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Press "M" to open map does not show QT points in area map


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So after playing around more, the problem with the bug is that when I open the map with the shortcut key, QT points only show up in the world map, but they don't show up in the area map.  If I use the quick travel icon to open up the map, I see QT points on the area map and world map.


Update, this seems to be a character specific bug?  Some characters are experiencing this bug while other characters are not.

Edited by klizilii
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14 minutes ago, Injunuity said:

mine seems, fine, even got a screens snip https://imgur.com/a/EFoRkOo of the filters and map with all enabled. might want to check yours, see if any are unchecked that you want enabled. sometimes mine will all uncheck, idk why, still trying to figure that one out lol

It's a per character bug maybe?  I just logged into a toon where I can press "m" and see QT points on the area map.

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For me it was idiosyncratic based on character and planet.

Yesterday, I decided to play a lowbie character b/c I wanted to get the easy use a companion as a tank objective for GS5. I had one on who was super low on Dromund Kaas.

When I loaded her up none of the QT points were available. So, I was forced to Taxi (well, I could have walked) from outside of Spaceport to Dark Temple. After the Taxi, all the QT points opened up.

I'm not saying this will work for others or anyone. Just was surprised it worked for me.



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Yesterday I had this problem with Iokath with the Iokath Spire QT not showing up... 

It was really annoying and I don't know what I did to fix it.

Would anyone know how to replicate the bug so I can get some footage?

Edited by felleto
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