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For The Customer Service Team About the East Wing Key


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Apologies if you have alrady done the following but please read this

I had similar issues but didnt have the mission you have to get from Vagol Oss. I could figure this out until....
Go to Collections(Ctrl +C) > selection Galactic Seasons, selection Season 6: Building a Foundation.
Check each one to see if highlight(youve unlocked and completed)
If missing any you should be able to download, only one still waiting for me is Key to West Wing Exterior and suite. and thats in progression and coming for me. everyone is different for the paths.

Again I am just giving suggestions if youve done this good luck but maybe others have similar issues and didnt know you could check this yourself.

Edited by Alericus
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On 6/15/2024 at 4:34 PM, Alericus said:

Apologies if you have alrady done the following but please read this

I had similar issues but didnt have the mission you have to get from Vagol Oss. I could figure this out until....
Go to Collections(Ctrl +C) > selection Galactic Seasons, selection Season 6: Building a Foundation.
Check each one to see if highlight(youve unlocked and completed)
If missing any you should be able to download, only one still waiting for me is Key to West Wing Exterior and suite. and thats in progression and coming for me. everyone is different for the paths.

Again I am just giving suggestions if youve done this good luck but maybe others have similar issues and didnt know you could check this yourself.

You Mean This ? They released it round the Wrong way ?


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Posted (edited)

In Fact,, I Cant See the East Main or the West Main in the Seasons,, Just these Outer area ones.

So How do they expect us to get them ?

Edited by Dalethfc
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3 hours ago, Ramell said:

You get the missions that unlock those areas later in the seasons reward track. 

Ok,, thanks,, Of Course they had to do something stupid. They cant lets us doing things Normally

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16 hours ago, Alericus said:

ya sorry didnt follow up but yup to all above...hope this helped?

Yeah,,, The Devs are Vile,, making you do 3 long and boring Flash Points,, 2 I done long ago But they make you redo them ? I hated them then and, For a SH ? Nah. I have all the others and this one is Open. Wasting about 6 to 8 Hours on Very Boring and grating missions is painful. I really dont get Why they would do this.

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