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Best Race for each Class

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Which Race did you chose first and / or prefer for each Class, and for what Reasons? I always love paying attention to the Lore when creating a character. 

First the Pubs:


Jedi Knight: Well, let's all be honest, this is basically the "canon" Class (as in, the Class that did all the Post-Class Story stuff) and it is generally the most marketable one, it was clearly designed to be a (male) Human. But then again, a lot of other Races also feel right for it. I for one chose a Mirialan for the first time.


Jedi Consular: Again, a lot of Races fit well here, but my first choice (and I didn't think about it for long) was the Miraluka. Their patience, gracefulness and deep connection to the Force was a perfect fit, especially for a Lightside Consular.


Smuggler:  Might be a bit of a cliche, but I chose a Twi'lek here, due to their natural cunningness. But again, a lot of fitting options.


Trooper: Here, I deliberately went against the grain and chose a Togruta, because we usually see them as Jedi. And honestly, due to their high sense of unity and comradery, it's a pretty good fit. But once more (yeah, this is a running theme among the Pubs), nothing really screams "does not fit" here among the other races.


Now the Imps:


Sith Warrior: Well, this one is pretty obvious, Pureblood Sith or Human (maaaybe Cyborg as well). For me it was the former.


Sith Inquisitor:  In stark contrast to the Sith Warrior, this one definitely feels more fitting playing as an Alien. For me, it came down to a Red Zabrak, because I loved the Darth Maul vibes. A lot of "lesser" aliens feel right here in theory,  but the problem I have is that we see Lord Kallig. Sure, he is wearing a mask, but I have trouble picturing an Alien with Tendrils or Lekkus under it, so Twi'Lek, Nautolans or Togruta are out.


Imperial Agent: Okay, this one was obviously made for a Chiss. Is there any race that has so many special dialogues? The writers were really trying to do something special here. Other than that, a Human or a Cyborg would also be fitting.


Bounty Hunter: This one is probably the Imp Class with the most flexibility. I for one chose a Rattataki for the first time, due to their natural Combat prowess. It was definitely cool to have a Rattataki join the Mandalorians.





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4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Which Race did you chose first and / or prefer for each Class, and for what Reasons? I always love paying attention to the Lore when creating a character. 

First the Pubs:


Jedi Knight: Well, let's all be honest, this is basically the "canon" Class (as in, the Class that did all the Post-Class Story stuff)

That is of no importance.  They had to choose one of the origins for the promo videos, and that was the one they chose.  Well, I suppose they could have used a different origin for each video, but that would have broken the continuity a bit.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

and it is generally the most marketable one,

You're not wrong there.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

But then again, a lot of other Races also feel right for it. I for one chose a Mirialan for the first time.

Mine was female Miraluka, which has occasional ... weird ... dialogue, like where your character claims, on multiple occasions, to be keeping both eyes open.  (Miraluka have, at best, vestigial eyes, and in some cases none at all.)

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Jedi Consular: Again, a lot of Races fit well here, but my first choice (and I didn't think about it for long) was the Miraluka. Their patience, gracefulness and deep connection to the Force was a perfect fit, especially for a Lightside Consular.

I did a human, but I don't think there's any real "best" choice here.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Smuggler:  Might be a bit of a cliche, but I chose a Twi'lek here, due to their natural cunningness. But again, a lot of fitting options.

Apparently, it was written (someone said) for a male character, but the species wasn't specified.  My first was human female.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Trooper: Here, I deliberately went against the grain and chose a Togruta, because we usually see them as Jedi. And honestly, due to their high sense of unity and comradery, it's a pretty good fit. But once more (yeah, this is a running theme among the Pubs), nothing really screams "does not fit" here among the other races.

I'd say that Pureblood Sith and Chiss positively *scream* (at the top of their lungs) "not suited for a Pubside origin".

My first Trooper was Cyborg, and because of limitations when they released Cathar (after the game started, mind you), Cathar has some ... oddities ... if you follow the Aric Jorgan companion story, whether your character is male or female.  (It's worse on female Cathar, mind you.)

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Sith Warrior: Well, this one is pretty obvious, Pureblood Sith or Human (maaaybe Cyborg as well). For me it was the former.

Pretty much.  I did Human Male first.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Sith Inquisitor:  In stark contrast to the Sith Warrior, this one definitely feels more fitting playing as an Alien. For me, it came down to a Red Zabrak, because I loved the Darth Maul vibes. A lot of "lesser" aliens feel right here in theory,  but the problem I have is that we see Lord Kallig. Sure, he is wearing a mask, but I have trouble picturing an Alien with Tendrils or Lekkus under it, so Twi'Lek, Nautolans or Togruta are out.

Curiously, it might have been intended to be a Twi'lek, because, almost alone (ref: your comment about Agents) among the combinations of origins and species, a Twi'lek Inquisitor gets a call-out of the character's species in an origin story mission.  My first was a human female, and my second was Rattataki BT1 female, which gave a severely surreal aspect to KotFE Chapter X, where there's these two skinny Rattataki women with tattoos and piercings on a "girls' night out", running around Zakuul blowing (...) up.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Imperial Agent: Okay, this one was obviously made for a Chiss.

Except that it's catastrophically stupid to send a Chiss to Hutta for the starter planet story.  Think: an obviously Imperial-aligned character (Chiss are visually-distinctive Imperial allies) trying to do a "mustn't seem like an Imperial at all" job on a Hutt world...

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Is there any race that has so many special dialogues? The writers were really trying to do something special here.

If so, they messed it up.

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Other than that, a Human or a Cyborg would also be fitting.

I think that Rattataki would be excellent, if various dialogues with mission NPCs and companions actually took that into account.  Too many say "the Rattataki" when they mean Kaliyo, even if the player character is also a Rattataki.  That was really jarring on my first Rattataki character (my second Agent - the first was a human).

