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Solaris Academy


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Solaris Academy

Solaris Academy is a large, mostly active jedi Role Playing Guild operating within the current timeline but not interacting with it. We offer Heavy Role Play centred around learning and or teaching the next generation of Jedirecruitment process done via our guild discord.

Join now https://discord.gg/tUWpmDh


  • Casual Roleplay taking place mostly between 18:00 BST and 02:00 BST
  • Events that are both regular and spontaneous
  • GSF IC Lessons and Jedi Path Tutelage
  • Journal writing and trading
  • Community Events

Recruitment is at this moment OPEN for all ranks! Currently not accepting: <Purebloods>



In every corner of the galaxy
, there those born with force sensitivity. From any race and all ages as Jedi recruiter's search the galaxy looking for these individuals. Once found offered the option to join and train in the temples of the Jedi order. As Initiates it doesn't matter where you come from, you are Students. Knowledge is not a necessity. during your journey you will find and learn from people you might not have expected. Since you're students, you probably didn't learn the lesson of Patience. which is okay, everyone can make mistakes. And only through those mistakes will you eventually grow and become what you've envisioned once yourself, as the world around you will test you in every aspect of life.


  • Wishing to learn and attempting to display patiance
  • Coming to lesson's
  • Attempts to familiarize with the Order's Knights and Masters.
  • Aiming for the initiate trail's

Masterless Padawan

During the war, Jedi Masters and Knights alike find themselves dying or lost while their padawans survive the ordeal often returning to the temple on their own looking for a new teacher. As a Masterless Padawan you have the ability to carry a lightsaber and to continue the journey towards Knighthood, having proven that you are capable and that you understand the Jedi Code. You have room to make mistakes and a lot to improve but understand the workings of the Jedi Order and the responsibility that it bears.


  • You know the Jedi Code, can apply and now see it's deeper meaning, not just wording
  • Following lessons while attempting to display patience and decorum.
  • Attempts to find a master among the Order's Knights and Master


You finished all three trials of the Jedi Order in the time of the Old Republic and now are on your way to the journey of mastering yourself. Lead groups into battle, negotiate for peaceful outcome or hold lessons on aspects of the force, lightsaber combat or self-control. There is little room for mistakes, you know your task and your past. Having come to terms with it to lead you onwards through this journey. Heading where the force leads you.


  • Knowing the nuances of the Jedi Code and how tricky they can be to apply.
  • Giving lessons for Initiates and Padawans.
  • Looking for an suitable Padawan eventualy.
  • Leading or Learning how to lead events.


You are the veterans of the Order, you have stepped where generations have stepped before you as you step to train the next generation of Jedi. A life of servitude under your belt with an open mind to learn. People respect you for what you have accomplished and look to you for answers which they have to find themselves. Wishing that a piece of your wisdom helps them on their journey. You get access to every part of their life and decide a lot on matters like trials, training and other interesting topics.


  • You know the Force and understand its depth and meaning on a grand philosophical level.
  • Being in contact with the story department of the Guild.
  • Leading events.
  • Making lessons for Initiates and Padawans.
  • Looking for a suitable Padawan.


Join now https://discord.gg/tUWpmDh




Edited by saberpowerstorm
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