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Hutta Rebels 7.5 story spoilers

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So i was given the choice to send the rebels either to Rodia and to safety or to fight elsewhere on Hutta. I read and clicked to send them to Rodia.

And yet in the next cutscene after the Hutta stuff, Sa'har is yelling about the alternate choice and all my options revolve around keeping the rebels on Hutta. 

Guess that choices no longer matter?

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Oh, found another story bug with 7.5. 

The final jetpack escape can glitch out and not automatically remove the jetpack as you enter the open door on the other side before the cutscene clickable door.

Something tells me both of these issues could've been found in some form of test environment... Maybe slap accounts that transfer characters to the PTS with a form of NDA to not discuss story elements or risk bans?

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Second update and this one is a wild one.

Just logged onto my main and received some mail from Petra and Adi.

Petra went on about her sister but Adi's was more interesting to me... HE WROTE TO ME CONFIRMING THAT MY CHOICE TO SEND THE REBELS TO RODIA WAS MADE. So WHERE did the game get it wrong for my character cutscene wise!? Why was this not tested thoroughly!?

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