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To the complainers....


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I did not get into early access today. my week off started today for this game but i did not get in.






Why are you complaining? I knew how the ega was gonna happen, you get put into a queue. The first 2 days are for the very first pre-orders. I ordered in late July, and i will prob get in on the 14th or 15th. if i don't? Oh well. Most of us have played the beta, and its awesome and worth waiting for.



Was i not happy about getting in? Yeah i was, but i just played LoL and went to the beach. Its not even launch and you guys are acting like Bioware is an evil company out to just **** you over. Why don't you just look at it the way it is and notice a few extra days of waiting aren't going to hurt you.



gosh darn i feel like i'm in the WoW forums.



Edit : Lol they filter G*D D**N to gosh darn

Edited by Ouza
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I'm complaining because I preordered way back in November, around the time I started following this game and it is completely unacceptable that I have not been let in yet. I have been waiting way too damn long and I am a paying customer and they said I would get 5 days early access (that "may" and "up to" business is just people trying to confuse me).















/end dry sarcasm

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I did not get into early access today. my week off started today for this game but i did not get in.






Why are you complaining? I knew how the ega was gonna happen, you get put into a queue. The first 2 days are for the very first pre-orders. I ordered in late July, and i will prob get in on the 14th or 15th. if i don't? Oh well. Most of us have played the beta, and its awesome and worth waiting for.



Was i not happy about getting in? Yeah i was, but i just played LoL and went to the beach. Its not even launch and you guys are acting like Bioware is an evil company out to just **** you over. Why don't you just look at it the way it is and notice a few extra days of waiting aren't going to hurt you.



gosh darn i feel like i'm in the WoW forums.



Edit : Lol they filter G*D D**N to gosh darn


To the *** kissers


It will not get you in any faster.

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Hey Everyone!


We're closing this thread because it is verging off-topic. We ask that you continue any discussion you'd like to contribute to Early Access to at this thread. You can join other members of the community to discuss Early Access and the 'waves' of emails for access to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Remember to keep the discussions friendly and constructive in order to promote a positive community environment.

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