perfectly doable, with the melee ones being much easier than the ranged ones.


You shouldn't let your tank's gear get too far behind though, and there's definitely encounters where you need to slog through it by healing him and taking pokes whenever possible, but Andronikos isn't the companion you'd use for those fights anyways. He's just another weapon you can add to your arsenal if you know how to properly place him in a context where he can blast the tar out of everything in sight.


Ty good info, a few questions though, how much are those guns u got him, also do u use snipe mode or assult more? and I know this is probly a dumb questions but how do i know when to use Khwm and not him. also On tatooine can I use him a lot or is Khwm better on that planet.

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Ty good info, a few questions though, how much are those guns u got him, also do u use snipe mode or assult more? and I know this is probly a dumb questions but how do i know when to use Khwm and not him. also On tatooine can I use him a lot or is Khwm better on that planet.


If you have access to some good barrels and components for cunning users, pretty much any Specialty Vendor that has orange blaster pistols is viable. The earliest is on Dromand Kaas, I believe, although you'll have to immediately swap out the components on those as they're already outdated by the time you get Andronikos. The ones on Tatooine are around 25k each IIRC, but I've literally been using them for 16 levels, and if you decide to use Talos later, you can just give him one of them and whatever non-companion specific gear Andronikos has as well, since they're identical gearwise except for their offhand slots.


When you first get Andronikos, you probably don't have Force Storm yet, and either Chain Lightning or Death Field will be your only real AoE outside of Overload, so his single target stance is preferred. If you do as I did and spec madness and take the Whirlwind talents, there's some more sensitive encounters where you also want him in single target mode so as not to break your mezzes. Otherwise, after 34 on anything that's not silver/gold/platinum you can basically turn on all his AoEs and put him in AoE stance and just chew through everything in sight.


As for whether you'll know when to use Khem Val and not him: Pretty much any gold or higher mob with a gun, you'll use Khem. Anything that can be kited, if you have the knowledge and skill to do it properly, will see Andronikos making it more efficient and faster.

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