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Small UI improvements


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Ping on Minimap / Overlay map, LMB click sends a ping to all group members, sound and visual indication on Minimap / Overlay map. This would improve coordination in groups, especially in random groups.

Option to Show ONLY personal debuffs on target and focus frames. Ideally, personal debuffs and all CC debuffs. Right now debuffs area can get way too big and crowded to be usable, and in such cases the only thing it does is obstructs the view.

Self nameplate with ONLY healthbar + resolve + powerbar. Options not to show name, titles, icons, ect. ONLY bars. To have a CC debuffs with a timer on top of these bars would also be very nice.

Option to make quickbar visible only on mouseover, or at least option to set Alpha to a real 0. Just so it's possible to create a very minimalistic UI setup.

Allow for legacy title to be just legacy name, without The & legacy. (instead of showing - The [Legacy Name] legacy, show just - [Legacy Name].

Add Favorites to Emotes and a separate section in Emotes window (top first position). Or even better - allow placing them on quickbars.

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