4 hours ago, BeyoBijan said:

Bounty Hunter: This one is probably the Imp Class with the most flexibility. I for one chose a Rattataki for the first time, due to their natural Combat prowess. It was definitely cool to have a Rattataki join the Mandalorians.

That one's hard to judge, really, but there's a lot of flexibility.  Except for PB Sith, since the BH repeatedly has the option to deny being an Imperial, and a couple of important NPCs confirm (without being prompted) this denial, while PB Sith are mostest definitestly Imperials.  I did human first, BT3 female.  It made the scene where you go off to dance the Horizontal Fandango with the dude that you can marry (and get the Baroness title) just a teeny bit surreal.

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Oh, well if we are going to discuss Gender and Bodytypes too:

Smuggler was M1, because I felt like a smaller, more scrawny built fits a quick-drawing Scoundrel best.

Jedi Knight was M2, because it was the most "average" built, not too big, not too small.

Bounty Hunter was M3, because tall and muscular just feels right for that one.

Sith Warrior was M4, because it thought it would be funny for the Apprentice to be just as fat as the Master 😛 


Imperial Agent was F1, because I thought small and under the radar would be most fitting for a covert Agent.

Sith Inquisitor was F2, because. it was the only one I didn't use yet xP

Trooper was F3, because similar to the Bounty Hunter, I thought tall and imposing would be great for a Soldier

Jedi Consular was F4, it was my very first character, and it just felt right.



I'd say that Pureblood Sith and Chiss positively *scream* (at the top of their lungs) "not suited for a Pubside origin".

True :D Maybe I should've said none of the Species available for the Pubs without previous unlocking.



Curiously, it might have been intended to be a Twi'lek, because, almost alone (ref: your comment about Agents) among the combinations of origins and species, a Twi'lek Inquisitor gets a call-out of the character's species in an origin story mission.  My first was a human female, and my second was Rattataki BT1 female, which gave a severely surreal aspect to KotFE Chapter X, where there's these two skinny Rattataki women with tattoos and piercings on a "girls' night out", running around Zakuul blowing (...) up.

I knew that there are dialogues for Aliens, but for Twi'leks in particular? Huh, learn something new about the game every day.



Except that it's catastrophically stupid to send a Chiss to Hutta for the starter planet story.  Think: an obviously Imperial-aligned character (Chiss are visually-distinctive Imperial allies) trying to do a "mustn't seem like an Imperial at all" job on a Hutt world...

Good point, but then again, I guess there are rogue Chiss as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sith Inquisitor I would peg as Human, because of the dynastic history - Humans and Sith Purebloods are basically the only species seemingly allowed any status of prominence in the Sith hierarchy, and it's doubtful that you'd have a SPB in the slave class past the 1st few generations.

Sith Warrior would be the SPB, given he's a rather privileged figure upon arriving at Korriban.

Imperial Agent would be another Human, seeing that they populate all ranks of society.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been playing since 2013ish, I've played many races and genders for each class but here's what my headcanon races are based on which of my characters I loved the most with each class.


Jedi Knight: Mirialan (female, body type 1)

Jedi Consular: Togruta (female, body type 2)

Trooper: Human (male, body type 2)

Smuggler: Cyborg (male, body type 2)

Sith Warrior: Zabrak (female, body type 2)

Sith Inquisitor: Twi'lek (female, body type 1)

Bounty Hunter: Human (female, body type 2)

Imperial Agent: Chiss (male, body type 2)

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its hard to go against type because of certain dialogue. For example, for pubs that have PB Sith there is an awful lot of anti-sith dialogue on the pub side. Also chiss, particularly on hoth the 2nd area where it is said after you find the rogue agent dead ... "well, it's better we don't have one around."   (heh, if they knew what lay beneath the mask...)

You Can do it, but it takes a healthy amount of head-canon backstory. 


Imperial side is easier to type-cast.

Agent: Chiss. Male or female work well. Female chiss gets added bonus of romance on Hoth with the Aristocra.

                      Male human gets bonus of romance with watcher 1 if right dialogue.

Warrior: Pureblood Sith. Usually play as male, as going either lightside & romancing Vette, or darkside and romancing DS Jaesa usually go hand in hand.  (At least until KOTFE came along and changed things). Female Warriors pretty much got done dirty being as you didn't have any options other than a one night stand with Pierce after the Quinn-cident. At least until KOTFE happened.

Inquisitor - My first Inq was actually a pureblood - head story explanation for being in slavery was the result of sith politics. But my characters since that time have been other, mostly alien species.

BH- most of my original BHs were cyborg. Since then I've branched out. Once I even made a Cathar, who was a DS non-mando because of the history there.  A recent one was a Chiss, but only because that was the closest I could come to Duros and I wanted to make a Cad-bane type.   For my cyborg females imho Torian is one of the best romances in the game.

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  • 1 month later...

Sith Warrior - Gotta go with the male pureblood Sith (body type 2)

Sith Inquisitor - I went with female Twi'lek. If I remember correctly, they would make a jab at you being a Twi'lek sometimes (body type 1 since she was a half starved slave. lol)

Imperial Agent - female Chiss (body type 1)

Bounty Hunter - I went with male Rattataki (body type 2)

Smuggler - female Human (body type 2) Apparently my character reminds people of the show Firefly. lol

Jedi Knight - I made mine female pureblood sith (body type 3) for lore reasons since she's the daughter of my Sith Warrior. Sad no one ever brings up she's a Sith.

Trooper - male human (body type 3) Also, never allowed to wear a shirt.

Jedi Consular - Don't care because I hate that story and the voice acting. I made mine a female Mirialan (body type 2)

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