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B3-S1 Bessi and RNG of training modules

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I thought I was very clear, I haven't gotten there yet until next week, and I've mostly been working on Training "Bessie" for months, on 3 of my character's from the start.  She's currently 50 Influence on them all, and was worried I'm going to loose that progress on 2; hense why I posted this on Tuesday...  ...to avoid problems for myself, and others too!  :classic_ohmy:

On 7/31/2024 at 12:22 PM, Strathkin said:

Well that's good to know, I'm at that point next week; hense trying to find a solution!  :eek:

  • The guy in our guild claimed when he crossed the green threshold all her influence was lost, I never asked too much more details I just started asking around...  ...I found several others in similar situation, confused, upset, or disappointed.  While he later claimed to have written to Customer Service, he was worried having 4 others fully at 50 Influence, and was worried about loosing them as well if he claimed from Collections.  

  -- Still they should issue a patch so it informs what to do, or resolves this; go to Lane's Lab to claim this item.

Then others aren't running into this unexpectedly, and loosing influence with her as perhaps some have.  

That's a summary of what was stated, I'll expand on what I originally said however:

A guild member spent a lot of time trying to figure out what happened.  What I didn't say was, this started after he had completed Level 10 Training, and permanantly unlocked her on his Main, then went to unlock her as Permanent Companion on all his Level 80's as well.  I don't know what ones he had fully levelled prior to using Collections, and which he had done afterward.  I still haven't seen them online since Tuesday, but I wasn't available yesterday... ...I can only suspect they might have used Compedium on 1 before entering lab?

As I said before, I bullet pointed the "core" points he noted to me at the time.

  • If you unlock her in Collections, on Character's who had her at 50 Influence; she resets back to 1
  • They saw this after you cross the "Green Threshold" into Lane's Lab...  ...others saw this too!

As @Bar-Da-Voya responded was so kind, and suggested a work-around to avoid, as this only happens if you give Gifts or a Compendium to the (Temporary) "Bessie" before you are inside Lane's Lab... 

"Conversely, DO NOT give Collection B3-S1 any gifts or compendium as you will lose all Influence given to Collection B3-S1 if you enter Lane's Lab afterwards. Always claim B3-S1 from Collections inside Lane's Lab is best.  

Just hope Broadsword perhaps addresses this, or at least fixes any lost influence via Customer Service!

Edited by Strathkin
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Same here. I have finished Support and Defense parts, I have 200 Combat turned in, but need to turn in 146 more prototypes to finish the combat part for the customization.

Edited by HypSpec
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Sorry if I missed this somewhere, but how will the customization work with legacy unlock? I have Bessi unlocked in collections and should have customization done next reset. Will I need to do the same customization grind for other alts' version of Bessi from collections? Or will we only be able to earn it once?

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So got the customization today. And now I've got like 40 missions in my storage that serve no purpose. Hope they'll add something else to spend the B3-S1 currencies on in the future. (B3-S1 mount when? XD)

31 minutes ago, HypSpec said:

Sorry if I missed this somewhere, but how will the customization work with legacy unlock? I have Bessi unlocked in collections and should have customization done next reset. Will I need to do the same customization grind for other alts' version of Bessi from collections? Or will we only be able to earn it once?

The entire Venture system is done through the Achievement system, which means progress towards the customization is shared between characters on a Legacy. Just like the B3-S1 companion unlock, the customization has a Collections unlock which costs 10 Cartel Coins.

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3 hours ago, HypSpec said:

Same here. I have finished Support and Defense parts, I have 200 Combat turned in, but need to turn in 146 more prototypes to finish the combat part for the customization.

Same thing friend, but I completed Support & Combat.  I'm sitting on 200 Defense Systems data, but stuck at 150/600 on Prototype data due to the pointless annoying weekly caps.  1 more week to finish and then never again; they can keep all future ventures to themselves IMO.  I'm definitely never doing this again.....

