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Add Past Galactic Seasons to Cartel Market

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The Co-Op game Deep Rock Galactic is soon to implement a system to reactivate it's old "Seasons" events, so those who previously missed out can experience them at any time (which was explained by the developers here if you wish to know how they're doing it).

This suggestion is not an attempt to say "do it exactly like DRG is doing it". This is a suggestion to say "add it as an option to purchase in the Cartel Market like Section X Authorization and HK-55's unique mission".

Our progress obviously must save in some way, based on the Achievement pages. So just charge us Cartel Coins to pick up from where we left off, with the restriction that we cannot activate another one until we've filled both the reward tree and the Achievement page for the one we already have active (example: you cannot play GS1 and GS3 at the same time).

Just be sure to add the unique Dye Modules as a Collection unlock.

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Past seasons weapons and gear added to CM would be awesome.  That or have ALL previous seasons content available at the season token vendor.

Seasons are the one big thing in this game that are one time gets and then gone and can result in FOMO feelings (there have been a few collections items here and there, and those of us who joined late still have no access to the light and dark vendor items - hopefully will be fixed eventually - but no other large content, as far as I know).  It would be nice if you could miss a season and know you could still get the unique season items (companions, mounts, weapons, armor, etc) another way, making it so not playing a season when it's on results only in missing out on the free packs, cartel coins, season tokens, tech frags, etc (all things you CAN get elsewhere in game or in another season). 

Obviously as it is now, some items go into the seasons vendor, but it is random items every season, and definitely not even close to everything someone would have missed from past seasons becoming available.  Like, I joined the game at a point where I had missed 2 entire seasons and joined in the middle of another season that I was unable to finish due to my low level at the time preventing me from doing most of the weekly objectives, so basically missed 2 1/2 seasons worth of content.  And of those seasons I missed, I have gotten to buy very very few items from the seasons token vendor.  Would really love to get the weapons I missed especially, and I would totally buy them from CM if that was an option, but having them actually available at the vendor would be fine by me too!

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For a little while past season items were available for purchase from a vendor on the fleet.  I was fortunate to be able to Altuur's Ornate and Exquisite lightsaber that way-- I wish they would bring those items back; there are a few more things I would like to get from past seasons.

That said, I would not like them to be on the market-- if anything, make variations of them that are unique to the market.  An entire season though, that seems like something that would easily turn into a nightmare for the player and the devs.

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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

That or have ALL previous seasons content available at the season token vendor.

just that. Don't say "hey you can have this by playing ungodly amount of hours in game or just pay to get them".
Just the token vendor fixes everything and doesn't make the game worse.

Add a separate vendor per galactic season. That way people can clearly know what is there to buy and what to target. This allows them to extend the grind of Seasons if they want by adding more galactic season tokens to the reward track too, which is still better than pvp medpacks :)

Edited by supertimtaf
Added a cheap and efficient solution
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7 hours ago, cannibithobbal said:

Past seasons weapons and gear added to CM would be awesome.  That or have ALL previous seasons content available at the season token vendor.

Seasons are the one big thing in this game that are one time gets and then gone and can result in FOMO feelings (there have been a few collections items here and there, and those of us who joined late still have no access to the light and dark vendor items - hopefully will be fixed eventually - but no other large content, as far as I know).  It would be nice if you could miss a season and know you could still get the unique season items (companions, mounts, weapons, armor, etc) another way, making it so not playing a season when it's on results only in missing out on the free packs, cartel coins, season tokens, tech frags, etc (all things you CAN get elsewhere in game or in another season). 

Obviously as it is now, some items go into the seasons vendor, but it is random items every season, and definitely not even close to everything someone would have missed from past seasons becoming available.  Like, I joined the game at a point where I had missed 2 entire seasons and joined in the middle of another season that I was unable to finish due to my low level at the time preventing me from doing most of the weekly objectives, so basically missed 2 1/2 seasons worth of content.  And of those seasons I missed, I have gotten to buy very very few items from the seasons token vendor.  Would really love to get the weapons I missed especially, and I would totally buy them from CM if that was an option, but having them actually available at the vendor would be fine by me too!

FOMO is something no live service game of SWTOR's age should have. When the game is this old and has as much content as it does, FOMO does nothing except frustrate people.

As of yet, after each Season, only Mounts, Dyes, and Decorations are available at the rotational "out-of-season" vendor. I've not seen Companions (Altuur, Fen, Fae, Amity), Companion skins, armor, or weapons from each Season yet. And even then, there's nothing from the Subscriber track, Dyes & Decorations cost Seasons Tokens instead of Credits, and there's no chance to get the old Achievement rewards anymore so those should be there as well.


7 hours ago, Vendettus said:

For a little while past season items were available for purchase from a vendor on the fleet.  I was fortunate to be able to Altuur's Ornate and Exquisite lightsaber that way-- I wish they would bring those items back; there are a few more things I would like to get from past seasons.

