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Companion help please ...late game leveleling


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Lets start by saying Level 41 Combat Sentinel.


Up until late 20's i used Kira religiously and then hit a brick wall so i had to switch to T7. He would die quite a bit even with current level gear but i would not, the downtime of constantly rezzing him can be a bit mind numbing, however at least i was alive.


I have yet to use Doc, Kira is a thing of the past and alas i add Lord Scourge to my squad. I have decked him out but Belsavis is still kicking me arse!


I said all of that to ask this. Is there a preferred companion to use from Belsavis on? WHat are your thoughts on the 2 tanks? is one better than the other? is Doc worth upgrading and having him tag along and heal me?

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Just use Doc. Up until 40ish I was using only Kira as well. She had very good gear and we killed quite quickly. Then I began to get tired of meditating after every fighting and resurrecting her after every elite.


I used doc he was ok... then I upgraded his gear and I have never switched back. My killing is nearly as fast as Sent+Kira combo, and I don't have to stop and rest after every battle so my overall speed is up drastically.


Also make sure you are upgrading your light-sabers mods after every world, easy/cheap way is with accommodations, those make a HUGE difference. :cool:

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