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6 hours ago, Ranadiel_Marius said:


So got the customization today. And now I've got like 40 missions in my storage that serve no purpose. Hope they'll add something else to spend the B3-S1 currencies on in the future. (B3-S1 mount when? XD)

The entire Venture system is done through the Achievement system, which means progress towards the customization is shared between characters on a Legacy. Just like the B3-S1 companion unlock, the customization has a Collections unlock which costs 10 Cartel Coins.

I was wondering the same about leftover missions, or currency. Hoping they just roll over to the next venture if there’s another one after this…

…I still say I think we know at least 1 future… 


Finding or assembling (and upgrading) a new body for the HK Astromech. 

I doubt they’d just introduce it to be a vendor.


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11 hours ago, absolutetristan said:

I was wondering the same about leftover missions, or currency. Hoping they just roll over to the next venture if there’s another one after this…

…I still say I think we know at least 1 future… 

  Reveal hidden contents

Finding or assembling (and upgrading) a new body for the HK Astromech. 

I doubt they’d just introduce it to be a vendor.


I could be wrong, but I think all of the extra missions will become useless. It appears to me at least they are coded to be linked to Besi. If we don't have Besi out, we can't even click on them after all.

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On my last day of sub i finally full unlocked this companion.

It was an exagerated grind (and i haven't unlocked the customization yet).

Developers you may think this is "fun" but it is not.


BTW i still have on my log the stupid bugged training module mission.

Edited by psikofunkster
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Copy/paste here from what I posted to bug reports:

Trying to do the training modules for the Basilisk Protoype Venture. Listed are CZ-198, The Black Hole, and Iokath. 

"Complete training Modules... ... Training Modules can be aquired by using a Memory Chip or Trading with HK-24 Astromech."

This needs to be done 5 times.

Between two characters I purchased a module from HK or I received from the Memory chip and completed the training and it didn't apply to the Training Modules (still showing 0/5.) I completed two for CZ-198 and two for Iokath and I'm still at 0/5.

This is repair level 5 of 11 for the Venture.

Am I doing something wrong?

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22 hours ago, absolutetristan said:

Copy/paste here from what I posted to bug reports:


Trying to do the training modules for the Basilisk Protoype Venture. Listed are CZ-198, The Black Hole, and Iokath. 

"Complete training Modules... ... Training Modules can be aquired by using a Memory Chip or Trading with HK-24 Astromech."

This needs to be done 5 times.

Between two characters I purchased a module from HK or I received from the Memory chip and completed the training and it didn't apply to the Training Modules (still showing 0/5.) I completed two for CZ-198 and two for Iokath and I'm still at 0/5.

This is repair level 5 of 11 for the Venture.

Am I doing something wrong?

Logged in today and seems to be tracking everything it didn't track yesterday.

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as others have said, I also have a bunch of left over modules on 2 different toons, as well as those data fragments.....I'd like to know whether it's safe to dump them since they take up inventory room in my character bays...

also, all this work for a BESSI at Level 1 before today (at least they let us get her to Level 30 today), but still...I have no incentive to push her on upwards to Level 50 sorry (heck, they even give us the ability to do Level 50 for our GS comps why not this after ALL this grind???) 

finally...I will add to it as well...this venture system was WAY too grindy and RNG to be fun for just 1 more comp that isn't even OP against the best comps already out there in SWTOR....thank you but I'll keep my ZO-OM

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Idk I don't really mind the grind, keeps me engaged for a week at a time. I honestly have no other reason to log in than to figure out what I need to grind for Bessi. I started like a month late so I'm at lvl 10 and being currency capped but I have everything finished and all the modules saved to turn in when I can, guess today as it reset. I'm someone who actually kinda enjoys doing daily areas, don't ask me why lol, so I enjoyed it...but again I wasn't in a rush to finish, it gave me something to do in game when I was bored of pvp. 

