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Who is paying? People do not start paying till the 20th. So these are essentially, free days. So no, this will not scar anyone. Only lots of over-inflated egos.


Only free to the privelaged few. The rest get to sit in the back of the bus and drink from seperate water fountains.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.



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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


Get over yourself


We were let in 2 days EARLY. It's still a DAY early and all pre orders up till the end of Sept are in.. and tomorrow they will probably do all of Oct, and then I bet EVERYONE else on Friday.


Get a grip on some REAL #s.. if it were 100,000s.. the forums would be 1000Xs more overloaded. It's probably more like a few K.. if that


It won't hurt them at all. This is one of the most smooth MMO launches I've seen.


Deal with it lol

Edited by dduttonnc
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Your anger and your imaturity are actually in in the minority so I would take your business elsewhere.


Bark it up another tree, your still not in, not many agree with you, its ok go outside and play!


It's a nice day out!


It would seem those who are angered outnumber the little biotzes who suck up to the man.

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Op's right, none of you want to admit it. Bioware -will- lose hundreds of thousands of dollars over this from people who just go back to what feels comfortable after being dissapointed by someone they put their faith in. It happens every MMO. So yes, Bioware is going to lose tons of pre-orders and months worth of subscription fees.


Do they care? No, probably not. Was probably factored in when they made the decision.

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Get over yourself


We were let in 2 days EARLY.


Get a grip on some REAL #s.. if it were 100,000s.. the forums would be 1000Xs more overloaded. It's probably more like a few K.. if that


It won't hurt them at all. This is one of the most smooth MMO launches I've seen.


Deal with it lol


NO, rift beat the hell out of this.

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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


Basically the way I see it Bioware/EA is on the verge of launching an MMO that has the capability to challenge WoW for top spot in the MMO market.


EGA access is rolling along perfectly, as in little or no server crashes to speak of, and by the end of the day in the area a server is located the servers are all Heavy to Full and they are ahead of schedule by two full days by starting EGA early.


Looks like in the first two days they have about half of us in maybe a bit less maybe a bit more.


No problems in sight that I or any sane person can see.


Where is the problem? How would anyone who has any sense of business be able to say anything to Bioware, Electronic Arts, and LucasArts...except great job! WELL DONE!

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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Say that were all QQing, but when you make PAYING CUSTOMERS angry (Like many of us are), SOMETHING IS NOT GOING RIGHT FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Why is this so hard to understand. I don't care if I was or was not entitled to 5 days of EA or not. Hundreds of thousands of customers are Pissed Off and this IS BAD FOR EVERYONE, For us and Bioware. This will hurt Bioware in the long run. Many of us will continue to reluctantly wait to play the game, but we won't forget this day and the impression it has given us.... and this launch could end being a costly mistake by Bioware down the road.


LOL, reluctantly wait to play it and then reluctantly sit and play it for days on end? Yeah, solidarity! Wooo!


If you are going to wait and then play the game anyway then your whining is unfounded really and you are just complaining about having to wait, and showing us all that you're impatient.

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