That said, I would not like them to be on the market-- if anything, make variations of them that are unique to the market.  An entire season though, that seems like something that would easily turn into a nightmare for the player and the devs.

No. That's stupid. Why go through the trouble of making variations when they could literally just make the actual things available outright? At least my suggestion gives a minor grind that wouldn't be too hard to accomplish. If we go with your idea, then why bother with Galactic Seasons period? Everyone would just wait for the items to hit the market.


7 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

just that. Don't say "hey you can have this by playing ungodly amount of hours in game or just pay to get them".
Just the token vendor fixes everything and doesn't make the game worse.

Add a separate vendor per galactic season. That way people can clearly know what is there to buy and what to target. This allows them to extend the grind of Seasons if they want by adding more galactic season tokens to the reward track too, which is still better than pvp medpacks :)

If they actually added more than must mounts, dyes, and decorations to the vendor, then I wouldn't have made this suggestion.
How does a "you can play this old battle pass if you missed out the first time" mechanic make the game worse? It's content for new players and it doesn't take any dev effort.

If they added a new vendor for each Season:
1. They'd flood the Fleet (unless they made an entirely new floor dedicated to just those vendors)
2. They'd have to add everything to the vendors (both reward tracks and the achievement rewards) to make it worthwhile

At least my suggestion is more appealing to the suits (it artificially pads new install play time by adding in more grind tracks).

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14 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

How does a "you can play this old battle pass if you missed out the first time" mechanic make the game worse? It's content for new players and it doesn't take any dev effort.

If they added a new vendor for each Season:
1. They'd flood the Fleet (unless they made an entirely new floor dedicated to just those vendors)
2. They'd have to add everything to the vendors (both reward tracks and the achievement rewards) to make it worthwhile

Keep in mind I'm only against the idea of buying it for cartel coins. Playing the older battlepass would be nice, for sure. But I mean... They're no different in content than the current one. Since the only thing that differs is the rewards, at that point why make people grind for lvl 100 of old battlepass when you could just put the reward on an NPC. Keep in mind that I dislike profusely Galactic Seasons as a whole, as they're just here to boost participation metrics, so encouraging players to grind more different battlepass would... Well yeah that'd be bad.

Also it completely takes dev efforts, because you'd have to write a new, non-expiring galactic season system for the past battlepass. Rework some of their objectives because the weekly objectives aren't the same from one season to the other (they're edited dynamically as a reminder, that means having a dev input the objectives for each previous battlepass every week...)


What this game needs is a system with vendors akin to XIV, where a vendor can have a menu to select which set of items you want to browse. That way, you can just add every galactic season rewards on a single vendor, but on different tab. This solve the issue of flooding the fleet, and would cost less long-term dev ressources :)

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Just yesterday, I was looking for an organic mount for Shadowheart.  I thought the Vicious Rodir looked perfect.  Turns out, there's no way to get it anymore.  So I had to settle for the Vigorous one, the white one with the gold armor pieces.  Now I have just enough tokens to buy Master Ranos, so I've got to save them til she's available.

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2 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

What this game needs is a system with vendors akin to XIV, where a vendor can have a menu to select which set of items you want to browse

They kinda have half of that, if you think about it.  Go to any vendor that sells armour or weapons (not mod-objects, mind you), and you'll see a dropdown for "All" and the disciplines of your combat style.  They could repurpose that to select the season whose items you wanted to see.

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2 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

They kinda have half of that, if you think about it.  Go to any vendor that sells armour or weapons (not mod-objects, mind you), and you'll see a dropdown for "All" and the disciplines of your combat style.  They could repurpose that to select the season whose items you wanted to see.

Absolutely, they could revamp that bit of UI to adapt it to each merchant. That way you could also filter out the tacticals for every discipline in the game rather than just your three disciplines or *all the rest* for example. I like that idea :) 

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:50 PM, Vendettus said:

For a little while past season items were available for purchase from a vendor on the fleet.  I was fortunate to be able to Altuur's Ornate and Exquisite lightsaber that way-- I wish they would bring those items back; there are a few more things I would like to get from past seasons.

That said, I would not like them to be on the market-- if anything, make variations of them that are unique to the market.  An entire season though, that seems like something that would easily turn into a nightmare for the player and the devs.

For some reason I have Altuurs double bladed lightsaber but not the kubindi box that unlocks him.

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I'm seeing a trend toward removing the fomo of seasons with overwatch moving their mythic skins to a currency, helldivers having permanent battle passes that aren't timed, DRG as mentioned by OP, and others.

I think devs are finding it creates an all or nothing attitude. If I know I can't play enough to unlock things I'm just gonna play a different game since I can't get the items I want anyway. Or I'm bitter because there was something cool but I couldn't afford a subscription at the time so missed out and have no way to go back.

We're seeing a shift because the people that will play every day are going to do that regardless and courting the casual base shouldn't be about making them fear missing something, it should be making them feel welcome and wanted while they are here. The rest will take care of itself.