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So since im finally done…cuz of a holiday break


My personal b3/ bessie review

What i really enjoyed

The best part about this new venture system was the whole story arc

We followed lane and bessies  journey for over a year..i liked the humor, mainly brought in by hk and the fact that we used mysterious, ancient places in swtor lore like belsavis to basically explain the story

And because it took so long it felt even more rewarding to finally have her as a comp

I also like having something to do on a weekly basis thats kind of rich in variety

I mean playing daily areas is like galactic seasons recycled old content but still i never felt super bored cuz i was visiting different areas while listening to music/podcasts

What was really dull but luckily got fixed with planet specific modules  was the rng element in the levels 5-7

Many were complaning..so did i..but its still weird how some places like onderon and iokath were so rare for me

It was basically the reason why i needed a week more but idc too much (not including 3 cuz of vacation)


What i didnt like/where is room to improve

Please make it like big updates..once u start the whole venture bessie arc as a sub..it should stay available for preferred players

I had to sub for 2 months extra just for it…(actually 3 cuz vacation but that shouldnt count)

Also the communication was very unclear..i still dont have an idea how it would have played out if i had not resubbed…progressionen halted?...can u continue once u sub again?..etc?

The pick up items as a task were unneccesairy and just annoying…i had the feeling on some toons they simply wont drop..theres no benifit in another rng element

Why mek-sha?..this was labelled as single player activity..completing a mek-sha heroic with a lowlvl tank comp isnt fun…i do like mek sha as a place but this should have been ziost (destructed) instead

I get why it was planned as a progressive system..but it was too much in the higher levels

Many players had to go out of their way to get the 500 uses of bessies abilities on a dummy etc

Shoud have been shorter in general…felt like a real slog after lets say level 9..people were understandably more and more keen to just do the fastest missions and the bonus level 11 for the appearance change in combination with the very low weekly caps felt like a waiting game fort he reset

Speaking of the weekly caps..i get why they were implemented..simply to stop some players to prematurely rush trough the whole system and grind her out in a week..but still they should have been a bit upped..like 150 x3 / 400..the last levels really felt like a math exercise^^

Her influence level…i share the opinion that we should have gotten bessie at lvl 50 at least once…you could just give out max influence tokens (2, 3 per legacy) like with galactic season comps..i also like the idea from the community to exchange the veture currency or even modules to influence items specific for bessie..cuz our inventories are / were littered anyway with stuff from the venture system..so this would have been something to actually still use them and not tossing them for good

Even tho the recent solution to have her at lvl 30 is okay i guess…could have been 50 tho after all that time

A pause putton for bessie timer would have been very helpful..cuz i dont wanna waste a precious token if i want to play pvp or whatever..it forced me to switch toons constantly which is pretty annoying especially during galactic / pvp seasons

All in all it was  a mixed bag..i did make progress playing bessie stuff on 5 toons but it still was a slog

So when the next venture system comes around eventually..and things dont change towards more quality of life stuff ill probably pass

Since im an on/off sub player…paying more than 2 months just for a new comp (or a shae reskin to be exact) while playing years old daily areas…isnt worth it for me

If u make it a little less grindy, and like gs where u can start as preferred and collect as a sub or the other way around im definately open for similar stuff like this=)


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Finally done with Bessi, the customization unlocked. Finishing the upgrades made her yet another companion I'll never use again.
The only thing that made the whole grindfest in tiny percent worth the time spent was HK-24. I absolutely loved interactions with that angry potato, I wish it was him being unlocked as a comp instead, maybe it would feel more rewarding and less painful.
Story was decent, but RNG was horrid, the caps too restrictive, and Bessi as companion is nothing truly special, numbers-wise. I'll rather bail out of future ventures if they are similar grind nightmares.
Now, can I finally delete all that modules and research junk out of my cargo holds? Thanks to lovely RNG, still got a lot of that, and it takes insane amount of space.

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