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Allow Infinite Decorations

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I have talked to many of my SH friends and I have heard a common sentiment I wanted to share. A lot of people want some changes to how SHs work that boil down to two things outside of just adding more SHs (which they should do).

The first thing is that people are tired of having to pay for a ton of decos when just one of that deco may be hard to get or just cost a lot. Example: I have been after a whole lot of Nathema Sanitarium Braziers and Crystal Braziers (Purple). Well the former is very rare to find in crates, doesn't come in deco packs, and people tend to way overprice it. I am on Satele Shan and they normally settle down to 10 mil before they sell. I have been keeping a close eye. WBut that doesn't stop people from putting them up over and over, week after week for twice to 6x that. I want 50 of these things and I don't have that kind of credits, hardly anyone does. On top of that it would take probably over a year to collect them all assuming that you don't have heavy competition. For the crystal braziers they are really neat looking but no one does r4 on Satele Shan, it's very rare and half the time you see it in endgame it's a troll post. On top of that r4 is very hard content and NO GROUP is going to agree to clear all the adds to get the decos. I want at least 30-40 of these and there just is not a feasible way of getting them. I know, I know, I have heard the unempathetic response "join a guild that does r4 or stop complaining" but we all know it isn't that simple especially on a server like SS. Not all of us are built to hit the numbers we need to for something like r4 and not all of us are going to have the time or energy to simply get a guild to prog it with you assuming that even still happens. I have watched the gtn like a hawk for 2 months and not one has come onto it for sale for me to even gauge a price but I know it would never be cheap.

So what is this solution that I have heard talked by so many people? Simply let us unlock a deco and have that be it. No "max deco count." No "1/999," you just unlock the deco and you have unlimited copies of them.

The other thing I have seen time and time again is that people want personal flagships to decorate. The three SH types I have seen talked about the most are "Personal flagship," "Personal starship" and Oricon. Those 3 by far. We already have a model for a flagship with hooks in place. Why not just let the players buy one? Make it like 50 mil and, since it's not a guild effort thing, just allow us to unlock the sections for credits. It could be 100 mil venture in total.

If you like these ideas please comment react to my post. If you have any of your own ideas feel free to post them.

Edited by LemonsForScience
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I mean you can make a personal flagship with a ton of work and credits but I do agree with this sentiment. If I get one you are looking for and you have a flagship i can add a few copies for a modest fee lol I have spent over 10b on decos alone so I am very much in the same boat. I think my ship is listed on SS Spank me and the 3 other ships I've done...


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As a major SH enthusiast, I kind of agree with you, but I don't think it would be implemented because it would basically destroy the decoration market on GTN, and thus the Cartel Market deco sales. Once you make everything perma-unlocked then no one will ever buy anything again. This alone is why it would not happen.

However, a counter to that would be to introduce a 'personal' character system like the guild decoration system, where you could pay X amount of credits to generate another deco you have already unlocked. But the price would have to be very high to ensure that a healthy deco trade exists on the GTN. Take your purple crystal brazier, you could click an option to unlock another version for 10 mil or something. 

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49 minutes ago, Elvarania said:

As a major SH enthusiast, I kind of agree with you, but I don't think it would be implemented because it would basically destroy the decoration market on GTN, and thus the Cartel Market deco sales. Once you make everything perma-unlocked then no one will ever buy anything again. This alone is why it would not happen.

However, a counter to that would be to introduce a 'personal' character system like the guild decoration system, where you could pay X amount of credits to generate another deco you have already unlocked. But the price would have to be very high to ensure that a healthy deco trade exists on the GTN. Take your purple crystal brazier, you could click an option to unlock another version for 10 mil or something. 

I can see that happening, I just am so tired of not being able to get decos because no one does the content for them anymore or no one is going to get the amount you need in years.

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Phantasy Star Online 2 New Genesis does this with it's decorations for it's housing feature, it's amazing and should be the standard for mmo's and player housing(granted, most of the decorations are obtainable with a free currency, and others are obtainable with a freemium currency that's slowly earnable each week, and the actual money bought decorations are usually sold for dirt cheap ingame money on the player market)

I think decorations are one of swtor's more profitable money sinks, so.. it's never happening, as much as I'd love it to

I'd consider messing with my strongholds more, even dealing with the poor furnishing system, if I actually had an infinite resource of decor to use

Edited by denajii
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Actually "infinite" isn't going to happen, not least because it would require infinite time to acquire them, but increasing the limit a *lot* (to, say, a million(1)) would definitely help.

(1) Do you even have enough hooks to add more than about ten thousand copies of a decoration on a single server?

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1 hour ago, SteveTheCynic said:

Actually "infinite" isn't going to happen, not least because it would require infinite time to acquire them, but increasing the limit a *lot* (to, say, a million(1)) would definitely help.

(1) Do you even have enough hooks to add more than about ten thousand copies of a decoration on a single server?

I get what you mean, but just don't put a number on it at all. It doesn't have to be a thing where you get 10,000 of them. It can be a thing where you get the one to unlock teh decoration and you can place unlimited numbers of that decoration.

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4 minutes ago, LemonsForScience said:

I get what you mean, but just don't put a number on it at all. It doesn't have to be a thing where you get 10,000 of them. It can be a thing where you get the one to unlock teh decoration and you can place unlimited numbers of that decoration.

That would also work.

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