I think we need to all remember, players and devs, that these are games, they are for fun. If we're not enjoying ourselves what's the point?

More chances to get stuff is always good imo.

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Posted (edited)

Posting to second a lot of what has been said in this thread.

I missed out on several of the past seasons. There are a lot of weapons and items I want, but cannot get and it is actually a bit depressing. As much as I liked Guild Wars 1 at the time, one of the things I really hated about the game were the limited edition items only obtained through events. If I was unable to play during an event, then I was never able to get the items from it. After a while, I just stopped trying to get them at all because it was too upsetting to me. 

Now there is this game which I adore, but again, there are event items I cannot get at all because I did not know about the game, or could not play at the time. I am maxed on Galactic Tokens, but there is nothing I currently want to spend them on. I would love to be able to spend them on past weapons and armour pieces/sets (maybe a full armor set could cost 15 tokens). These are just three (blaster, Game P.I.T. Wristband, Shadow Enforcer skirt) of the items I really, really want. 

Please give us past items/sets we can buy with Galactic Seasons Tokens. And the companions.

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Edited by yenzin
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On 5/20/2024 at 11:53 AM, supertimtaf said:

Keep in mind I'm only against the idea of buying it for cartel coins. Playing the older battlepass would be nice, for sure. But I mean... They're no different in content than the current one. Since the only thing that differs is the rewards, at that point why make people grind for lvl 100 of old battlepass when you could just put the reward on an NPC. Keep in mind that I dislike profusely Galactic Seasons as a whole, as they're just here to boost participation metrics, so encouraging players to grind more different battlepass would... Well yeah that'd be bad.

Also it completely takes dev efforts, because you'd have to write a new, non-expiring galactic season system for the past battlepass. Rework some of their objectives because the weekly objectives aren't the same from one season to the other (they're edited dynamically as a reminder, that means having a dev input the objectives for each previous battlepass every week...)


What this game needs is a system with vendors akin to XIV, where a vendor can have a menu to select which set of items you want to browse. That way, you can just add every galactic season rewards on a single vendor, but on different tab. This solve the issue of flooding the fleet, and would cost less long-term dev ressources :)

I see what you're saying, and I agree that artificially inflating gametime is bad, but I'm trying to make the idea attractive to the devs and, more importantly, to the suits holding their metaphorical leash. If the suits at EA see potential for profit, however small, they'll greenlight it.


On 5/23/2024 at 7:09 AM, Rohndogg said:

I'm seeing a trend toward removing the fomo of seasons with overwatch moving their mythic skins to a currency, helldivers having permanent battle passes that aren't timed, DRG as mentioned by OP, and others.

I think devs are finding it creates an all or nothing attitude. If I know I can't play enough to unlock things I'm just gonna play a different game since I can't get the items I want anyway. Or I'm bitter because there was something cool but I couldn't afford a subscription at the time so missed out and have no way to go back.

We're seeing a shift because the people that will play every day are going to do that regardless and courting the casual base shouldn't be about making them fear missing something, it should be making them feel welcome and wanted while they are here. The rest will take care of itself.

I think we need to all remember, players and devs, that these are games, they are for fun. If we're not enjoying ourselves what's the point?

More chances to get stuff is always good imo.

I 100% agree. The "Games as a Service" and "Only Game They Play" ideas are slowly dying. Casual players don't want to make their free time into a second job, and all sorts of players are beginning to rebel against the ideas of pre-orders and micros and subs. But a company like EA is all about short-term profit over long-term customer loyalty, so I felt the need to word the suggestion in a way that'd make EA happy. Gotta take baby steps with these types.


On 5/23/2024 at 9:47 AM, yenzin said:

Posting to second a lot of what has been said in this thread.

I missed out on several of the past seasons. There are a lot of weapons and items I want, but cannot get and it is actually a bit depressing. As much as I liked Guild Wars 1 at the time, one of the things I really hated about the game were the limited edition items only obtained through events. If I was unable to play during an event, then I was never able to get the items from it. After a while, I just stopped trying to get them at all because it was too upsetting to me. 

Now there is this game which I adore, but again, there are event items I cannot get at all because I did not know about the game, or could not play at the time. I am maxed on Galactic Tokens, but there is nothing I currently want to spend them on. I would love to be able to spend them on past weapons and armour pieces/sets (maybe a full armor set could cost 15 tokens). These are just three (blaster, Game P.I.T. Wristband, Shadow Enforcer skirt) of the items I really, really want. 

Please give us past items/sets we can buy with Galactic Seasons Tokens. And the companions.

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I actually got all the bits of the two Shadow Syndicate armors and Pit Boss armor, but my dumbahh thought that collecting a piece would track it in the Collection tab. I didn't realize I needed all 7 pieces in my inventory to unlock it. So now there are armors I technically got, but never actually unlocked because I screwed up. And they're items that aren't added to the rotational GSToken vendor.

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