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Is therer any way to get in contact with support to get help with accounts in this game?


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I returned after not playing the game for a number of years, and EA had messed up everything by demanding that you had a AE account connected to the SWTOR account.

I created an EA account with same email and password, as I saw was needed, but have not been able to get any help from there to connect them.

At EA support they close my ticket every time I try to get help or open it again, and the support number for UK do not seem to work.


This is the most messed up customer support I have ever seen.

All I want is help to get my account in shape to subscribe, but I can not get any help.


Anyone that knows a way to get your account fixed?


Note: Do not understand why they messed up a working system to create this MOAFU system. (and yes, I am so f'ing annoyed after spending 2 half days trying to get help that I just want to scream)

Edited by Xtro
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4 hours ago, Xtro said:

the support number for UK do not seem to work

What happened when you tried?  (And did you call during US office hours?  According to the page with the phone numbers, the UK number is for use from 14:00 (2pm) GMT to 23:00 (11pm) GMT.)

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I just got a message in the line of it is not a working phone number, when I tried it.

I did double and triple check that it was same as on the page.


There was some link to check time, and I should have been within the time span from the time I got back.

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when you created your swtor account a ea account was created at the same time using the same email address 

You can try resetting the password first use this link and use the email address used on the swtor account and see if that resolves the issue, if you haven't changed the email on the swtor account this should fix things. otherwise try the email used originally to create the account

If the old ea account has been datawiped, creating another ea account using the same email will complicate things

Easiest is to call swtor support during the listed hours shown on this page link

Note time is in UTC not GMT , they are not the same but are close

Edited by OwenBrooks
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I currently have a running ticket by support@swtor.com

and even if my ticket is still not resolved I got a reply within the day. Something horrendous happened to me. I had to clean up my backpack as I only had like a handfull of slots and a full legacy vault and full personal vault.


I found a "Copero Jubilee Miniprobe" and since it was already unlocked in my legacy vault, the excellent candidate to shred to pieces. So a shred it was. And 3 seconds later I already had a baaaaaaadddd feeling, and went to my kiosk 3m away....


Do not do silly things like that. As the trade kiosk will show you it is MOST UNWISE to shred point 3 Billion items!! 🥳🥶💀🔫 (I hope by ending the program instead of slumbering the pc they today got the correct log backing up my claim, I have no way of finding out if pc slimbering an active game corrupts MUCH NEEDED CORRECT logs...)

Screen Shot 24-09-05 at 02.59 AM.JPG

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9 hours ago, Capt_Solbeamer said:

I have no way of finding out if pc slimbering an active game corrupts MUCH NEEDED CORRECT logs...)

I wouldn't want to say for sure, but probably not for an MMORPG, since the actual logs needed are stored on the server, either "live" as things happen or "when you log out or are otherwise disconnected", but most likely "live".

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